The Price of Friendship

Drabbles Collection

Title: The Price Of Friendship
Length: Drabble
Pairing: TaeMin/? (Insert who ever you wish for)
Genre: Crack Angst
Author: TheBlobMaster ^^
Warning: Boys Love. Hugging? 

The feeling of betrayal spread through his stomach, as he watched his best friend. The one he thinks of like a brother, with his crush. He knew very well, what was going on. He had seen his best friend in action before, hitting on those ty girls that always hang around them. But this was different. His friend was hitting on HIS crush and also a boy. He had told him that he was gay as soon as he found out. It didn’t ruin their friendship. He was accepted. He had also told him as the first who his crush were. 
He was surprised that his tears didn’t start coming. Instead his anger grew as he saw his ‘friend’ putting his arm around that waist, he wished he could hold. The blush that crept up ant he waist owner, made him lose his mind.
His legs started running and as he reached, he grips the collar of his ‘friends’ jacket, shaking him like mad, while yelling “How could you? How could you? I thought you were my friend, my brother. How could you?” His ‘friend’ just stood there like a stone, not knowing what was going on. He stopped shaking his ‘friend’ looking to the side, where his crush stood confused. Tears swelling up in his eyes.
“TaeMin..” He stutters. His ‘friends’ eyes lights up, now knowing what went on. 
“You know, what TaeMin said to me just now?” His ‘friend’ challenged him with a smirk. His attention was now at his ‘friend’. TaeMin looked confused from one to another. 
“He said, that he just loves” His ‘friend’ paused, smirking.
He could feel cold sweat running down his spine.
“Your dorky side” The grin on his friends face, and the words that just came out of his mouth, made him freeze. 
In the corner of his eyes, could he see TaeMin go all red. His grip loosened and he stepped towards TaeMin. 
“Was that why you blushed before?” He received a nod. Soon enough TaeMin could feel arms around his waist and the boy he liked was now linked to him. 
“Thank god, thank god” was being mumbled.
A smile crept up on his face and his hands went around the other as well.

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Oh gosh, chapter 7 was so beautiful!!! <3