


Park Bom's POV


“Great job everyone!” the photographer shouted.

“Nice work” everyone said enthusiastically

“You did well” Hyunmin said to me

“You were not bad either”

He smiled “So where are you staying during your visit here?”

“At a nearby hotel…Something like–Pink Petals- or something”

“You mean –Rose Petals- ?”

“Oh yeah that’s right”

“I stay there too you know…”

“You’re kidding right?”

“No I swear” he said smiling.


After taking a look at our photos everyone began to leave.

On my way back to the hotel I was suddenly overwhelmed by a strange nostalgia & started recalling to my mind That day.


It was difficult to part.

We had made such wonderful memories together in our stay to Japan.

The most difficult part was for Dara & Injun.

During the last days they were always together…

Trying to win against time which slipped by quickly.

They promised to meet as much as they can.

To keep their feelings alive till they grow up a little more & can be together at last.

It sure sounded like a fragile promise…

But who knows?

Though i'm sure that because it’s Dara & Injun they will make it..!

Either way…Don’t they say that it’s the journey that matters and not the destination?

Together they built wonderful and unforgettable memories.

And again…Don’t they say that the First Love is always the deepest?

There’s nothing more sweet that a young love~


For me…I still can’t recall my feelings of the last day.

I only remember packing my things and entering the living room where everyone else had been.

Ready for the last farewell

Goodbyes, grateful comments, jokes to hide the sadness....


They left first.

“Thank you for taking care of us” they all said.

One by one they walked out the door…

Mika with a grateful look

Karam handsome as always

Jay with a cute smile on his face

Injun waving while trying to hide his pain

Hyunmin smiling.......

Before he closed the door he looked at me, he seemed like he wanted to say something but immediately reconsidered...

He just waved goodbye and left…




Why back then…while my heart was being crushed by a heavy burden..


Why I was so careless





My Comments

It seems that this week will be impossible for me to update.. :'(

I have exams everyday and i really need to study if i want to pass the year T_T

I hope when i'm back you'll continue to support me :')


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fixletamore9 Thank you for your comment :)
cute <3
@ToldYouToBeKind thank you very much! Hyunmin's and Park Bom's story is my favourite indeed ^_^.
@marzixx Thank you once more :)

Btw I am really sorry i couldn't upload due to exams.
I'll upload later today 2 more chapters. Plz be patient C:
ToldYouToBeKind #4
Also good luck on your exams :D
ToldYouToBeKind #5
I have a feeling that Hyunmin's andd Bom's story will be really interesting.
Please update soon when u got time =)
marzixx #6
Thank you! And of course, i'll still read ur story!!:)))))))))))))))))
Pls. Update more.
@ILOVETHEFANFICS Thank you for you comment ^o^ Plz continue to support me and yep you're right xP

@marzixx Actually this is the end of Sandara's and Injun's story but if you want i can write 2 oe 3 special chapters for them x'D
I hope though you'll continue to read my story ^_^
marzixx #8
I thought it's the end already! hahaha PLS. UPDATE more!! Can you make more of Sandara park and injun?
Omg i'm in love with your story!
Plz Plz update soon >:D
The next part will be with Hyunmin and Park Bom right??!?
Kekek I just have this feeling :]
Btw nice collages ^-~
marzixx #10
Thanks for the updates ^^