Sending out Applications

AFF White Valentines Fic Exchange

Hi all, crewmate staticdream here, real life has been pretty hectic for the FicEx crew, but we're all good now. We shall be sending out the apps within the week, don't worry about the fic deadline, remember you have from the 14th of February to the 14th of March to post your fics. And if for some reason you won't make the deadline, just inform us and there shouldn't be any unwanted consequences. 


Thank you for the patience and the continued support!

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agree with raspberryTaffy. same here.
I know this is late... But I never got mine and I submitted the one I wrote to this account ages ago...
I know this is really late... <br />
But... I never got my one-shot. Thanks guys :)
sakura4li #4
...who haven't received a one shot yet???<br />
I haven't...and I handed mine in (late, but I still handed mine in)<br />
So who haven't got it but handed their in late??
Oneandonly #5
I posted my oneshot on the 13th, and I still haven't received a fic yet..
Uhm. I know this is a week late... And I'm really sorry. But I never got a fic. :/
i didnt receive mine..
sakura4li #8
And same here, I never got a fic even though I sent mine....late.....
Also just to let you know..<br />
I never got a fic ><
#10<;br />
posted it ^^<br />
and sent it to the person i was supose to give it to!