The Speed Bump in Work

Secrets from EXO 


Hell yeah, Rain! You rock that ab dance! Woo!


                “Another bottle of soju, here!” A guy called.

                “Coming!” Jaehwa hollered, she served the last drink on her tray and then hurried off to the bar again. She grabbed another bottle of soju out of the fridge and brought it to the guy. She began to walk away when he grabbed her arm. She turned to look at him. He was clearly drunk, swaying from side to side.

                “Are you a cross-dresser?” The guy asked with a round of laughter from his friends.

                Jaehwa let out an angered huff. “No, I’m a girl, thank you very much.” She replied and tried to pull her arm away. But he didn’t let go.

                “Prove it!” The guy shouted, making her jump.

                She swallowed nervously. “How?” She asked kind of already knowing the answer.

                The guy moved his hands toward her skirt but since Jaehwa expected it, she was able to dodge him, taking the opportunity to yank her arm out of his grip. The guy hiccupped and then looked up at her in slight anger.

                “Now, I’m going to have to assume you’re a cross-dresser.” He told her.

                “Well then, assume it.” She told him, and with that she turned and left.

                Shortly after, he and his friends stumbled out of there, only to throw up in front of the door. Jaehwa sighed and looked at the bartender, Joongki, with puppy eyes. He looked up front wiping the counter.

                “Fine.” He agreed and left to go clean it up.

                Jaehwa grinned, pleased with her victory and rewarded herself with a cherry meant for the alcoholic drinks. When Joongki returned, he sat next to her on the high booth chairs. Jaehwa liked him. They weren’t too close but he was really nice and helpful. He was 21, just one year older. She used to have a crush on him. He had short, brown hair, big eyes, and soft pink lips. Now, Jaehwa thought of him like a friend or maybe a brother.

                “So how’s school going?” Joongki asked.

                “Ugh…don’t remind me…I hate college!” Jaehwa huffed.

                Joongki laughed. “It wasn’t so bad when I went there.” He said.

                “Well it got worse after you transferred. The teachers have the senses of that of a bat.” Jaehwa mumbled.

                Joongki’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you still being bullied? At this age in college?” He asked, worriedly.

                Jaehwa waved it away. “Not bullying. More like comments on my boyishness.” She explained.

                “Oh, so they’re just stating facts?” Joongki asked.

                Jaehwa pushed him off the seat. “Yah!” She protested.

                Joongki mounted the seat full of laughter. “Just kidding.” He told her. “Merong.” He stuck out his tongue.

                “Want some martini salt on that tongue?” Jaehwa threatened.

                His tongue disappeared quickly making a slurp sound. They both cracked up.

                “Hey! Waiter! I need another beer!” A voice boomed.

                Jaehwa sighed. “I’ll bring it right away!” She told him.

                After getting home, she felt exhausted. The last thing she wanted to do was sit around and fill out a form but she did. She started with the easy information but then it started asking for skills. What looks good on an application for managers? She wondered. Jaehwa wrote ‘responsible, good at cooking, and attentive’, hoping it was enough.

                Jaehwa woke up the next morning early and rushed off to her college campus. She had one morning class, would hurry to the SM building for the interview, and return for 2 afternoon lectures. Her morning class was English which she tried hard at but was weak in. Aigo…why’d I sign up for this damn class? She thought, listening to the teacher speak foreign to the class.

                She finally got out of class and headed to the SM building, walking again through its breathtaking lobby. The lady made her follow her into the elevator to the 10thfloor, walking down a hall of office rooms. She then stopped in front of one room, knocked, and let her in. A short, honestly unattractive man smiled at her.

                “Sit.” He told her.            

                Jaehwa did so obediently. He clasped his hands together as he sat behind his gigantic desk.

                “Do you have your application?” He asked.

                Jaehwa nodded and dug it out of her bag, handing it to him.

                There was the longest time of silence as he looked through the form. Then he set it down on the desk, clearing his throat.

                “What is your current job?” He asked.

                Jaehwa’s cheeks turned red in embarrassment. She had left that section blank for a reason. Why would a company hire a former waitress at a bar for such a responsibility? But she couldn’t lie. Not to get such a meaningful job (except for the gender issue). She looked down at her feet.

                “Waiter.” She replied quietly.

                There was silence, and then the man shifted in his seat. “You’re hired.” He told her all of a sudden.        

                Jaehwa wasn’t sure if she had heard right. She looked up at the man. “What?” She asked.

                The man chuckled. “You’re hired.” He repeated.

                Jaehwa’s eyes grew big. “Thank you! Oh my god! Thank you!” She exclaimed.

                The man handed her some papers. “This has the information you’ll need to start including the address of your new living quarters.” He explained.

                “Wait-I get a new house too?” Jaehwa asked, this was all too good to be true.

                The man shook his head. “No, of course not. You’ll be rooming with EXO in their dorm.” He told her.

                If Jaehwa had been eating at that moment, she was sure she would’ve choked to death. Her jaw dropped. She looked at the man.

                “B-b-but, Mr-“ She began.

                “Mr. Lee Sooman.” The man corrected.

                “Mr. Lee Sooman. Is it mandatory?” Jaehwa asked.

                “Yes. You need to be able to keep an eye on those boys for me.” Sooman told her.

                Now I know why there was a gender requirement. Jaehwa thought with dread. But this job paid too much to give up. Would she really give up such a job to go back to the bar? And she had just been accepted for sure! Jaehwa pouted her lower lip in her conflicting thoughts as she left. When she arrived back on the college campus, her mind was made up. I’ll take the job. I mean…it’ll go over smoothly right?


Will it? Well hell no of course not! When does anything EVER go smoothly when someone says that?? And plus there'd be no storyline lolz


And more specifically-SUPER JUNIOR MACRO TIME!!!!

Yes. Yes you are. LOLZ Kangin be trolling XD He's back from the army everyone! Haza!

YEAH we all wish THIS was what we'd see when we'd open our closet!



There would be more but my computer is being an a** so I've had to type in the full URLs myself...what a pain...oh well! more next chapter! lalala

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meemow123 #1
I love this so much kaksbsjvfjskaksjhbdhwiwy whelp T.T
Update when you're ready :) I'm grinning like an idiot now what
Chapter 5: Is there more?
Chapter 5: OMG! This is really interesting^.^ Hehe can't wait for your next update:) Hwaiting!
Lol Lacey upload some more Lay!
I love the you explained the guys as Y GODS jajaja thums up for that!! :-D
OMIGOD! she nearly touched Kai's underwear?! HAHAHA!!! XDXD
this story is getting so interesting~ good luck on your exams!! ^^
Rommate with Kai WOW~ Don't be scared or nervous, Jaehwa, just enjoy your stay XD
I can't wait to see what happens next! ^^ And btw, hwaiting for your exams! ^^