Chapter 2

Wealthy Agony


"I'll go get some drinks from umma. Wait a moment," I flashed Eunji unnie a smile before going downstairs to get some drinks and snacks.

"Umma~ Do you have anything for us to chew on, and some drinks?" I asked my smiling mother. "Sure dear, I am baking some cookies, I'll bring up for you girls later~ And... There should be a few cans of drinks in the refridgerator... unless that mouse drank it all," I heard her whisper the last part. Audible still, it made me chuckle.

Cola, Sprite, Green Tea and... MILK!

I know this might sound childish or whatever, but I just love drinking milk! They are so fresh, delicious, milky... What am I talking about! All milk are supposed to be milky! Okayyy, enough of my rumbling...

"Umma, what should I get for Eunji?" I asked, having no idea what kind of drinks she likes. "Hmmm~ Green tea maybe? From what I remembered from her past visits, she always drinks green tea..." I blushed, how could my mother understand my bestfriend more than me!? I quickly poured my milk and grabbed the can of green tea and scurried up the stairs and to my room.



Miyeon's mother is sure a beauty. She never seem to age! With or without makeup, she is always pretty. And the last time I saw Miyeon's dad, he looks good  too! It's no wonder why Miyeon looks so pretty~!

I looked around her neatly arranged desk and nicely decorated room. It was big, yet cosy.

I stood up and grazed my fingers on the books on her table. One book in paricular stood out. It was not any odinary textbooks or storybooks, it looked more like a... photo album.

My curiosity got the better of me as I finally decided to open the book. Just a sneak peak,  a small one and i'll put it  back. The first page of the book was an enlarge picture of young Miyeon, hugging her rabbit stuff toy. So cuteeee~

I flipped another page, pictures of  Miyeon and her parents... Miyeon's friends from kindergarden... I flipped, yet, another page. A young, cute boy, hugging Miyeon and kissing her cheeks. Awww~ they look so cute~ I wonder who he is. Another page showed another picture of Miyeon and the boy. They were holding onto pieces of papers, with their cute handwritings.

"I love Hannie<3"  Written on Miyeon's paper.

"I love Mimi~ <3" Written on the boy's paper.

I flipped again, it took me by surprise. My eyes widened. Why--? Why didn't Miyeon tell me anything about this!? She didn't tell me about being in the same kindergarden with him. She didn't tell me that she was in the same kindergarden as Kai!

I could tell the picture was taken without their permission since they looked as if they were fighting when it  was taken. It's so like them.

The following pictures were just memories of them. I felt my heart twitched  in pain a little. They looked so cute together... I'll just keep all the feelings to myself. Why am I being like this?

The door slammed open right at that moment, revealing a blushing Miyeon. I quickly hid the photo album behind me.

"Yeon-ah~ what's wrong?" I asked. Miyeon turned her back to close the door as i took this opportunity to return the photo album.

"N-nothing," she replied through pants.

I smiled. How cute~

-------> Idk what to say in between  but let's just skip to the  part where Eunji goes home yeah? ^.~


"Bye~ See ya tomorrow."

I went up my room. I saw Eunji looking my things a whle ago... I don't really mind since she was my bestfriend but, I hope that she didn't seed the photo album... I should have put away the album...

I always knew she had feelings for Kai, and she were to  see the album... Nevermind but she can't see the last picture...

I ate dinner and went to bed straight after. Somehow, I had a premonition that something will happen tomorrow... Let's wait and see... Good night, oppa...





"AHHHHHHH!!!! I'M ALREADY LATE FOR SCHOOL GAWSHHHHHH~!!!!!" I yelled as I quickly changed into my uniform and wore my shoes with my bread hanging on my mouth.

"BAIIIIII~!!!!" I shouted and ran to schoo.l as fast as I could. Luck was on my side and I managed to reach school just in time before the gate closes.

I panted and ran dwn the hall way and into the classroom. "Ummaya~~!" I exclaimed as I slumped down on my seat.

"Good morning class, today we have...." I couldn't be bothered but what caught my attention was... the new student's name.

"Annyeonghaseyo, jeo eun Luhan ipnida, mannaseo bangapsipnida, kamsahapnida!" * He said cheerily as he looked around the classroom and his eyes landed on me. Is it me or does he look so much like oppa? Luhan... they even have the same name!

"Mimi~!" I looked up. "Hannie oppa?" I asked, as he walked over and took the seat beside me. "YUP! Your oppa is bacckkkkkk~!!!"





* Hello, I am Luhan, nice to meet you guys, thanks!







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planetslikeexo #1
Awesome. Update more. I'm curious
^-^ you are wc ~
<3 Update soon!!!!!!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA MONKEY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....nice plot..*UPDATE SOON PWEEEEEEAASSSEEEE....with a cherry on top ^_^*