YG Fam Raiding Dream High

Dream High

can i just say that GD is so beautiful that it brings me pain..........................


“Do you have all your luggage packed?” Jiyong asked from the doorway.

“Mhm,” I nodded, patting my suitcase.

My older brother grinned, “Alright, then let’s go hang with the others before your move in.”

Today was my move in day to Dream High, the prestigious music and arts academy, nicknamed “The Idol Maker”. Created and run by Dream Entertainment, it was where everyone who wanted to become an idol dreamed to go. Hah, no pun intended.

“One week was too short,” Jiyong said as he drove to meet up the others. “I feel like as soon as you came back Chicago, you’re going away again.”

I rolled my eyes, “Dream High isn’t America. It’s literally a fifteen minute drive from the YG building.”

“Stop sassing me, baby sis,” he snorted. “First you come back blonde. Did you learn this attitude from America too?”

“Stop pretending to be Dad,” I laughed. “I’m not a baby anymore.”

“You’re only 19. Pretty much a baby,” he teased.

We arrived in front of the bowling alley, especially emptied today for the YG fam.

“Yooooo,” Jiyong greeted everyone.

“Ready for some bowling?” Seungri grinned as he held a dramatic pose.

I laughed, “Pretty excited to see the Gutter King play.”

“Psh,” Seungri snorted. “It’s been a couple years since we last played. I’m a beast now.”

Taeyang and Daesung snickered at the dumb maknae.

“Let’s have a bet then,” Seungri announced confidently. “Five teams of two. Losing two pairs have to buy dinner for the rest.”


“STRIKE!!!” Jiyong screamed as I knocked down all the pins yet again. I laughed, unsure how the heck I was doing this.

“What the heck!” CL exclaimed.

“Maybe this bet is a little unfair,” Daesung said, eyeing the jumping G-Dragon.

“Can’t beat the Kwon sibs,” Jiyong snickered, giving me a high-five.

TOP laughed, “I didn’t know you were so good at bowling Lilin.”

“I’m actually not,” I laughed, amused by my lucky streak.

Jiyong picked up his ball and stepped up to the lane, all of his giddy laughter gone. With careful precision, he released the ball. All the eyes watched as the ball made a sharp turn and slammed into the pins.

“Strike!” I exclaimed as the game ended. I grinned at Seungri, “Sorry but game over.”

“Ayyyyyyy,” Jiyong hollered, doing some ridiculous dance. “What do you want to eat baby sis?”

“Mm… I’m really feeling some five-star sushi…” I said, rubbing my stomach.


“I feel like I’m entering a food coma…” I said as Jiyong drove to Dream High. I had possibly eaten the most sushi I had eaten in my life.

“Take a nap during the orientation,” TOP snickered from the front. “They’re useless anyways.”

“True, true,” I smiled.

“Also, Lilin,” TOP said, turning around to face me. “You might not want to show your true self for a while. It might scare everyone away.”

“True that,” Jiyong laughed.

“Yeah, try to act normal for at least the first month,” TOP said.

“Oh wow, thanks,” I said sarcastically.

He gave a loud laugh, which sounded more like a rumble because of his low voice. “We’re just looking out for you Lilin. Can’t have our baby be friendless.”

We arrived at Dream High and entered the main building. I glanced at TOP and Jiyong, both clad in cover-ups.

“You two are so noticeable…” I mumbled under my breath.

“I know, my iness just can't be covered up,” TOP smirked.

“Disgusting…” Jiyong muttered.

We entered the auditorium and took our seats in the back.

“Welcome to Dream High!” boomed a voice. I looked towards the stage and saw a handsome, older looking man standing behind a podium.

“Prez YG’s enemy,” Jiyong said under his breath.

 “Hello all first years and parents, I am the director and owner of Dream Entertainment, Cho Changmin. I’m not lying when I say that I’m excited to see this place filled with so many talent, young individuals. Now, please welcome my son, the principal of Dream High.”

A good looking young man walked up onto the stage and took his dad’s place. “Hello, I am Cho Jiwoo, your new principal. I know everyone is tired, so I’ll try to keep the explanations short and to the point.”

Principal continued, “Every year, we bring in 350 students. Their ages can vary from 19 to 23, and this group of students is labeled as the first years. During your three years here, you are trained to achieve your goal, which I assume is a place in the entertainment industry.”

“But this year, there is a very special event. The Darwin Competition, a competition to pick out the best of the best of our school, and they are given a speedy debut with Dream Entertainment. It is a competition that comes around only every three years. Three years ago, the winners were the current members of Beast, who are currently doing very well under our entertainment company. Please don’t think that you’re at a disadvantage because you’re a first year. Yoseob and Gikwang were both first years too.”

“Now for dorms. Each dorm is structured like an apartment complex, and is shared by four students. Not all members of each dorm are the same year. We wanted to give you guys a real life experience of what it’s like to live as an idol, so in addition, randomly, the whole student body is divided into groups of four and assigned a teacher or a teacher assistant, and they become something similar to a manager. This might be hard to adjust at first, but I’m sure everyone will be able to handle it well.”

“I’m wishing everyone the best of luck! You may go visit your dorms now.”

“Aw, is baby Lilin excited to see her dorm?” Jiyong teased, ticking my chin.

I smacked his arm, “If you’re sad that we’re parting soon, just say so.”

TOP rolled his eyes, “This isn’t really a secret, but Lilin, Jiyong has the biggest sister complex for you.”

“Who wouldn’t,” I said, cupping my face.

“You’re just as gross as your older bro,” TOP shook his head.

“She got this from you,” Jiyong shot back.

“Can we just hurry up and go to my dorm,” I sighed, dragging the two out of the auditorium. We walked to the dorms, which looked pretty much like apartment buildings.

“2101A…” I read from the card I had been given at the front desk. There were three dorm buildings: A, B, and C.

“Twenty-first floor, what a thrill,” I muttered under my breath as we took the elevator up.

“We should’ve taken the stairs,” TOP grinned.

“Oh yeah, totally,” I said sarcastically.

Once at 2101, I keyed in the code and we were in.

Jiyong gave a low whistle as we walked in. “Dream Ent must have some serious money. This is way too nice.”

“Says the guy living in the most expensive apartment complex in Seoul,” I said.

A girl got up from the sofa and appeared before us. She was tall and curvy with long, straight black hair. The level of iness was a little mind-blowing.

“Hey,” she greeted, running a hand through her hair. “New first year?”

I nodded, “Hi, I’m Lilin.”

“Mina,” she smiled. She turned her head and called out, “Remi! One of the babies is here!”

One of the doors opened and a girl with a dark red bob walked out. Her walk was smooth and her body was athletic. A dancer for sure.

She grinned at me, “Welcome, welcome to the crazy house. I’m Remi.”

Meanwhile, TOP and Jiyong were making themselves at home. Jiyong was sprawled on the sofa and TOP was rummaging through the fridge.

“Yo… time to leave,” I said, pulling Jiyong off the couch.

“So eager to kick your beloved older brother out,” Jiyong complained.

“Just leave…” I said, worried that their covers would be blown any moment. “Take Tabbi with you.”

Jiyong gave me a crushing hug, saying in a high pitched tone, “Don’t miss oppa too much okay bebe? I’ll come pick you up sometime and we can hang okay?”

I glanced at Mina and Remi. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to be all too interested or suspicious.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, squirming out of his hug.

TOP hugged me from behind, whispering in a erted fashion into my ear, “Don’t let anyone get you preggo okay? That’s my job.”

“Oh please,” I laughed. “Okay, okay, you guys can leave now.”

Blowing kisses and shouting farewells, the two finally left.

“Amusing brothers,” Mina said from the sofa. “By the way, the empty room is yours. You’ll be sharing it with the other first year… she should be coming soon. Oh, and there’s a note for you on the kitchen table.”

I grabbed a small notecard off the kitchen table and dragged my bags to the empty room. There were two beds, two desks, two drawers, and two wardrobes.

“Mm, not bad,” I said, dropping my bag onto one of the beds. I looked at the notecard. It read:

Hi, I’m Jenny and I’ll be your leader, or manager as the kids like to call it, for this semester. We’re meeting in the Music and Arts building, room D201 at 9:00 and please don’t be late!


I checked the time and it was 8:45.

“How do you get to room… D201 in the Music and Arts building?” I asked Mina.

“MA?” Mina asked, holding a card of her own. “D stands for dance practice room, and since it’s 201, it’s on the second floor. The MA building is right in front of our dorm building.”

“Alright, thanks,” I smiled, leaving the dorm. I followed Mina’s directions and soon reached room D201. Inside, sitting on the shiny wood floor was a pretty looking lady in her mid to late twenties, and three guys.

“Ah, here she is,” the lady said. “Hi, I’m Jenny.”

I joined the circle, looking around at the three other guys. So these were going to my groupmates, huh.

“Alright,” Jenny clapped her hands together. “So to start with, let’s give quick introductions of ourselves.”

There was a moment of silence, then a guy with light brown hair spoke up.

“I’m Jinyoung, third year,” he said. He had good looking sharp features that could probably easily charm any girl. “I’m 24 and my specialty is mainly composing.”

“I’m Sandeul,” the guy next to him smiled, showing off a cute eye smile. “I’m 23 and currently a second year. I studied abroad in Japan before coming here, and I’m best at singing.”

I was the next one in line, so I spoke up. “Hi, I’m Lilin. I’m 19 and a first year. I’ve been back and forth to Chicago my whole life and I’m mostly best at singing, and I do a little composing.”

The last guy, a lanky boy with silky black hair that fell into his eyes. “I’m Junhong, but I go by Zelo mostly. I’m also 19 and a first year. My specialty is dancing and rapping.”

“Alrighty,” Jenny smiled, showing off perfect teeth. “Well I’m Jenny, a dance instructor here. I’m 27 and a Dream High alumni. I started teaching here as soon as I graduated, so… for 4 years? I’m excited to be with y’all and I hope you guys are ready to work hard because I have high expectations for the Darwin Comp.”

“Oh yeah, speaking of that, we’re competing as this group, right?” Sandeul confirmed.

Jenny nodded.

“Sweet,” Sandeul grinned, emitting some serious happy energy. “Let’s win this, guys! I have a good feeling about this group.”


“How was your group?” Remi asked as I took my shoes off at the door. I came over and sat next to her and Mina on the floor. Remi was only wearing a sports bra and shorts, showing off her perfectly toned stomach.

“Good I guess. I mean, I don’t really know what a bad group would be, you know?”

“Who’s in your group?” Mina asked.

“Jinyoung, a third year, and Sandeul, a second year.”

“Dang,” Remi mused. “What a stacked group.”

Mina laughed, “Oh c’mon Remi, our group is pretty good too.”

“You two are in the same group?” I asked.

“Mm,” Remi nodded. “Better prepare yourself. We won’t go easy on you because you’re a baby.”

I laughed at Remi’s boyish attitude.

I turned around to the sound of the door to my bedroom opening, and a girl stepped out.

“Oh hey Ari,” Mina said, waving her over. “You two haven’t met yet, right?”

I shook my head no and smiled at her, “Hi, I’m Lilin, your roommate.”

She had an adorable face; framed with short, light brown hair. Maybe a tad too much make up, but it made her look like a doll.



I heard Mina and Remi chatting with someone, so I came out to see who it was. I walked out of my room to see a girl turned away from me, her long blonde ringlets tumbling down her back.

She turned around at the sound and I was taken slightly aback to see her face. She was impossibly pretty with wide, sparkling eyes, a petite nose, and full, rosy lips. Her hair complemented her pretty pale skin with a slight tint of pink in the cheeks.

Was she a fellow ulzzang? How did I not know of her?

“Hi, I’m Lilin, your roommate,” she smiled at me. Lilin? No… I definitely hadn’t heard of her before.

I snapped out of it and sat down next to them, “Hi, I’m Ari.”

“By the way, just in case you don’t know,” Mina added. “Ari’s an ulzzang. Do you know what that is?”

Remi explained to me, “Lilin’s been studying abroad in Chicago.”

Lilin nodded, “I think so…” she turned to me. “That’s cool.”

I felt a small jab at my pride by the nonchalant way she responded to my status. Being an ulzzang… was something I had worked so hard for. It made me pretty mad when people didn’t give it respect.

After chatting for a little bit, Lilin and I went to our room and Lilin proceeded to unpack. I observed out of the corner of my as she pulled out brand name clothes after another. Comme des Garcon, MCM, Acne, and so many more… what the heck. Was she rich or something?

“You have really nice clothes,” I commented in a friendly manner.

She looked up from her suitcase. “Oh…! Thanks. Haha, they're mostly hand me downs though, from my older brother and his friends.”

Really…? Interesting.

“Your brother and his friends must be very fashionable,” I said.

Something about that made her laugh more than it should.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” she said, still laughing slightly.

I was a little irked, to be honest. I don’t know, maybe I just did not get a good first impression of this girl, but something about her was really bothering me.

And if I get really honest, then I guess it is obviously jealousy. I was jealous of her face, her body, her clothes, her easy going personality. Just being around someone like her… just brought back so many memories. Memories of the old me.

I closed my eyes and lay back in my head, my mind flashing back to the dark days. Junior high and early high school.

The sharp, jeering laughter of the girls pierced my ears.

“Look at ugly little Ari,” one of them shrieked. “What are you even wearing?”

“And her face!!! Look at all that acne. Do you never wash your face or something?”

They all fell into a cacophony of laughter.  

“I’m turning the lights out, okay?” Lilin’s voice entered my head. Somehow, her voice sounded so similar to the voice of those girls. I really wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get along with her now.

“Yeah,” I said, turning around to face the wall. The lights turned off and we fell into darkness.

so hi guys!! if you're a new reader to this, then you can just ignore this but for any returning subscribers, here's my new first chap and yes i know it was pretty boring cuz its all intro stuff and i decided to uplaod two chapters, therefore!! yayayayayayay. 

oh and also!! so if anyone doesnt know what an ulzzang is, in Korea, ulzzangs are PRETTY much just internet famous people for being really pretty. like internet famous as in social media famous from like selfies and stuffs. they're kinda like... kpop idols but less famous and minus the kpop? i dunno. the really famous ones are really famous. and yeah, theyre all kinda known to be pretty fake, like they photoshop their pictures a ton and pretty much all of them (then again pretty much everyone in korea) have at least some sort of plastic surgury done. okay yah, i'm pretty sure a lot of you guys knew what ulzzangs were already anyways. so yahhh!! see ya in the next chap!!

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Caren91 #1
Chapter 3: Gyaaa update plsss more Gdragon and top and where is cnu? I wan cnu and more gongchan xp
Chapter 3: Wow I am totally like Lilin in this chapter. I would stay up all night before going to the beach and wouldnt care about makeup only sunscreen.
Chapter 2: I think Ari should stop trying so hard to look pretty. She will find a perfect guy if shes just herself and stop trying to outshine someone else. And Lilin god dang I just LOVE her personality.
FlosFlorum #4
Chapter 6: I hope you're not abandoning this story. Because I like it very much! Please update soon ^,^/
Chapter 6: Wow!! This seems like an awesone story!!!
Update soon!!
manlyteabubbles #6
Chapter 5: Where did Sandeul go?... Anyways, update soon! ^ ^
manlyteabubbles #7
Chapter 3: Jinyoung and Wooyoung get along please! Please update soon!
Fighting~ ^ ^
Pandas4love #8
Chapter 2: Sooyeon seems to be the bad girl.. Hope Lilin ends up with either Zelo or Jinyoung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)