1. Secret

MyungYeol 50 Fic Challenge~

Hey everyone! So, this is my second fanfic here on AFF.com, and I hope you enjoy it. MyungYeol is my second OTP, so I decided to make a 50-fic challenge! 

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys. Ownership of other human beings is just...I don't even think that's legal, is it? Wait, IS IT? O,e


~Chapter 1: Secret~






Myungsoo sighed in irritation, as his seatmate, Sungyeol, poked him inscessantly and quite annoyingly, with a pencil.

That's right. A freaking pencil.

Now, it's not as if Myungsoo's a pencil-hater or anything even remote to that. But one would get tired of being nudged repeatedly by a pencil, no?

And besides, it was starting to hurt.

"Will you stop that?" He gave an ice-cold glare at the choding, after being poked quite strongly.

"I wanna tell you a secret, Myung-ah." 

"Um... Hyung, you do realize that we're in the middle of classes, right?" Sungyeol rolled his eyes.

"It's history class, for God's sake. And besides, that never seemed to stop you from dozing off in class." Pointed out the taller male.

"Well, the teacher might just be extra attentive today..."  "Or it's just that I don't want to talk to you."

Now, Myungsoo wasn't really that much of a jerk. He could tolerate annoying people really well, what with sticking with the resident loudmouth, Hoya, his best friend, for several years. 

He just couldn't keep his feelings intact, he feels. 

You might have already figured it out as you're reading this sentence that, Myungsoo has some feelings for the other male. And even if I didn't make it clear, it's painfully obvious anyways. 

I mean, check the title. It's MyungYeol, so one of them is bound to be in love with the other. Duh.

So anyways, there was Myungsoo, trying to resist his secret crush (or not so secret; I just gave it away, after all.), who was being childishly adorable, and who was suggesting some things which could mean different things for Myungsoo.

What would you expect when your crush tells you about his secret?

Sungyeol leaned closer to Myungsoo, which wasn't all that hard, considering his height, and their chair proximity. They were so close to each other; Too close, that Myungsoo could see Sungyeol's pores, and probably even count his lashes and stuff. If you ask me, it's kind of gross though...

The younger male could even feel Sungyeol's warm breath ghosting against his neck, which dusted some pink on his cheeks.

"Neh. Myungsoo, I--" The bell had to ring at that moment, and they had to grab their chairs to keep them intact as a wave of students fled from the classroom. They noticed that they were all alone in the room.

"Sorry hyung, what was it again?" asked Myungsoo, but alas, he was silenced quickly.

Sungyeol had pressed his warm and plump lips agains Myungsoo's chapped ones, into a brief kiss. It wasn't too hasty, and it wasn't too passionate.

After a while, they both pulled apart while trying to steady their breaths.

"H-hyung... Could it be, that you...Like me?" Myungsoo smirked, which was a bit out of place, considering his ragged breath and flushed cheeks.

"That's my secret... Do you like me back, Myungsoo?" The tall boy shifted his eyes downwards flusteredly. Myungsoo chuckled at the other's adorable actions.

"Of course I do, hyung." He leaned in again to press a quick peck on Sungyeol's lips.

"So... I guess this makes me your dirty little secret, eh?" smirked the younger, which earned a flush from Sungyeol.

"What do you--" Their lips met once again, and this time more passionately. 

"I guess that's a yes, then."  The younger smirked against the other's lips. 


So, that concludes the first one. ^ ^ 

Please don't forget to comment, and maybe...subscribe? Tell me how I did, yeah? 

I don't ask for much anyways. - 3 - 

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I don't really hate you because you brought him back and... and... Okay, I should stop reading fanfics while listening to Only Tears. And I hate/love deathfics... Aigoo! But it's beautiful, every little piece, every detail... I almost cried, but I kept strong because there was someone beside me while I was reading... lçJLKASLDAKLSD Otherwise I would have cried a loooooooot! ;A; <3333
rain_sound #2
i hate you!!! I cried for god's sake!! I was reading this while listening to random songs and my phone suddenly became so 'understanding' with the situation so it started playing a sad song while i was reading this!!! T__T
you made me cry so freaking much i hate you uhuhuhuuuuu. ಥ_ಥ
your writing's so perfect.. and your idea's so original.. and.. and... GAAAHH
;AAA; <33333
13 streak #4
loving it ♥
Mo0onyDolls #5
Lol that was so funny ! And I loved reading it so much xD how is that sweet = gross ? What the hell ! Lmao ! Myungyeol ftw ! <3 even though I'm starting my own infinite OTP " myungdong " wahahahaha..
i died of fluffiness <3

wow it would be awkward if you were a dude._.;
nararahanibi #7
Sungyeol leaned closer to Myungsoo, which wasn't all that hard, considering his height, and their chair proximity. They were so close to each other; Too close, that Myungsoo could see Sungyeol's pores, and probably even count his lashes and stuff. If you ask me, it's kind of gross though...

OTL. Not even.. This is tooo funny and cute. XDDD
Awwwww! So adorable! ;^; I want more myungyeol oneshots! <333