Follow Your Soul

2PM Album Project

Nichkhun had felt silly staring at the phone all day. He knew he was acting like a lovesick puppy, and he wasn't about to deny it either. He was in love, and he was willing to act the fool. Although, he did have one minor request from she who had managed to secure claims to his heart: Nichkhun wanted her to follow her soul. He was willing to let her leave and follow her dreams, he was willing to wait for her, but he had hoped she would realize that it was okay to follow her heart as well- when it came to more personal issues, that is. All doubts he had about her feelings for him had slowly dwindled away the more he had spent time with her- he was certain the feelings were real, he just wished that she had some sense to actually show it. He was getting frustrated, that, Nichkhun would admit to, frustrated, but also highly amused. He knew her, and he was content watching her struggle as she tried to express herself, but sometimes, a man wants what a man wants. She was holding back, and he didn't want that.

And so here he was halfway across the world to see her. Looking into her eyes, he knew exactly how she was feeling, she was transparent that way- or at least, to him, her eyes were. He tells her she better appreciate him being here, and that he wasn't going to hold back so neither should she. He wonders if she realized just how much he had been holding back, just how hard it was to not show her and the world the magnitude of his love for her. Love, yes, that's what it was and Nichkhun feels the rush of excitement, and happiness, and utter rapture consume him when she smiles back and nods. Time always seemed to stop whenever he looks into her eyes, yet the sun always rose too soon when he was with her.

Let go, he tells her, because he can't stop, he won't stop. He was going to let it all out now, and so should she.


Title: Follow Your Soul

Character: Nichkhun (Unglamorous)

Genre: WAFF? (Warm and Fuzzy Feelings)

Word Count: 359

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767 streak #1
great job!
nice story~!
PS updates are in between chapters >.> so just look for them since what I do is undraft the chapter as soon as I'm happy with it
Yangmei #5
Chapter 3, goosebumps <3
violinlover66 #6
I really like these drabbles! i think the heartbeat one was pretty clever in reflecting the choreography. (Maybe just because I'm Taec bias) Also, my colour was dead on! That's exactly how I feel about them :) <br />
I'm going to go and read your dream factory story now!
I am liking that there's not so much angst in the recent ones hahaha <3 Angel was lovely and My Color was was just :D
wow...the stories were great!! loved them...but makes me so sad
xD people commenting here makes me feel all a-fluttery xDD
I want him back too Woo. I liked that, short and sweet. Well not sweet..but you know