Apps Being Sent Out

AFF White Valentines Fic Exchange

Hey FicEx-ers...

Karlo (DarkHybridx) here informing you that we are in the process of sending out all the apps to their respective walls so that you all can begin writing.

However, since we had a different method in collecting the apps this time around, the apps will also be given in a different manner than usual, not that highly convoluted, but in case some of you are confused when you do receive them, the information on the app is given in this order:

  • Name of character
  • Age
  • Personality/Traits
  • Bias (and group)
  • If they want a rated oneshot (Yes or No)
  • Plot Bunny
  • Any extras (some may not have any extras)

If you're still confused, feel free to post on our wall and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Also, please do not post the App you have received onto your story after you have written it. Let's keep at least some confidentiality, so please, don't post the app.

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agree with raspberryTaffy. same here.
I know this is late... But I never got mine and I submitted the one I wrote to this account ages ago...
I know this is really late... <br />
But... I never got my one-shot. Thanks guys :)
sakura4li #4
...who haven't received a one shot yet???<br />
I haven't...and I handed mine in (late, but I still handed mine in)<br />
So who haven't got it but handed their in late??
Oneandonly #5
I posted my oneshot on the 13th, and I still haven't received a fic yet..
Uhm. I know this is a week late... And I'm really sorry. But I never got a fic. :/
i didnt receive mine..
sakura4li #8
And same here, I never got a fic even though I sent mine....late.....
Also just to let you know..<br />
I never got a fic ><
#10<;br />
posted it ^^<br />
and sent it to the person i was supose to give it to!