Tired of Waiting

2PM Album Project

By the time Wooyoung realized it, it was too late. He had already been caught up in his own fantasy that he didn't know what was real anymore. It was a sad thought though, knowing that nothing can ever be as perfect as you imagine it to be, it was a sad truth. The veracity of that one statement held volumes of meaning for him, meaning that was now lost as the sands of time slowly sifted through his fingers, never to return. Like most people, Jang Wooyoung wanted one thing more than anything, more than his dream even. Hidden behind the veneer of his desire to be on stage was a want- a need more demanding that it sent him to his knees every time he would allow himself the liberty to even vaguely allude to it in his thoughts. What Wooyoung wanted was something perhaps the whole of humanity wanted.

Wooyoung wanted love.

To love, and be loved in return. A mutual addiction wherein two people would be completely attuned to each other. Perhaps it was silly and childish, nothing more but a mere boyish fantasy, but it was what Wooyoung wanted. Only now, as he stood alone at the empty corridor, he realizes one thing:

He was getting tired of waiting.

Title: Tired of Waiting

Genre: Angst

Character: Jang Wooyoung

Word Count: 214

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764 streak #1
great job!
nice story~!
PS updates are in between chapters >.> so just look for them since what I do is undraft the chapter as soon as I'm happy with it
Yangmei #5
Chapter 3, goosebumps <3
violinlover66 #6
I really like these drabbles! i think the heartbeat one was pretty clever in reflecting the choreography. (Maybe just because I'm Taec bias) Also, my colour was dead on! That's exactly how I feel about them :) <br />
I'm going to go and read your dream factory story now!
I am liking that there's not so much angst in the recent ones hahaha <3 Angel was lovely and My Color was just...it was just :D
wow...the stories were great!! loved them...but makes me so sad
xD people commenting here makes me feel all a-fluttery xDD
I want him back too Woo. I liked that, short and sweet. Well not sweet..but you know