Eunhyuk: A Guide to Safe Driving



Dear beloved ELFs,

I was watching the news a few nights ago and there was a report on driving statistics. It was shocking to see the number of fines and tickets distributed by the police in the past year increase by nearly 50%.

Throughout the year, Super Junior holds a lot of different events. It is always very touching to see so many of you support us. I know that many of you drive to these events. Of course, I believe that none of you have ever received a ticket or fine before. However, I was still a bit concerned. I decided to give you guys some tips on safe driving, so you can save some money to come watch our concerts and buy our albums.

Eunhyuk’s tips to safe driving:

  1. Always stand while driving; this gives you a better view of the road and possible obstacles. (I suggest you smash the roof of your car first.)
  2. Never drive alone, as you might become bored (very dangerous), make sure that you have someone good-looking (e.g. Donghae) to distract you.
  3. Remember to wear very dark sunglasses whenever you drive, it will protect your eyes from blinding traffic and car lights.
  4. Drive as fast as you can. It saves time and allows you to reach your destination quicker, thus reducing chances of accidents occurring.
  5. When you see a yellow light, charge ahead.
  6. Drink a lot of water before you drive. Needing to go to the toilet is always a good motivation to drive faster.
  7. Cut in and out of lanes frequently
  8. Use the steering wheel as little as you possibly can. Too much hand-feet-eye coordination will confuse your brain and make you tired.
  9. Beep constantly or play extremely loud music so that cars around you will know that you are near and let you through.
  10. A good hand sign to show your appreciation to other drivers is the peace sign. It also is good for resolving any disputes you might encounter on the road. Definitely use it when you see the police around.

I hope that all of you will follow these guidelines whenever you drive. Safety is a priority. I hope to see every single one of you screaming my name at our next concert, healthily and injure free.

Thank you for your time and see you soon! I love you all! Saranghae! <3







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Chapter 3: LOL ! I only can shout without voice ~ Its great by the way to see the results of polls, kaka
omg hyukkie~ haha i'll keep that in mind~
i will follow hyukie advice when i'll pass the driving test