Fell For The Devil


Smoke filling the air, the only light source were the neon lights, people dancing like there's no tomorrow, bodies hardly grinding against one another. Other people at their respective groups either drinking or making out, whatever they're doing. By the bar sat a petite woman clad in a black party dress that's hugging her perfectly toned body.

With her right elbow resting on the counter, she held the martini glass with her other hand, sipping it slowly every now and then. She savored the feeling of the burning drink flowing down . She was with her friends that were now on the floor, dancing with those people they didn't know.

After sipping the last drop of her drink, she turned around, ordered for another before settling her attention back to the dance floor. She was amused seeing the people dance, grind their bodies against each other, with all their might. Just then, from the sea of the dancing people, walked out her friend. Her tall friend to be exact.

That said friend walked to her, pat her shoulder before sitting beside her, "You don't want to dance?" the bartender then arrived bringing her drink before getting her friend's.

Femininely, she took the glass and started consuming her second drink for tonight, "It's too crowded right now,"

"It's the dance floor, Sica. Of course it'll be crowded," the tall friend rolled her eyes at Jessica's statement. Jessica smiled, the edge of her drink touching her lips. She turned around, now facing the counter, both arms resting on the bar.

"I know. I just don't want to dance right now, Yoong. Let me be," Yoona stared at Jessica with disbelief. "You came here to party Sica, not like sit her and just drink."

"But that's how I usually am. You know I'm like this," Jessica turned around, looking at the dancing people again when this certain female caught her attention. She was swaying her hips along the rhythm, her red hair flawlessly flowing along with her body.

Though it was dark and only the neon lights were the source of light, Jessica could clearly see the girl's face. She was wearing this black dress with a stockings that had somehow leopard like prints on it. Her dress ended just by her thighs, that were like saying to look and yet you can't see anything yet.

She has her back against a guy's body, grinding with him, but then she had her eyes settled on Jessica. It was like she was luring her, seducing her. She looked like a devil, smirking and telling her to come closer to her.

"What's the point of you coming here then. God Sica, you're so boring," just then someone tapped her shoulder, again, surprising her. Good thing she didn't spill her drink or else her dress would've been a waste. She glanced at the person before returning her vision to the girl on the dance floor but then she was gone.

"What's taking you two so long? Let's dance!" another friend of Jessica, Hyoyeon, said with her toothy smile. Yoona and Hyoyeon then started talking about something Jessica really didn't pay attention to. She was looking for this woman that was on the dance floor. Where'd she go?

She scanned the whole dance floor, then to the seats, but then she wasn't there. It was like she disappeared into ash. Furrowing her brows, she took another sip of her drink.

"You should dance, just this one time, Sica." Hyoyeon then dragged Jessica to the dance floor. No wait, she let herself be dragged to the dance floor, hoping she would see this girl again. In the sea of people Jessica instantly felt hot. Maybe because it was of the amount of people on the dance floor or it was because of the drink she had earlier, she didn't know which from the two.

As soon as she settled herself on the dance floor, just like on cue, another song started, making the people cheer. Later on, Yoona was seen on the dance floor, dancing with another friend of hers, Yuri, grinding their bodies against each other. Hyoyeon on the other hand was dancing with a guy.

And awkwardly, Jessica was standing there, swaying her hips from side to side every now and then. She was still looking for this woman but then she couldn't see her.

Removing the image of the girl off her mind, she then started dancing with random people, raising her arms on the air, showing off her curves. The men, of course, liked it. They were like wolves, burying their eyes on Jessica's voluptuous body. And the fact that her milky white thighs were exposed didn't help the men, even women, get their eyes off her.

Jessica closed her eyes, letting the rhythm flow along her veins, finally dancing ily. Her hair was flowing everywhere due to her excellent dancing skills. The guys were biting their lips from the view and god how they love to just touch her there.

On courageous guy approached her, placed his hands on Jessica's waist, waiting for her to open her eyes. Jessica fluttered her eyes open, checking who was dancing with her and there she saw a tall guy with that half smirk she found on guys so y.

"You've got nice moves there, lady." he said as he leans closer, their noses brushing against one another. God, how jealous of the other guys were when they saw Jessica didn't push him away. Jessica smirked, snaking her arms around the guys neck, letting her hands dangle on his buff back.

"What's your name?" Jessica asked airily, meeting the guy's eyes. He was handsome, in fact he looked exactly what Jessica was looking for.

"Jay. Jay Park. You?" Jessica then felt his hands run up and down on her sides, before resting both his hands back on her waist. And for a moment, Jessica shivered at the touch. She didn't like it.

Before she could answer the guy's question, she saw that red hair again just behind the guy. She was dancing with another random guy but her eyes were settled on Jessica's. Blinking rapidly, she stared back and for almost a minute, they had a staring competition.

Just then, maybe it was because she was tipsy, she somehow saw two horns by the crown of the red haired girl. Surprised, she stopped moving and waited for the neon light to pass that girl again and when it did, she saw them. She saw horns on the girl's head.

"What's your name?" the guy's voice broke Jessica from her trance. Jessica then excused herself, walking to where she saw the girl but then again, she disappeared. She was gone, again!

Cursing, she scanned for the girl. She bit her lower lip when she didn't see her. Jessica walked back to the bar, ordering another Martini, and settled her attention there.

Surprisingly, the girl she was looking for was there, standing across her. Due do shock, Jessica's lips were slightly agape. Just then she remembered what she saw. The horns.

Secretly, she checked the girl's crown and Jessica's eyes widen when she saw them there. Is she really a devil? And from there Jessica observed the girl's features. She was beautiful, enchanting. She really had a look of a devil, if she really was a devil.

Seductive, beautiful, she had everything to lure her prey to her. And for now, Jessica was surely falling for her. "You dance really well," the girl finally spoke. Her voice was husky and low. It was totally y and it was making Jessica's heart race. Seeing Jessica speechless, Tiffany smirked.

God that smirk, why did she smirk? She really looked like a devil there. Words seemed like couldn't come through Jessica's lips as she just stared at the devil across her. And the devil seemed like she didn't care. It was like she knew that Jessica's reaction would be that way. The girl then sat beside her, ordering a drink.

When the bartender arrived, Jessica stared at the guy seeing if he would react like she did but then he was like he didn't see anything. Didn't he see those two horns by the girl's head? With brows furrowed, she stared at the bartender who took the girl's order and walked away like the girl across her wasn't a devil.

Was she the only one seeing this? Was she the only one seeing those two horns on the girl's head? Jessica's jaw dropped when she saw the bartender serve what she ordered and walk away, again. "So, what's making your jaw drop like this?" the girl touched Jessica's chin, oh God how soft her touch was, successfully closing her lips again.

And again, Jessica couldn't answer back. All she did was just stare at her, "Are you like, mute? Or are you deaf?" the girl said, both brows arched as she takes a sip of her drink. Gulping, Jessica tried hard to ignore the girl's horns. Somehow, though she knew she was talking to a devil, she didn't want to leave.

She knew she needed to leave but she didn't want to. God, this must be the feeling of the devil winning over her.

"N-No. I'm sorry," Jessica took a sip from her drink, trying to avoid the girl's eyes but then she can't help but look at her again.

"My name's Tiffany, yours?" Tiffany settled her glass on the counter, the sound of the marble and the glass colliding heard. Tiffany then crossed her legs and from the movement, Jessica can't help but glance. Those luscious legs moved like in slow motion in Jessica's vision.

The way those long legs moved, the way her leg settled on top of the other, made Jessica bite her lower lip. She was sure, this devil was seducing her in her own ways. Ways that weren't really obvious and yet so easily to fall into. Tiffany cleared , grabbing back Jessica's eyes. She blushed madly, knowing she was discovered.

"J-Jessica," she stuttered, bringing the glass again to her lips.

"It's rude to stare, Jessica." Tiffany smirked, resting her hand on Jessica's exposed thighs. The touch made Jessica flame up and let this feeling inside her stomach emit. She knew this feeling. She was aroused. The effect of being seduced by a devil.

"Jessi!" hearing her name being called, she glanced at the source, which was on the dance floor. It was Yoona. Yoona walked closer and Jessica felt half thankful and disappointed. She was thankful that Yoona finally saw her, she could save her from the devil. Disappointed because Yoona saw her when she wanted to know more about this devil.

"Oh I see you have company," Yoona smiled at Tiffany, the latter smiling back, eyes forming into crescents. Jessica observed Yoona's expression, waiting for her to panic. With the corner of her eye, Jessica looked at Tiffany and there she saw the horns. Yes! Yoona would definitely see them.

"I thought you were all alone but it seems like you have company. I'll be back on the dance floor," Yoona then walked away and Jessica practically gaped like a fish. She didn't see them?! She didn't see the horns?! Was she hallucinating?

"You seem to have lots of expression, Jessi." hearing her nickname being used, she flicked her head back to Tiffany. Again, she was at loss of words.

"Excuse me," Jessica stood up and rushed to the toilet. She couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life in hell and she knew she needed to get away from that girl. From that beautiful, y, enchanting devil. She entered the toilet and looked at the mirror, panting due to her running.

Inside the toilet, she still could hear the loud booming of the music outside but it was still quiet. Jessica observed herself in the mirror. She looked completely flushed, a taint of pink spreading on her cheeks. It was probably due to the alcohol or maybe because of her running? She didn't know.

Just then the door swung open and Jessica prayed it was Tiffany. And from there, she knew God hated her when she saw Tiffany standing by the door wearing that devil smirk. Slowly and quietly, Tiffany closed the door with a click. Jessica, not knowing what to do, stepped back though she knew she had no where to run.

"Why're you running from me, Jessica?" Tiffany's voice was half sad half amused. The way Tiffany's brows arched sadly made Jessica think twice for her being a devil. But she confirmed she was a devil when Tiffany walked to her, a smirk plastered on her face.

Jessica gulped when she felt her back come in contact with the cold wall. She had no where to run anymore. Here she was, in a bathroom of a club, being cornered by a devil. She will surely be sent to hell today, this time. She didn't even get to say goodbye to her parents.

"Don't worry, it's fun in hell." Tiffany pinned Jessica against the cold wall, tightly gripping both the shorter girl's wrist.

"S-Spare me, p-please." Jessica wanted to shout it but then it came out as a begging whisper. Tiffany giggled and Jessica swore she'd be hell once Tiffany was done with what she was doing. Jessica tried struggling but then she failed. She didn't know if it was because she was drunk or because a devil was pinning her against the wall.

"A devil doesn't spare anyone, Jessica." Tiffany then slammed her lips against Jessica's. Expectedly of a devil's feature, her lips were addicting. So damn addicting Jessica then forgot she was supposed to be begging to spare her life. As soon as Tiffany kissed her, Jessica kissed back and she could feel Tiffany smiling in their kiss.

Knowing Jessica won't try to escape anymore, Tiffany let go of Jessica's wrists and roamed her body instead. Jessica wrapped her arms around Tiffany's neck, pulling her body flush against her. She could feel their legs coming in contact with each other and Tiffany's skin was so cold against hers. So cold that it made her shiver.

"A-Are you r-really a de-devil?" Jessica asked airily when Tiffany stared kissing her jaw line while her hands massaged her over the black dress. Tiffany then brought her lips next to Jessica's ear and whispered, "Let's go to your apartment. You'll know there,"

Without saying a word, Jessica walked out of the toilet, passing by Yoona who was at her previous spot on the bar. "Whoa, where're you going?"

"Home." Jessica walked out to to get her car and was about to get in the driver's seat when she felt someone pull her out of the car. She didn't know Tiffany was following her closely. "I prefer to drive, you're drunk. Just tell me where's your apartment,"

Without a word, Jessica walked to the passenger's seat, wrote the address and passed it to Tiffany.

In the apartment, as soon as they entered neither of them could stop. Jessica didn't care anymore. She'll rot in hell but then again, before she could rot, she finally had with that devil that somehow seduced her. She savaged Tiffany's lips, tugging and biting it and she loved it when Tiffany moaned loudly in .

Tiffany s her arms around Jessica's neck, her palm pressed against Jessica's scalp. Jessica could feel Tiffany's heaving chest against hers. Their way to Jessica's bedroom was bumpy. They kept pushing one another against the wall, letting out a small yelp, and stumbling on the floor.

Inside the room, lights were off, but since Jessica knew her room, she didn't need to open them anymore. Her calves hit the bed and she fell on the bed, Tiffany straddling her. In the moonlight, Jessica saw Tiffany smirk, that signature devilish smirk, before planting her lips on Jessica's neck, leaving marks that surely would be visible tomorrow.

"Not worrying you're having with a devil?" Tiffany said against Jessica's skin while her hands finally worked with Jessica's dress.

Jessica arched her back when she felt Tiffany press her palm against her smooth back, "I'll be glad to rot in hell as long as I'm with you," Jessica airily panted and gasped when she noticed she wasn't wearing her dress anymore. Sly woman, Jessica thought.

"How cheesy. Don't worry, I've marked you mine. We'll be together till we die in hell," Tiffany then removed her dress before kissing Jessica again on her lips, her devil hands doing their work.

The next morning, Jessica woke up with the movement she felt in her arms. Brows furrowed, she opened her eyes and there she saw Tiffany, peacefully sleeping. She was beautiful even with her messy hair, her long lashes so long she could count them. Jessica smiled at the thought of the events last night.

She looked like an angel.....

Jessica's eyes immediately widened when she remembered that this girl was supposed to be a devil! Weirdly though, Tiffany didn't have the horns. Why were there no horns anymore? Jessica pressed her palm against Tiffany's crown to check if she could still feel at least a hump of horn but then there were none.

"Looking for these?" Tiffany's voice shocked Jessica. Seeing Tiffany's arm reach for something behind her, she waited and when she finally saw what Tiffany was holding she couldn't help but scream. "YAH!" Jessica slapped Tiffany's shoulder, a loud smack echoing in the room, making Tiffany giggle.

In Tiffany's hands was a headband with two red horns. It was all fake! "I was shivering at the thought of being in hell back in the bar and here I find out you're fake?!" Jessica pushed Tiffany making her laugh even more.

"Shouldn't you be thankful I'm not really a demon? You're such a confusing woman, Jessica." Tiffany forcefully hugged the angered woman and waited for her to calm down.

"Funny though how you shivered so much back in the bar. I completely fooled you," Tiffany started planting light feathery kisses in Jessica's neck making her calm down.

"You should come next time, wearing that same headband to fool others. You should see how they'd react."
"Did my friends know you're..."
"I knew Yoona a long time ago, like way back."
"H-How come Yoona hasn't mentioned you?"
"I wanted to meet you myself," Tiffany then pressed her lips against Jessica's and the latter kissed back, wrapping her arms around Tiffany's waist.

"I still can't believe you're..."

Jessica smiled when she felt Tiffany stiffen when Jessica ran her palm against Tiffany's. She is human.

Inside that same bar, Tiffany, Jessica, Yoona and Hyoyeon were dancing. Ever since that day, Jessica and Tiffany were inseparable. Tiffany and Jessica, after feeling a bit tired, walked to the bar and there they saw a petite girl.

"Hey, see that cutie?" Tiffany said as she hooks her arm around Jessica's. They were about two seats away from the said girl. Jessica turned around, looking for the girl Tiffany was saying. She smirked when she saw that girl. She looked just like Jessica, bored and uninterested before she met Tiffany.

"Should we start?" Jessica turned back to Tiffany and both of them smirked. Tiffany signaled the bartender closer, Taecyeon, who was close to them now. "We'll start," Taecyeon smiled before handing two headbands, red horns on it. Jessica took the other one and both of them headed to the dance floor, just across Taeyeon where she could easily see them.

Jessica smirking, Tiffany eye-smiling, they started grinding their bodies against one another. Jessica glanced at the seated girl with the corner of her eye and there she saw the girl wide-eyed. She then remembered her reaction when she saw Tiffany for the first time. It must be a big effect with those fake horns on the crown of their heads.

"C'mon, lets go." Jessica tugged at Tiffany's arm but then the latter shook her head. "We need to disappear first and appear again." just then, this girl stood up from her seat, being dragged by another friend to the dance floor and Jessica smirked when they swiftly moved into the sea of ocean.

After playing hide and seek with the girl, they finally approach the girl that was seated on the bar. Jessica sat at the girl's left while Tiffany sat on the other side, surrounding the obviously shocked and scared girl.

"Hi there, you're cute." Tiffany purred before ordering a drink from the acquainted bartender, giving her usual drink.

"I like your blond hair," Jessica played with the girl's hair. The girl kept flicking her head to left and right whenever one spoke. Jessica, wanting to make the first move, inched closer and whispered against the girl's ear. "What's your name? Why you not talking?"

"Deaf or mute?" Tiffany smirked when the girl widened her eyes much more.

"T-Taeyeon... M-My name is T-Taeyeon.."

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Chapter 7: Mehehehe.. Soosica..
jnghn00 #2
Chapter 2: Just read this LOL SooTae *__* so cute ><
HyoSica and HyoFany please ^^
Hyotae and hyosica please<3
Hi i love you
Yoontae please!
fell for the devil is daebak! there should be a sequel, after that, it will be the three of them, then yuri is the next victim! kekeke
i love stories like chap 9 and 10,

ya know, not just but there's 'love' :))
Depression2412 #9
Hmm~ Jeti was y~~~ ;3
Me love it!
Really thought that Fany was The Devil...>_<
And I felt bad for SicaT^T
But it turns out to be fake... Yay!\^0^/
It was nice reading this!^^
summerwinter #10
Seriously fany is such a troll. Thought she was really a devil :))
Sica was really like scared with the devil but want her atvthe same time..
Omg wae like thiiiissss OTL
The last part its just LOL "Deaf or mute?" that make me laugh XD
Troll Jeti looool XD
Okay this is amusing! XD
I like your taengsic oneshot! Funny and fluffy at the same time! Hehe ;D
Thanks author for writing this, will wait for ur new oneshots soon! :)