

Your friends bought you tickets and paid for a hotel for you for two weeks in Korea for your birthday. the first day you run into someone and get hurt a little bit and it seems that the two fo you just keep running into each other


the name of this was origanlly "A 2 week vacation where you met Himchan." i realized the name was far to long. 

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 10: Awwww. Going to read the sequel now,hehe, looove this :)
Nice ending! :)
JellyBaby #3
''repaire'' does mean ''lair'' not ''liar'' ''liar'' is ''menteuse'' and ''tais toi et tu te coucheras beaucoup'' plus means ''shut up and you'll lie down more'' ''shut up you lie far more'' is ''tais toi tu ments beaucoup plus''
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
i love it
ok sequel i come :D
I love this story :)
happymoon #6
soo sad :'(
beatrice926 #7
sequel!! I can't wait;))
amama13 #8
I agree with @beatrice926. The story is so cute:) i cant wait for a sequel :)
beatrice926 #9
Your story is so cute!! :)