
Dream High

**Tabbi = TOP (from Big Bang)


I woke up pretty early. This water proof-natural looking make-up was going to take a lot of time and effort.

I began the painstaking process of changing my face into that of the famous ulzzang Ari’s, putting on layers and layers of make-up. My face gradually became prettier and prettier as I worked on it.

I glanced at Lilin’s sleeping figure through the mirror. We were leaving in about thirty minutes… was she not going to get ready? I shrugged. None of my business.

About fifteen till 9, Mina barged into the room. “I knew she’d be still asleep.”

It had become really apparent since day 2 that Lilin was a heavy and deep sleeper.

“Lilin, wake up!” Mina shouted, shaking the sleeping girl. Lilin mumbled something and rolled away from her.

“We gotta go to the beach! C’mon, Yongguk’s going to be mad if we’re late.”

Eventually, Lilin rolled out of bed, looking like a zombie. She groggily brushed her teeth and washed her face, barely opening her eyes. In five minutes, she was out of the bathroom with her hair in a high messy bun and no make up on. She put on her bikini, and I noticed how pretty her body was with surprisingly defined curves for such a thin figure. What the heck…

Somewhere in the process, Lilin actually opened her eyes wide enough to look at me and smiled sleepily. “You look really pretty Ari.”

For some reason, I blushed. It was weird to get such a genuine compliment from her when I disliked her so much secretly.

“Thanks,” I said quietly. Lilin nodded and threw on a racerback tank with some shorts. Within 15 minutes, she was ready.

“You look dead,” Remi commented when she saw Lilin. And then to me, “And you look really pretty.”

“Did you stay up late or something?” Mina asked Lilin, who was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed.

“Yeah…” Lilin mumbled. “I wasn’t feeling tired so I decided to watch a movie… and ended up watching two.”

“Not so smart,” Remi commented, pulling Lilin through the door.

We made it to the parking lot with Lilin half conscious the whole time. I was moderately confused as to why she decided to stay up until 4, but she did.

“What’s wrong with her?” Daehyun asked Remi as he got out of a big, white (r) van.

“Oh hi,” Lilin said groggily to Daehyun, a half smile on her face. “I couldn’t go to sleep because I was thinking about your y face.”

“Understandable,” Daehyun laughed.

“Yeah, let her ride in the front,” Mina said, climbing into the back.

Daehyun opened the door and I noticed how carefully he helped Lilin into the passenger seat. The way he treated her was so different from the cold way he acted towards me.

I climbed in after Remi and sat in the first row.

“What’s with Lilin?” Yongguk laughed from the driver’s seat. Lilin was already fast asleep.

“Apparently she stayed up until 4 watching movies,” Mina informed him.

Yongguk made a face, “She really is a freak.”

Hm… maybe Yongguk could be possibly the only person that didn’t like Lilin? But my thoughts quickly changed as Yongguk leaned over Lilin to fasten her seatbelt and in the process, swept a few strands of hair out of her face.

I sighed. I really needed to get Lilin out of my head or else I wasn’t going to be able to have any fun.

The car door opened and five guys climbed in. The first one to get into the car was impossibly good looking, who I was guessing was Jinyoung. Disappointingly, he went to the back row and sat next to Mina. Three other guys, who I vaguely knew as Gongchan, Sandeul, and Baro, climbed inside. The last one to climb in was Zelo, the boy Lilin had brought in tomorrow. He ended up sitting next to me.

“Well doesn’t Lilin look absolutely thrilled for this beach trip,” Jinyoung commented from the back as Yongguk pulled out of the parking lot.

“Apparently she did some serious prep for this by watching movies until 4 last night,” Daehyun snickered.

“I always knew she was a clever child,” Himchan nodded with sarcastic satisfaction. His gaze came to me and a playful smile lit up his face, “Hey Ari, Miss Ulzzang.”

“Hi,” I said back, suddenly feeling a little shy as many eyes fell on me. Himchan was also an ulzzang, I knew.

“Aw, don’t look so scared,” Himchan laughed, patting my head. “We’re all nice people, I swear. Zelo, tell Ari about how well we treat you.”

This seemed to make Yongguk quite amused.

“Hyung’s pretty… cool… I guess,” Zelo said slowly.

Himchan reached over and pinched Zelo’s cheek.

“So cool! So nice! So awesome!” Zelo exclaimed.

Satisfied, Himchan let go and turned to a different conversation.

I laughed as Zelo rubbed his cheek. He looked at me, then smiled too.

“Is my cheek red?” he asked.

“A little,” I said, amused by his cute shyness.

“So yeah… we kinda got introduced yesterday, but yeah, I’m Zelo,” he smiled.

“I’m Ari,” I replied. “By the way, I’m just curious. How old are you?”

“Zelo’s a baby,” Daehyun butted in. “He’s only ’96.”

I raised my eyebrows, surprised. I was ’95, and even I was one of the youngest first years.

“So is Lilin,” Mina added from the back. “She’s 19.”

I watched as Himchan and Daehyun both had a double take.

“Wait, what. Really?” Himchan said, seeming to genuinely disbelieve this.

Lilin?” Daehyun confirmed. “But she’s so… not…”

“Oh stop freaking,” Remi said, smacking Daehyun’s leg. “You probably just feel weird now, knowing that you’ve been hitting on a baby.”

Himchan grabbed Daehyun’s arm, “Dude… that mean’s Lilin’s Zelo’s age…”

“That’s ing weird man,” Daehyun said. “Yongguk, did you know?”

“Yeah, Mina told me before I met Lilin,” Yongguk said from behind the wheel.”

“I don’t really get why this’s a big deal…” Zelo muttered. “We’re not that young.”

“Dude,” Himchan grabbed Daehyun’s arm once again, his face stony. “This means she can't even drink.”

Holy…” Daehyun whispered.

“Stop freaking man,” Remi repeated.

“Get a grip, son,” Jinyoung said.

“All my plans…” Daehyun muttered, seeming quite devastated. “I was planning on going drinking with her all the time…”

“Dude you too?” Himchan groaned. “Same…”

“Such drama queens,” Jinyoung muttered.

“It must be rough, being the only girl in their group,” Zelo joked to me.

“A little overwhelming sometimes,” I agreed. Surprisingly, I liked Zelo. I guess in my head, I had imagined him as some sort of Lilin’s puppy, but he just seemed like a friendly, a little shy, guy.

Suddenly, I gasped as Yongguk stepped on the brakes and I jerked forward, my seatbelt catching me abruptly.

“ing ,” Yongguk muttered from the front. He yelled back, “Sorry people, some just cut me off like a .”

“Are you okay?” Zelo asked me with wide eyes. I nodded, rubbing my chest. Something about Zelo’s genuine tone made me happy.

I heard small coughing from the front. Lilin sat up, seeming surprised and a little dazed as she let out a few coughs.

Zelo leaned forward worriedly, “Lilin, you okay?”



I was dreaming about Jiyong and TOP, just us three hanging out like the old times when TOP suddenly became a horse and it really just got ing weird.

I was jolted awake as something dug into my chest painfully. My eyes flew open and I realized we were in Yongguk’s van and out the window, I could see the beach.

Zelo’s voice entered my ear. “Lilin, you okay?”

“Huh?” I turned around, still a little disoriented. “Yeah… wait, what just happened?”

“It was my bad,” Yongguk said. “Sorry about that.”

Yongguk pulled into the beach parking lot, “Well, we’re here!”

“Yayyyyyy,” I yawned, stretching my arms.

“Someone wake up those two,” Yongguk said, pointing at Baro and Sandeul. The two were snoring loudly in the back.

I climbed out of the car and slid my sunglasses on. The sun was bright and hot; perfect for the beach.

“WHOAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” Sandeul and Baro screamed, sprinting for the water. I was moderately confused. Weren’t they sleeping two seconds ago…?

“Crazy as always…” Mina muttered, coming out of the van with her top already off.

“Sista, you looking hot,” I winked at her. I mean… with her D-cup s… it was pretty hard for Mina to not look y 24/7.

“Stop staring at my s, Lilin,” Mina laughed, coming over to me and stripping my shirt off.

“Oh wow, are we stripping each other now?” Himchan raised his hands, his fingers wiggling ertedly.

“Ew,” Remi smacked Himchan’s head.

“Don’t talk to the creep,” Daehyun said, grabbing my arm and pulling me onto the sand. As Daehyun pulled me away, I saw Zelo help Ari out of the car out of the corner of my eye. Aw, I was glad Zelo was making friends. Somewhere deep inside, he felt like a younger brother and for some reason, I guess I had been worried he wouldn’t make friends or something.

“Stop spacing out,” Daehyun laughed, suddenly scooping me up and tossing me into the water.

“Geez Dae,” I laughed as I stood up.

“You’re next,” Jinyoung said as he suddenly kicked Daehyun behind and Daehyun also fell into the water.

“You get in too!” I said, splashing water at Jinyoung. Jinyoung seemed to not want to, but then Baro and Sandeul came and tackled him into the water.

“Aish…” Jinyoung mumbled, shaking water out of his hair.

“Too cool for us or something?” Mina asked as she entered the water herself. “Gongchan! Come over here! Don’t be shy.”

Gongchan, who was in Mina and Remi’s group, along with Baro, was a tall, quiet boy with good looking features. Although I’d seen him around Mina and Remi a lot, I’d never heard him talk much before.

Remi linked arms with him and pulled him into the water. “Don’t be shy, Channie. They might seem crazy but they’re okay.”

“Yay, I’m okay!” Baro exclaimed sarcastically. “Dude Chan, stop acting like you're shy. You’re crazy when it’s just us.”

Sandeul suddenly jumped onto Gongchan’s back and tackled him into the water.

“Crazy child…” Yongguk muttered.

Gongchan and Sandeul emerged together, both dripping wet.

“Gongchan! Give me some love!” Sandeul exclaimed. Sandeul raced in for another tackle, but this Gongchan dodged it and Sandeul fell into the water.

“Hyung, chill,” Gongchan laughed.

“You were just being so quiet,” Sandeul said.

“It’s because Mina and Remi are scary,” Gongchan joked.

“Hold up, what’s going on,” I said, putting my hands up. “Gongchan is talking?”

“He’s usually not quiet at all,” Baro informed me.

“Pretty cray usually, actually,” Sandeul added.

“Yeah, my parents just told me to keep it on the DL for the first week-ish,” Gongchan said, running his hand through his hair. “I almost got kicked out last year for being too… wild. So yeah.”

“What’d you do?” I asked.

Gongchan waved his hand in a dismissive manner, “I’ll tell you next time.”



“Hey, isn't that Ari? The ulzzang?” I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see two girls looking at me curiously. At the sight of my face, their eyes widened.

“Oh my god, it’s Ari!” one of them squealed as they came up to me.

“Ari, I’m such a big fan of you!” the other said.

“Could we get a picture?”

I smiled, “Of course.”

We snapped a couple selfies together and they walked away, giggling.

“Oh wow,” Zelo laughed. “Didn’t know you were that famous.”

I blushed, slightly embarrassed but also glad that he had witnessed that. This is me, Ari.

“I’m gonna go buy some drinks,” I said, standing up. “Do you want anything?”

“I’m fine,” Zelo said, lying down on a towel and putting a pair of shades on.

I walked over to where the vending machines were, a bit distanced from where our group was playing. I inserted a couple coins and picked out a cold drink.

“Hey baby,” came a voice. I turned around to see three guys surrounding me.

“Did you come alone?” one of them asked. “Want to play with us?”

“Um, no… I came with friends,” I said, taking a step back.

Another one grinned, “You don’t sound so sure.”

“Hey wait. Isn't that the ulzzang Ari?”

“Oh yeah…! It is,” he grinned. “What luck.”

He grabbed my wrist and tried to drag me off, “C’mon, let’s go play together.”

“Stop! Let go!” I said, trying to pull my wrist away from him.

“Didn’t you hear her? Let go.”

I looked up and was surprised to see Jinyoung standing in front of us, looking annoyed.

“And who’re you?” my captor questioned.

“Ari’s boyfriend,” Jinyoung said, stepping closer. “ off.”

The guys seemed to debate for a moment, then walked away, pissed.

I finally exhaled. My heart was still racing.

“Thanks for saving me,” I said to Jinyoung.

“No problem,” Jinyoung said indifferently, stepping up to the vending machine to buy a drink. “Don’t think too much of it.”

“Didn’t know you were the prince in shining armor type,” I smiled, thrilled at this chance to talk to Jinyoung alone.

Jinyoung smirked, “Me? You must not know that much about me.”

“Maybe I could get to know you better then…?” I asked flirtily.

Jinyoung laughed at this and didn’t reply.

I stayed back as he started walking back, wondering if his laugh had been a good thing or bad.

“Are you coming or what?” Jinyoung turned around.

“Oh…! Yeah!” I said, quickly catching up to him.



“Zeloooo~” I heard a sweet voice calling my name.

I opened my eyes slowly and Lilin’s smiling face filled up my whole field of vision. I pushed my sunglasses into my hair and instinctively smiled back.

“Whatchu doing here?” Lilin asked, laying down next to me.

“I was waiting for Ari and… I guess I fell asleep,” I said. “No more crazy water games?”

She shook her head no, “I’m exhausted. Baro and Sandeul wore me down.”

“Well, I want to go in the water,” I said, sitting up. “Come with me?”

“Mehhhhhhhh,” Lilin said, rolling away from me.

“Oh c’mon,” I laughed, pulling me up onto my feet. I grabbed a donut tube as I pulled Lilin back to the water.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” I exclaimed, suddenly feeling excited. I put the tube around Lilin and used it to drag her.

“Ah… the water feels good,” I smiled as I hung onto the tube from the outside. We were in deeper water and I let myself float around.

“Having fun?” Lilin smiled, petting my hair.

“Mhm,” I said, letting her touch my hair. It felt good. 

We stayed like this for a while, floating around, having small talk. It was nice and relaxing as Lilin and I got to know each other more.

“Hey love birds!” Himchan called out to us. “We’re gonna go eat dinner!”

As we made our way back onto the beach, I watched with amusement as Daehyun parted from a rather large group of girls.

“Successful haul today, Daehyun?” I laughed.

Daehyun grinned, “As always.”



After dinner, we sat around a campfire on the beach. I shivered slightly, despite the warmth from the fire. I felt a towel around my shoulders and I looked up gratefully at Zelo.

“Campfire on the beach… you know what this calls for,” Himchan grinned, as he and Daehyun pulled some stuff out of their bags.

“King!” Daehyun grinned. Out of their bags came a can with sticks, a big bowl, and lots of beer.

“We realize that Lilin and Zelo are one year below the drinking age, but we decided it was okay because both of you are turning 20 relatively soon,” Himchan declared.

(*** drinking age is 20 in Korea)

(also, for a quick explanation of this game, it’s basically a Korean version of truth or dare, and I'm actually not sure if it’s called King LOL but yeah, so there’s a can with sticks and each stick has a number and one of them has a red tip. Everyone draws a stick and the person with the red stick is “king” and he/she can order two numbers to do something i.e. “2 and 4 go jump in the ocean” or something like that. If 2 or 4 decides he/she don’t want to do it, then he/she have to take the punishment, which is usually a bowl of alcohol.)

“Ayyyyye, let’s do this,” I grinned.

Everyone drew a stick and I received number 3.

“King!” Baro grinned mischievously, holding up a stick with a red tip. “Um… numbers 3 and 4 kiss!”

“Oh dang, going strong from the beginning, eh?” Mina laughed. “Who’s 3 and 4?”

“I’m 3,” I said, holding my stick up.

“And I’m 4,” Himchan grinned.

He made a move to come closer to me, but I said, “Give me the bowl.”

The group burst into laughter as Baro howled, “Rejected!”

Sandeul passed me the bowl of beer and I chugged it down.

“Kyah~” I said, wiping my mouth. A few people looked surprised, but the game continued.



The game continued in good humor. Everyone was pretty chill about everything. I’d already gotten a peck on the cheek by Mina, a kiss from Ari, and a from Sandeul (lol).

No one was really unwilling to do anything, expect for Lilin and Jinyoung. Neither of them had kissed anyone so far, even though they had been called to do so several times. Once, the King had told Lilin and me to kiss, but she had taken the bowl. Jinyoung already had three bowls of beer and Lilin already had four. Her cheeks were a little rosier than usual, but other than that, she seemed relatively fine, amazingly.

“Aw, Lilin, just give me a peck on the lips,” Daehyun said, puckering his lips. By now, I felt like the guys just wanted to see Lilin kiss someone. It was one of those things where you want to make someone do something more if they don’t want to do it, you know?

“Sorry,” Lilin laughed, chugging down another bowl of alcohol. At this rejection, Daehyun seemed a little disappointed.

I looked at worriedly. No matter how high her tolerance was, this couldn’t be good, especially with how thin she was.

“You’ve been drinking a lot in the past?” I asked Lilin as the game continued.

Lilin shrugged, her eyes a little unfocused. “Maybe. I’ve always had a lot of friends who are older than me.”

“How about…” Remi said, who was holding up the king stick. “8 and 9 kiss.”



The King game was quite amusing. Earlier, I had kissed Zelo, which was a lot more nerve wrecking than I thought it would be.

Jinyoung and Lilin both seemed to have a thing against kissing and were both taking the punishment each time they got dared to kiss someone. Once, Jinyoung and I had been called to kiss, but he had rejected me. Being completely honest, I had been a little disappointed, but I tried to not take it personally since he was rejecting everyone. What I had heard about him, him being really hard to get, must be really true.

“How about…” Remi said. “8 and 9 kiss.”

“I’m 8,” Jinyoung said from across the fire.

“Who’s 9?” Remi asked the group as I wondered the same thing.

“Oh,” Lilin said, who had been distracted by a conversation with Zelo. “I’m 9. What’s going on?”

It seemed like the alcohol was finally getting to her. Her words were slightly slurred and her cheeks were red. Still, I was amazed that she had lasted this long after that much beer.

“Ah, and the two hard to get people meet,” Yongguk mused. “Who’s going to drink the beer this time-”

Yongguk stopped mid sentence as Jinyoung leaned over Zelo and grabbed Lilin’s wrist. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her lips.

“Alright, that’s the end of this game,” Jinyoung said as he pulled away from Lilin. “Lilin’s already had too much.”

With that, the game quickly wrapped up and we packed to head back. It was already 10 PM.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t upset over Jinyoung and Lilin’s kiss. Even though it had seemed like Jinyoung had done that too keep Lilin from drinking more…



“C’mon Lilin,” I said as I helped her onto her feet. The alcohol had finally gotten to her and now she could barely walk. The van was a good walk away and there was no way this girl was going to make it…

With a sigh, I crouched down. “Lilin, get on my back.”

Yongguk saw this and snickered as Lilin, who was teetering on consciousness, got onto my back.

Lilin mumbled something incomprehensible into my ear as we walked to the van.

“Huh?” I asked.

“Don’t become a horse, Zelo…” Lilin sighed. “Don’t become a horse like Tabbi…”


“Okay Lilin,” I replied, pretty sure she didn’t even hear me.

At the van, Remi helped me get Lilin into the van.

“Careful, duck your head,” Remi said. “God, you big baby.”

I climbed in after Lilin. She was already a goner, her head lolling forward.

As gently as I could, I rested her head onto my shoulder.


ohmagahd. congratulations!! you made it to the end of the longest chapter that i have ever written in the history of my life!!! okay i dont know if that's actually true or not but GOSH this chapter took me so long to write because it was so long awejfalwefjal... anyways. hope yahz enjoyed their little beach trip and stuffs and yeah! adiosssss.

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Caren91 #1
Chapter 3: Gyaaa update plsss more Gdragon and top and where is cnu? I wan cnu and more gongchan xp
Chapter 3: Wow I am totally like Lilin in this chapter. I would stay up all night before going to the beach and wouldnt care about makeup only sunscreen.
Chapter 2: I think Ari should stop trying so hard to look pretty. She will find a perfect guy if shes just herself and stop trying to outshine someone else. And Lilin god dang I just LOVE her personality.
FlosFlorum #4
Chapter 6: I hope you're not abandoning this story. Because I like it very much! Please update soon ^,^/
Chapter 6: Wow!! This seems like an awesone story!!!
Update soon!!
manlyteabubbles #6
Chapter 5: Where did Sandeul go?... Anyways, update soon! ^ ^
manlyteabubbles #7
Chapter 3: Jinyoung and Wooyoung get along please! Please update soon!
Fighting~ ^ ^
Pandas4love #8
Chapter 2: Sooyeon seems to be the bad girl.. Hope Lilin ends up with either Zelo or Jinyoung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)