The Ice Cream Shop - Second

The Ice Cream Shop


Daytime flew so fast and before Jinki knew it, it’s time to close the ice cream shop. Key already went ahead of him, telling Jinki that he has an ‘appointment’ with some clients.  Jinki, being the witty man that he is, knows that his friend was bluffing. Most of the time, he catches Key after work spending time with the neighborhood heartbreaker known as Jonghyun, a guy notorious for having numerous girlfriends (and boyfriends) in different parts of Seoul. He doesn’t understand why people swoon over him considering that Jonghyun looks like a hybrid between a puppy and a dinosaur, well, to him at least. Yes, the guy has a nice body but his attitude is a big turn-off in Jinki’s opinion.  The clumsy man doesn’t have anything against the dino boy but he is trying his best to keep the diva away from him. Of course, Key noticed this and explained to Jinki that he’s just ‘friends’ with Jonghyun.

“Lies.” Jinki thought whilst exuding a cheesy smile.

            He was in the process of closing the shop when he remembered that he needs to tell Key that some of the ingredients can’t sustain for tomorrow’s business. It doesn’t help that he forgot to bring his phone earlier, meaning, he needs to find Key personally. If there’s one thing Jinki hates so much, it’s searching for Key in the wee hours of the night. He knows that Key has a very active nightlife and the fact that Seoul is bombarded with clubs makes looking for Key impossible.  Luckily, he saw a poster of a newly opened night club near the shopping district.

“Guess I know where to look first” Jinki exclaimed.

He walked his way over to the club and noticed that the youngsters and people his age are also going in his direction, indicating that he’s heading in the right place. It was fairly obvious that Jinki wasn’t a big fan of going out, judging by his actions and the way he dresses himself, which, is not conventional for a full-grown Korean in this day and age.  After a few more minutes, he finally reached his desired location.  Jinki looked left and right to see if Key was anywhere near the place but he saw someone else other than his friend – Lee Taemin. He wasn’t expecting to see his crush in this part of the city, thinking that he’s too young and innocent for this kind of environment.  His thoughts flashed back, remembering the want of talking to the smaller man earlier. Jinki saw Taemin enter the establishment with his friends, interrupting his premature daydream and followed soon after.

The club was something to be amazed of. The lights, the ambience, the drinks are all of decent quality. Jinki would have continued praising the place hadn’t he seen Taemin dancing on the floor like there’s no tomorrow. The way the younger boy swayed his body in sync with the music got Jinki all hot and bothered; it’s as if Taemin was doing this on purpose. And it doesn’t help that Taemin was wearing something inappropriate for his age – and the weather. He can’t keep his eyes off the young man, his mind wandering places that sends shivers down his spine. Their eyes met accidentally and everything seems to pause. Taemin was aware that Jinki was eyeing him ever since he started conquering the dance floor and he seems much more confident now that the booze is starting to linger through his veins. The clumsy man, on the other hand, was having a hard time. Literally. His pants are starting to strain his growing manhood and his is slowly showing. He mentally cursed himself for getting hard wearing skin-tight jeans for the first time.  Jinki wasn’t like this before, but he was pretty sure that this is all because of the alcohol he drank earlier and Taemin seducing him.

Jinki had already forgotten his real intention in going to this place, until Key snapped him out of his daze.

“Whatcha doin’ here? I thought you hated this kind of place?” Key asked.

“Oh Kibum, there you are. I’m not here to party, for your information. I came here to tell you that the stocks for tomorrow are not sufficient” Jinki retaliated.

“Psh. I know that, our partners and clients were already informed about it. Said that they’ll deliver first thing in the morning” Key replied.

Jinki should have left the place by now but the diva noticed that Jinki was observing someone from a distance. He looked in the same direction as Jinki’s and saw a familiar face on the shop. Now he understands.

“Did you know that his name is Taemin?” Key questioned suddenly.

“Of course I know that!” Jinki exclaimed quickly, shocked as to why Key knows who he is looking at.

“I knew it! Hahaha! If you want him, why not approach him?”

“I’m not gay, Kibum. I just like him.”

“Well your actions are telling otherwise, Mr. I-like-guys-but-I’m-straight.” The diva teased.

“Whatever. I don’t need your opinion Mr. I’m-clearly-in-love-with-a-dinohybridpuppy-but-I’m-insiting-we’re-just-friends.” The clumsy man joked.

“You know, the problem with you Jinki is you’re too much of a gentleman, in a bad way. Tell you what, if you can spend the night with Taemin, you can take the rest of the month off… with pay.”

“What if I don’t?” Asked Jinki

“Then you have to do everything I want for a week. So?”

Jinki thought of it and realized that it’s a good deal. Besides, backing up now would mean enslaving himself to a very demanding person, and he doesn’t like that one bit.


“That’s the spirit, now go ahead and prove it to me. Make me proud!”

And before Jinki knew it, he was pushed in the dance floor in front of the y Taemin.

“Well, this is going to be a long night” Jinki exhaled.




Whew. It's been so long since I last updated this fic. Sorry guys, Your's truly was just busy these past few months. Don't worry, I'lll do my best to update this as long as my schedule permits. Hope you like this chapter! Comments are <3

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wow, that was pretty HOT, why did Taemin just leave him though, and how did he forget to untie his hands, did he just tie the together or to something?

I really hope that Key's keeping an eye on things, I'm guessing that he knows where they went sane as they do have a bet in place, he's gonna want to make sure whether Jinki goes through with it or not; if he's keeping watch he'll see Taemin come out but no Jinki, and hopefully go looking for him, so that he can untie him, not before teasing him though I'd imagine, keke, update soon. ;-P
OMO, this is gonna be good, I can't wait to see what he does, but no matter how dorky and clumsy Jinki is, Taemin won't be able to resist coz it's all part of his charm keke, that and he's TOTALLY HOT no matter what, ;-P update really soon. ;-D
Omo I cant wait to see Onew try to be smooth ^^
aaawwwwww, It's so adorable, I love it; I really hope that they fall in love, but then who couldn't fall in love with Jinki; he's amazing in every way; really looking forward to more, update really soon. ;-P
It's cute :) hope they fall in love ;D