A Sad Heart

Drabbles Collection

Title: A Sad Heart
Length: Drabble
Fandom/Characters: Onsided!JongHyun/Onew
Author: TheBlobMaster ^^
Warning: Fail depressed

You love her, don’t you? I can see it on the way your eyes flashes when you look at her. She’s our best friend. The three of us always together. ‘Love shall never get in the way of our friendship’ wasn’t that what we promised each other? How come we ended up in this weird dilemma thing then? I never said this to you, but she confessed her feelings for me once. I rejected her. I knew it would hurt you if I accepted. I told her that I already liked someone. Of course she couldn’t understand, since we always told each other everything. I didn’t lie to her though, I really did and still do have someone I like. None of you know. I never planned to tell anyone. If I did, surely you would hate me. She didn’t start crying at my rejection, nor did she get mad. She asked if it was because of our promise. I did nothing, but nod. She smiled at me and turned around, walking away. 
Years later, you confessed your love for her. I was there, you had asked me to. I had seen the love grow in her eyes, when she looked at you, instead of me. I knew she would accept your love. I had foreseen it. 
Tomorrow the two of you are getting married. You’re becoming Husband and Wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lee. I still haven’t told any of you, whom I have loved for so many years yet. I’ve been on so many blind dates that you guys have tried to match me with, that I would be rich if I got a coin for every one of them. I’ll be your best man tomorrow, I’ll follow her up the aisle giving her away as the father she never had. I’ll say nothing, when it’s asked if anyone has a protest to the marriage. I’d rather break my heart seeing you get married, than loose the both of you. No matter what, Lee JinKi you hold my heart in your hands. Unknowingly. 
I’ve loved you for so many years, but I just want to see you happy and the only way to do that is if I give her to you. I will say my full name Kim JongHyun, when I stand in front of you, with her by my side, letting her go to your side. Both of you wearing big smiles as you take each others hands. 
Still I’ll never say a word, about who my heart belongs to. 
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Oh gosh, chapter 7 was so beautiful!!! <3