yes i like her!


hey everyone here is my updated fic hope you like do comment and subscribed

please subscribe

sit back and enjoy the story

this is skyblue234's promise to you ill update tomorrow

for singaporeans good luck in your exam!!!



here are my charaters:

kwon yuri

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she is cute, bubbly and talkative

she is the queenka along with the other queenka's also know as snsd

she has a crush on yong junhyung

yong junhyung

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mean, cold and arrogant. only nice when it comes to his pals

kinka along with the other kingkas aka beast

has a crush on yuri

yang yoseob

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cute, friendly

kingka along with beast

best friends with junhyung

have a crush on yuri


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best friends with yuri


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best friend with yoseob and junhyung



the teacher was scribbling algebra methods on the white board but actually no one is listening in class.



Yuri pov

" X×Y= 92, so what is X?" The teacher said. Gosh lessons are seriously lame. I mean we all know that if X×Y=92 X=92-Y.

But who with the right mind would care!!!

Oh sorry I forgot. I. Am Yuri, kwon yuri. I'm currently single but i jave a cruah and he is Yong JunHyung. Yes yes the well known playboy but the heart wants what the heart want there is no stopping it.oh my gosh yong junhyung just made eye contact with me ahhh!!!! Im dreaming someone pinch me. Ok im not seriois dont u there touch me. Im turning pink! Really! I chose the wrong time to grow embarrasssed.

junhyung pov

hey beautiful, you free this afternoon? You are not aw! OK I'm joking.

Hey I'm junhyung well Yong junhyung and I'm the kingka of this school and yes I'm the one who makes your heart pound loudly and I'm the one who just make eye contact with Yuri. I have a huge crush on her well since grade 1 of elementary school. Hey I know she likes me I mean who don't . Oh who? You? Aw come on let your heart lead you to the truth admit you like me OK OK I'll stop alright. So Ya I'm the links who has a crush. so ya im the kingka want to go on date. ok i was kidding sheesh!

author pov

OK it's another boring day at school. What ma

de interesting was the eye contact and I think that is all.will update later if possible anyway subscribed and comment pleaseImage DetailImage Detail  and aa

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Chapter 3: congratulations!

You have just won the award for best fanfic!

your prize is a pile of poo :))))
Hehe ^^ just in case you don't understand the pic it's junhyung quote. Live laugh love. 3L s to survive
update soon :) ~~~~>