Just a Glance

Drabbles Collection

Title: Just A Glance
Length: Drabble
Fandom/Characters: Onesided!JongHyun/TaeMin
Author: TheBlobMaster ^^
Warning: It's a suicide letter.

Once in a while, just once in a while. Smile, no you don’t even have to smile, just glance at me. Let me know, that you have noticed my existence . I love you, with everything in my being. I see everything you do, I know everyone you know. Still, even though I would die for you, not once did you ever glance at me. Is this a curse? Is it my curse, never receiving anything from you? You live next door, you don’t know me anyhow. Every time you bring a girl home and I hear you through the thin walls, my heart breaks a little more. Because how could you ever love me? We’re so different, at the same time so alike. I know your parents died in the same car crash as mine, we were both there too. You protected me, saying everything would be alright. You yourself on the verge to tears, seeing the dead bodies of your parents. Since that day have I watched you. You’re a senior at my school, your homeroom class is 3C, mine 2C. You’re the Captain of the Basketball team, I’m one of your top players. Still not even once do you talk to me, not once did you glance at me. It’s always the Vice Captain who praise me, scolds me, helps me. Girls want me, guys admire me. I have the looks, I have the brain, but I don’t want that. I studied like crazy to become first in school, just to get noticed my you. I train more and harder than any on our Basket team. Do you not see me? Can you not see me? If I try to contract you, one way or another, you walk away. Like you haven’t seen me. It hurts me, you know? I have love letters sent to me everyday. From girls and guys. I would give away every single one away if you just looked at me. I love you more than any girl you banged, more than any guy whom you talked to. I love you so much. Still you never once looked at me.

Goodbye Forever, JongHyun

- TaeMin
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Oh gosh, chapter 7 was so beautiful!!! <3