Personal Message


We are looking for people to apply to be a part of our FicEx Crew!

Please fill out the form at this LINK to apply! Thanks!


Right now the AFF White Valentines Fic Exchange is going on.

Important dates for the exchange

All apps need to be received using this FORM by January 31st, 2011

Fics will be posted February 14th through March 14th

Any questions? Send us a comment XD



Fic Exchange FAQs

What is a Fic Exchange?

It is an exchange of stories between authors on this website. With a fic exchange, a few things happen: you submit an application with a couple and plot included, we give the plot to another user who then writes a oneshot based on the information you gave, and then once deadline rolls around, the oneshots are all posted within a certain period of time.

How will I know what story I will be writing?

We will be posting the information for the story you will be writing via private message on your wall.

When will we be receiving the information for the stories we will be writing?

We will be sending you the information on you walls starting Feb 1st. So you will receive it by Feb 4th.

How and where are we posting our story?

The oneshot will be posted on your own account.

Will we know what author we will be writing for when we receive the application?

Yes, you will know who you're writing from the beginning.

How will the person know that our story is finished and posted?

You can either tell your person on their wall yourself, or let one of the crew members know and we'll send them a little message that their gift was posted.

I want to change my application what should I do?

If you already submitted a form, then that's it. If it's a major change like wanting to change if you want it rated or not, just send a message and we'll change it for you. Other than that remember these do not need much thought. Just a simple plunny, and it is going to be a oneshot only, so no need to keep changing the information.

What if something happens and I can't post the story by the deadline?

We are very understanding people, as is most people. We understand real life happens, we only ask that you communicate with us if there are any problems. We don't get mad as long as we're told what is going on.

What will happen to those authors that don't turn in a fic?

Well, there isn't really anything we CAN do right now, but we're trying to come up with something. For now, we only will post a list of those authors that didn't submit a fic.


Crew Member FAQs

What is a consolation fic?

It's a fic that the crew members + other volunteers will be writing to those authors who have written a fic but didn't get one in return. We only require you to write at least one consolation fic.

If I am accepted in being a part of the crew can I still participate in the ficex?

Yes of course you can! Most of you that applied have already sent in applications to participate, so by all means you still can. Just remember to communicate with us if you forsee any problems. Also remember if you are accepted in the crew you also have to write at least one consolation fic. So make sure you are aware of that.

If I am chosen for the current FicEx crew will I also be involved in the future ones as well?

If you are chosen, it's only for the current one. We will be rotating volunteers for every FicEx to give more people the opportunity to participate in being a part of the crew.

About Me

Fic Exchange Crew -- click on the pic for the person's profile if you want to send them a direct message XD

If you send a message on here all of us will get it and will reply to you asap

RockaFlashaJen (Jen)


hanichan_1812 (Andi)


staticdream (Alix)


DarkHybridx (Karlo)