Moving in with EXO

Secrets from EXO


JUST fell in love with Ailee! Her voice is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


Jaehwa arrived in the lecture hall, spotting Micha and sitting next to her. She contemplated whether to tell her. Though if she told her, Micha would most likely go phyco and beg to meet EXO. Great…just the perfect way to start off. Jaehwa decided to keep it to herself. Man, I have to find some time to pack for tomorrow. She groaned, unknowingly. Micha looked at her.

                “You okay, Jaehwa?” She whispered, ignoring the professor’s dirty looks.

                Jaehwa nodded and tried to go back to focusing on the lecture about the Joseon Era.

                2 hours later, everyone rushed out of the lecture hall. Jaehwa stretched her arms in the cold air. It was only March but she was still scolding the weather for the cold weather. Micha linked arms with her.

                “Hey, Jaehwa, let’s get some lunch before our second lecture!” She suggested.

                Jaehwa looked at her watch. She had an hour left. “Alright.” She surrendered and they walked off to the nearest café on campus.

                The nearest eatery was actually a Korean BBQ place which they decided on was fine. They ate bulgogi, spicy pork, and chicken wrapped with lettuce, rice, bean paste, and kimchi. In the end, Jaehwa felt like she was going to explode. When the check came, Micha snatched it.

                “Yah! Micha! Don’t you dare pay for it by yourself!” Jaehwa whined, trying to snatch the bill.

                Micha stealthily slipped her credit card in there and quickly handed it to the waiter, throwing Jaehwa a teasing smile. Jaehwa pouted. She hated when Micha did this.

                “Oh, come on, don’t worry about it!” Micha told her.

                Stubbornly, she left with Micha to their last lecture. After, Jaehwa went back to her apartment. It was only 3pm. She still had some time before she had to leave to work. She called the landlord, informing her that she was moving. She then decided on packing up her things. Jaehwa still saved the cardboard boxes from her move years ago into the apartment, which she was glad she did. She began in the kitchen, packing the dishes carefully along with other appliances. Then moved to the living room to pack up little items she owned in there. Then she realized what am I going to do with my furniture? Jaehwa huffed. It had taken her so long to save up for all the proper furniture and now she was going to have to give it away.

                Jaehwa had just finished before noticing the clock. She dressed up in her work outfit and left for work. She was sad to break the news to Joongki who had always been so nice towards her but he was still happy for her. After 11pm, she handed her resignation letter into the manager and left without a backward glance. Joongki drove her home though, since it was her last day. They arrived at her apartment building and got out. Jaehwa turned to see Joongki out of the car too.

                “Why did you get out?” She wondered.

                Joongki laughed nervously. “I wanted to see you off.” He told her.

                Jaehwa nodded, a bit confused. Couldn’t he have done that in the car? And since when is he so nice to drive me-“ Her thoughts were broken as Joongki pulled her into his arms.

                “Good luck on your next job!” He told her.

                With wide eyes, Jaehwa nodded. Wow. This was her dream a year ago when she had a crush on him. Now, she didn’t know how she felt. They broke apart and Joongki left in his car. Jaehwa trudged up the stairs, tiredly and into her packed up apartment. She was glad she didn’t have classes tomorrow so the move wouldn’t be so rushed and stressful.

                The next day, a moving truck that the man from SMTOWN had ordered, arrived at the front of the building. The moving guy was even nice enough to help her bring her stuff down and into the truck. Jaehwa took one last look at the apartment and left in the truck. Her apartment wasn’t anything special to her. It wasn’t like she had precious moments with her parents in there (unless you counted them breaking in asking for money).

                EXO’s dorm was across Seoul. It took a while to get there but when they arrived, Jaehwa’s jaw dropped. It was its own building! And a rich-looking one at that. She couldn’t believe she’d get to move there. She got off the truck and approached the front door. A boy answered the door. He was extremely tall and good-looking. He looked down at her with a smirk.

                “You’re our manager?” He questioned.

                Intimidated, Jaehwa slowly nodded. The boy looked her over. She was wearing a white T-shirt covered by a black coat, black jeans, and her army boots.

                “You look kind of girly for a boy.” He stated.

                Jaehwa’s heart dropped in panic OHMYGOD am I going to be given away so quickly? She wondered in fear. She tried to erase it from her thoughts and managed to smile.

                “Yeah, that’s what my homies say.” She told him, hoping to sound like a dude.

                The boy raised his eyebrow. “Homies?” He repeated. Then, he burst into laughter.

                “Well, at least you have humor!” He said, and pushed past her to bring in the boxes.

                As he past her, he stopped. “I’m Kris by the way.” He told her, and then continued inside.

                Jaehwa tried to calm down her heart as she brought in some boxes. This was more stressful then she thought. She walked into the main room and gasped. It was a so messy! She couldn’t believe the pigsty.

(imagine this room messy lolz)

She clucked her tongue in disgust and continued down the hall where Kris was. She turned to the right room and plopped the boxes down. There was already someone living in the room. She gulped and turned to Kris.

                “Am I sharing a room?” She asked with horror.

                “Yeah, there aren’t enough so you’ll be rooming with Kai.” Kris told her.

                Share? Room? With a boy? This just gets worse. It didn’t even faze her when Kris left. She was so bent in her thoughts to even notice. With these conditions, I’ll be lucky if I don’t get discovered by the end of the week! She thought with dread.


Jaehwa looked around the room. It was fairly spacious. There was a walk-in closet, a computer, a big brown bean bag chair and a bunk bed. Not to mention the room had a really great view of Seoul.

She sighed, accepting her fate. She’d have to share a bunk bed with a guy. The idea just gave her the chills. She decided to forget unpacking and padded down the hall back to the main room. Where is everybody? She asked herself.

                “Everyone went to get some ice cream but they should be back any minute.” Kris told her, as if he heard her question.

                Jaehwa turned around to see him standing right behind her.

                “Then why are you here?” She asked.

                “Because someone had to be here when the manager showed up.” Kris replied with a huff, clearly upset that he had to stay.

                Jaehwa nodded and went into the kitchen area. It was a nice kitchen. It even had a long table, for the 12 members to sit and eat together. She wondered how much this residence had cost. It must’ve been expensive. She sat the kitchen’s bar chairs up against the high counter top. I could definitely get used to this. She thought with a smile.

                Just then, the front door open and a bunch of male voices could be heard.

                “Did he come yet?” One asked.

                “Yeah, he’s in the kitchen.” A deep voice, obviously Kris’ replied.

                Jaehwa turned around to see 11 new, god-like boys shuffle into the kitchen. One with dark skin, plump lips, and poofy brown hair gave her a smirk.

                “Hello, roommate.”


Pictures/Macro Mashup!

Gosh, Kai! Why you have to be so damn y???


BAP Macro! LOL I'm about 3 months younger than Zelo! So I can't be considered a PedoNoona haha but I still love my baby Zelo!


SHINee Macro! Oh and your obsession with chicken! I could almost swear you're looking up at Shisus too!


EXO Macro! Calm down Luhan! You still have your Sehun baby! Kekeke I ship this couple!


EXO Macro! OH-MY-GOD-BEST-MACRO-EVER! They stay true to the lyrics! "Roll like a buffalo' XD

EXO Macro! Poor boyz-kept here until their debut...


Such a long page! Next chapter I'm definitely going to put in LAY MACROS! Including unicorn and Lay chip ones! keke I love those ones! Annyeong till then!

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meemow123 #1
I love this so much kaksbsjvfjskaksjhbdhwiwy whelp T.T
Update when you're ready :) I'm grinning like an idiot now what
Chapter 5: Is there more?
Chapter 5: OMG! This is really interesting^.^ Hehe can't wait for your next update:) Hwaiting!
Lol Lacey upload some more Lay!
I love the you explained the guys as Y GODS jajaja thums up for that!! :-D
OMIGOD! she nearly touched Kai's underwear?! HAHAHA!!! XDXD
this story is getting so interesting~ good luck on your exams!! ^^
Rommate with Kai WOW~ Don't be scared or nervous, Jaehwa, just enjoy your stay XD
I can't wait to see what happens next! ^^ And btw, hwaiting for your exams! ^^