All Night Long

2PM Album Project

No breathing, just an intense fervor and a desperation in their touch that neither of them knew they possessed. It was a maelstrom of emotion clouding their thoughts, both reduced to their innermost desires and instinctive need for one another. From the way his lips caressed hers, to the way her fingers ghosted on his skin, everything was an onslaught of sensation bursting into an explosion of fireworks behind their eyes. Toes curling, nails digging into skin, breaths short and heavy, throats hoarse, hearts full. Entwined in each other's arms, the denouement of the night slowly faded as the covers were drawn.

Title: All Night Long

Character(s): Intended Khun and June, but take it however you like

Genre: uh....

Word Count: 102 

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768 streak #1
great job!
nice story~!
PS updates are in between chapters >.> so just look for them since what I do is undraft the chapter as soon as I'm happy with it
Yangmei #5
Chapter 3, goosebumps <3
violinlover66 #6
I really like these drabbles! i think the heartbeat one was pretty clever in reflecting the choreography. (Maybe just because I'm Taec bias) Also, my colour was dead on! That's exactly how I feel about them :) <br />
I'm going to go and read your dream factory story now!
I am liking that there's not so much angst in the recent ones hahaha <3 Angel was lovely and My Color was was just :D
wow...the stories were great!! loved them...but makes me so sad
xD people commenting here makes me feel all a-fluttery xDD
I want him back too Woo. I liked that, short and sweet. Well not sweet..but you know