Chapter 23

4 hot guys

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. Jaejoong and I were now in my room. We were both sitting on my bed criss-cross-applesauce.

"Uh......not that I know of." I nodded and got started on my homework. "Why?"

I got a pencil out of my bag and opened the text book. "Just wondering." I could feel him moving so I looked up, but he was just getting out a pencil. "Do you like anyone?"

He stopped ping his bag and looked up at me. "Uh...I don't think so." I nodded and got back to work. He never tells me who he likes. Maybe he really doesn't like anyone, who knows? "Do you like someone?"

I stopped writing and looked up at him. "Actually I do." He looked surprised once I said that. "Do you want to know who?" He stared at me and then nodded. I put down my pencil and sat up straight. "Eunhyuk."

"What?" He was in shock mode.

I nodded and picked up my pencil. "Yeah."

He got his glasses on and stared at me. "But you always said that he was annoying."

"Well after I've been tutoring him, I started to think that he wasn't as bad as I thought he was." I paused and pointed my pencil at him. "How come you never say that you like someone?"

He looked at me dumbfounded. "It's because I don't like anyone."

I rested my chin on my hand. "So you're not interested in girls?"

"No I am, just no one caught my attention." He picked up his notebook and started to scribble things down.

"What about Yeonhee?" I asked while lifting my head up.

He looked up from his notebook. "What about her?"

"She's pretty, you guys should go out." From his facial expression I could see that he did not like that idea.

"She's pretty but she's not the one." He looked away and then back down at his work. Well he has to like someone. I thought for a moment and then pushed his shoulder. He almost lost his balance and almost fell off of the bed. But since I have fast reflexes I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to the correct position.

"What was that for?" He asked as he fixed his shirt.

"What about Go Ara?"

He inched closer to my face. "How about....." He gave a smile which caused me to smile back. Then his smile faded away "No." He moved back and started to write again. My smile had also faded away. He's so stubborn. I'm just trying to help him.

"Then who do you have interest in?" I asked.

"Taeyeon I don't like anyone. Didn't I already tell you that?" He asked not looking up from his paper.

I sighed and nodded even though he wasn't looking. "Fine." I got my notebook and started writing.


(Yuri's POV)

"Hey Yuri!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Eunhyuk. What is he doing here? "Yuri, I"ve been looking everywhere for you." He said once he reached me.

"Well you must be pretty lucky since it's hard to find someone when they're in the mall." I stated.

He opened up his mouth but nothing came out, he then closed it. I rolled my eyes and was about to walk away until he said something. "Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, now leave me alone." I said turning around and walking away. I could feel him following me.

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" I saw a pair of jeans and checked if they were my size.

"Taeyeon." Oh great.

"Why do you want to talk to me about it?" I found my size and held on to it.

"Because I want to know if she's dating anyone." HA! Who does he think I am, some kind of person who gives away information about my friends?

"Why should I tell you?" I asked walking to the fitting room.

"Well I thought it was pretty obvious. I want to know if she wants to go out with me." Whoa what?

I stopped and turned around which caused him to bump into me. I quickly pushed him off and brushed off my shirt. "Like as a girlfriend?"

"Well.......kind of."

I walked up closer to him. "What do you mean by kind of?"

"I want to know if she wants to go out on Saturday night." He answered quickly that I almost didn't catch it.

"To where?" I asked. I got to make sure that he knows what he's doing. Oh wait, he's a player of course he does.

"Dinner." Dinner? I would've thought of something else.

"No she's not dating anyone." I finally answered. He was probably getting impatient since I haven't answered his question.

"Okay bye." He waved his hand and walked away. Why do I feel like I just been used? Oh wait because I have!


(Taeyeon's POV)

"Hello?" My phone started to ring but it was closer to Jaejoong, so without thinking he grabbed it and answered it.

"Who is it?" I asked. I saw him tense up. It's obviously someone he doesn't like. "Who is it?" I repeated again. He handed me the phone roughly and started to press down on the paper with his pencil. He pressed down so hard that the pencil broke in half. Don't ask me how because I'm shocked too.

"Hello?" I asked into the reciever.

"Hey, it's Eunhyuk." My eyes widened as I looked at Jaejoong. This is why he looked so pissed when he answered the phone. He hates Eunhyuk.

"H-hey." I stuttered.

"Uh well I know that this is kind of to soon, but will you go out with me on Saturday night?" I gulped not knowing what to say. Yes, I do have some sort of feeling for him but oh what should I do?

I looked away and answered him. "Um....I'll have to think about it." I felt the bed shake, I looked at Jaejoong and saw him shaking. You know how when people are nervous, or mad?

"Oh okay. Well tell me before Saturday."

"Yeah." I quickly hung up the phone and turned to Jaejoong. He was staring at me with these intense eyes. I reached out and placed my hand on the leg that was moving. He started to slow down a bit. Thank god. "Are you okay?"

His leg completely stopped while he took off his glasses. "No." I removed my hand and placed it in my lap. "He asked you out huh?" Okay did he hear the conversation? I know that my phone was not on speaker.

"No." I lied. I hate lying to him, but I don't want him to get more upset.

"Stop lying."

Darn he saw right through me. "I'm not."

"You're lying again." Dang it! He's good.

"Fine he did, but why do you care?" I hate giving in so easily.

"Taeyeon why?" It sort of sounded like he was whining?

"Jae, I can't keep living in the past. I need to move on."

"But-" I quickly cut him off by throwing a pillow at his face. When it fell down he was pouting. I hate when he does that! Doesn't he know that when he pouts that's like my weakest point. I tend to always give in to him.

"Stop that!" he wouldn't stop. "Jae stop that now!" Nothing. He knows and I know that if he keeps pouting I will eventually give in. But.....I am not going to fall into his trap. "I'm still going to go out with him." He didn't give up. "You can pout for as long as you want but it's not going to stop-" What the? I just got hit by a pillow! "Jaejoong!!!" I pushed him off of the bed and watched him fall. There was a loud thud once his face met the floor. My ajumma laugh came out.

He got up and rubbed his cheek. "I hate you."

I got up and kneeled on my bed. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "I love you too Jae." Well like a brother of course.

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D