Chapter 22

4 hot guys

"Hey guys." Taeyeon said as she walked out of her house. Yuri and Jaejoong were waiting for her on her front porch. They were going to walk to school together, like they always do. Well except for that one day.

"So I heard you guys made out." Yuri said to Taeyeon, but she quickly closed before anything else came out. Jaejoong quickly nudged Yuri in her ribs which made her give him a nasty glare.

"What? Made out? You mean made up." Taeyeon corrected.

Yuri quickly nodded and gave a smile. "Yeah that's what I meant." Taeyeon nodded slowly and started walking towards school with Yuri and Jaejoong following behind.

Behind Taeyeon with Yuri and Jaejoong, there was a conversation which Taeyeon couldn't hear.

"Why did you say we made out?!?" Jaejoong whispered.

"I don't know. It slipped." Yuri whispered back.

"How can it slip out if it never happened?" Jaejoong asked.

Yuri shrugged. "I don't know!"

Jaejoong looked at Taeyeon and sighed. "You almost blew it." He told Yuri.

Yuri punched his right arm. "Oh shut up. Just ask her out already."

Jaejoong's eyes had widened. He looked at Yuri and shook his head. "No. I can't."

"Why?" Yuri asked irritated. She was so annoyed that Jaejoong wouldn't tell Taeyeon how he really felt about her.

"I just can't." Jaejoong said shaking his head again. After that he quickly ran up to Taeyeon and walked with her leaving Yuri all alone. He didn't want to continue with the conversation.


"Yoochun!" Yoochun and Yesung turned around and saw Eunhyuk coming at them. Yoochun rolled his eyes and closed his locker. But before Yoochun and Yesung walked away Eunhyuk already reached their lockers. "Hey guys." He said with a big smile on his face.

Yoochun and Yesung put on a force smile. "Hey."

Eunhyuk felt the tension and his smile faded away. "Is something wrong?"

Yesung quickly shook his head 'no' but Yoochun already spoke up. "Actually there is." Eunhyuk looked at him and then at Yesung. Yesung slowly nodded and looked down not wanting to have eye contact with Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk looked back at Yoochun and walked closer to him. "Then what is it?" Eunhyuk sort of knew where this was going so he took it calmly.

Yoochun glanced at Yesung and then started to speak. "Look we're not saying that you can't hang out with other people, but when you forget that we were your friends since we were young."

Eunhyuk was speechless for a while, because he didn't think that Yoochun and Yesung would ever feel that way. "I'm sorry." He aplogized.

"Dude, what happened to you? You've changed." Yoochun asked even though he knew exactly why Eunhyuk was that way.

Eunhyuk shrugged and looked away. "I don't know."

Yesung looked up. "Well we do." Yoochun and Eunhyuk both looked at Yesung. "It's because of T.O.P."

Eunhyuk looked confused. "What about him?"

Yesung walked closer to him. "You wanted to be someone like him, so you ditched your real friends."

"I did not. I was already someone before he showed up."

Yoochun rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, you wanted to be his friend because everyone liked him."

"Everyone likes me." Eunhyuk stated.

"Not everyone." Yesung corrected.

Eunhyuk looked at Yesung annoyed. "You know what? I'm tired of this."

"Well we have to get to class." Yoochun said while pulling on Yesung's shirt and dragging him to class.

Eunhyuk turned around and rubbed his temple's. "This is not happening. This is such a girl's drama." He whispered and then walked into his class.


"Jaejoong where are you going?" Taeyeon whispered as she looked up from her paper.

"Restroom." He mouthed. Jaejoong walked up to the teacher's desk and asked if he could go to the restroom. The teacher didn't look to happy but let him go anyway.

When Jaejoong was on his way he bumped into someone who looked strangely familiar. "Jaejoong my man!"

Jaejoong realized who it was and rolled his hand into a fist. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to get an education."

"Leave.....Jiyong." Jaejoong said through clenched teeth.

"Look I know I did some bad things in the past, but-"

"Some?" Jaejoong interrupted.

Jiyong rolled his eyes and let out a deep breath. "Okay a lot. But why are you pissed off? I didn't do anything to you."

"Yeah, but you hurt my friend. So technically you did hurt me. If you mess with any of my friends you mess with me."

"Okay I'm sorry. But I have reasons to why I did those things to Taeyeon."

Jaejoong let out a small laugh. "And what are those reasons?"

"My parents......they're the ones who made me move."

"Why?" Jaejoong asked.

"They didn't like Taeyeon."

Jaejoong grew furious. "What? Who wouldn't like Taeyeon?"

"Would you let me finish?!?" Jiyong asked loudly, like he was yelling.

"Sorry." Jaejoong apologized even though he didn't want to.

Jiyong too a deep breath and let it out. "My parents are very picky with girls. They want me to date a girl who is tall, slim, and 

"Wait, so are you calling Taeyeon fat and ugly??"

Jiyong looked at Jaejoong oddly. "No of course not! It's just, my parents want me to date those kind of girls."

"And?" Jaejoong asked wanting to know more about why his parents made him move.

"Well, everyday after school my parent's would always ask me where I was." Jaejoong nodded following along. "I would always answer that I was with Taeyeon. They would get so mad because they think I could do better." Jiyong paused for a moment and then continued. "They would always get her name wrong. They would call her Taeyoon. It gets me so mad, because whenever they call her that she always looks sad."

"So why'd you have to move?" Jaejoong asked.

"One day when I came home from school, my luggage's were sitting there waiting at the door for me. My parents told me that I would be moving to America for a while."


"They said that I could do better and that I need to forget about Taeyeon."

"But why didn't you run away?" Jaejoong asked.

"Because my parents are so rich that they have like security guards." Jiyong answered. "Anyway, when I got to America I was planning to call Taeyeon, but my parents sent a 'security guard' to watch me. My parents said that I couldn't call Taeyeon until atleast two months later, and If I tried I would get my phone taken away and never be able to speak to her again."

Jaejoong looked surprised that Jiyong was actually saying this. He didn't know that Jiyong's parents were the one's at fault. "So why didn't you just tell her when you called to break it off?"

"I couldn't. If I did or tried to then I wouldn't be able to come back to Seoul at all."

"What? Why?"

Jiyong shrugged. "I don't know, my parents are stupid like that."

Jaejoong chuckled a bit. "Well why'd you come back?"

"Because, now I can tell Taeyeon everything. And I didn't want to do it over the phone. I wanted to tell her in person."

Jaejoong nodded understandingly. "How did you feel when you were with her?"

Jiyong smiled and sighed. "I was really happy. Everytime I was with her I felt happy and alive." Jaejoong felt a little jealous, but then calmed down.

"Why didn't you tell your parents that?"

"I did....but did you think that they'd care?" Jiyong asked. Jaejoong shook his head and looked away. "Do you think she'll forgive me?" Asked Jiyong.

Jaejoong turned back to him. "I don't know, you'll have to find out yourself." Jaejoong walked up to Jiyong and patted him on the back. "Good luck." Even though Jaejoong still hated Jiyong for hurting Taeyeon, he couldn't help but feel sorry.

Jiyong gave a small smile and patted Jaejoong's shoulder. "Thanks." Jaejoong nodded and walked back to his class. He didn't bother going to the restroom because he did't need to go anymore.

After the talk Jaejoong knew that Jiyong had gone through a lot. It was hard to forgive Jiyong, but after hearing this, Jaejoong's hate on him died down.


(Taeyeon's POV)

"Hey Yuri." I said smiling. It was lunch time and everyone was in the cafeteria. And when I say everyone I mean everyone. Lunch is like the best thing during school, well except for meeting your friends and stuff.

"Hey." She said smiling back at me.

"So what did you get on the math test?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "A 68." I nodded. It wasn't much of a shocker since well she isn't good in math. "I mean, I thought I did pretty good."

"Sure." I said sarcastically. She looked at me pissed. Oops.

"Hey guys." Jaejoong said saving me from Yuri.....again.

"Hey." Yuri and I said in unison. Jaejoong sat down beside me and looked at his food.

" is for eating not for staring." I said.

He sighed and looked up at me. "Do you know the real reason why Jiyong left?"

I was shocked at what he asked. That just came up out of nowhere. "Uh....he wanted a break." Jaejoong stared at me for a while then back at his food.

"Are you alright?" Yuri asked concerned. That was a little weird, she never cares for him. Jaejoong nodded and began eating his food. Yuri turned to me while I just shrugged.


"Hey Taeyeon!" I heard someone shout. Jaejoong and I were walking over to my house. Yuri couldn't come because she had to get home quickly. Her mother needed her as soon as posible. "Taeyeon!" This person shouted again. Jaejoong and I turned around and saw Boa running towards us. I took a look at Jaejoong and saw his eyes wandering around not looking directly at Boa. "Taeyeon." Boa said once again. She was trying to catch her breath from all of that running.

I put up a fake smile. "Hey Boa."

"I was just on my way back from the store and then I saw you with...." She turned to look at Jaejoong. "Jaejoong."

He stopped looking at something and looked at her. "Hey." She gave a small smile which meant 'Hey'

"So let's go home." I suggested. Boa and Jaejoong nodded as the followed me home.

"We're home!" I shouted. The whole house seemed like it shook.

Yunho's head popped out of the kitchen and smiled. "Hey."

"Uh.....I'm going to go up to my room." I said while taking off me shoes and heading upstairs.

"Can I come?" I heard Jaejoong ask. I turned around and nodded.

"Sure." I took a quick glance at Boa and saw that she looked kind of....... sad? Does she really like him?

Jaejoong accidentally bumped into me which caused me to fall back, but luckily he caught my waist and pulled me up. "Whoa, be careful."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me. "You're the one who bumped into me."

"Yeah...sorry." He apologized while I ran up to my room with Jaejoong following me.


"Boa are you alright?" Yunho asked.

Boa turned to Yunho and noddded. "Yeah, of course." Yunho smiled and walked back into the kitchen. "Does she still hate me?" Boa asked to herself quietly. "Yeah I think so." She answered.


"Yoona.....I want to break up." Donghae said. Donghae and Yoona were at the park with Tiffany and Jessica.

"WHAT?!?" Yoona yelled as she stood up from the swing.

Donghae looked away trying to avoid her eye contact. "I'm sorry."

"No no can NOT break up with Yoona." Jessica yelled. Tiffany was about to say something but got distracted by trying to calm Yoona down.

Donghae turned to Yoona. "I'm sorry....but I can't take this anymore."

Yoona's eyes were burning with fire. "What do you mean you can't take this anymore?!?" She yelled startling Donghae.

"I can't take how you guys are always watching and stalking Taeyeon." He answered trying to say his words carefully.

"But...but you broke up with her for ME!" Yoona yelled furious. Tiffany covered her ears and then backed away slowly from Yoona.

"I was stupid!" Donghae yelled. He was so annoyed with how Yoona carried herself that he couldn't handle it anymore. "I'm sick and tired of all three of you!" He yelled pointing to all of them. "You guys make me sick! Don't ever talk to me again!" He started to walk away when Yoona called him back.


He turned around and stopped. "Don't even come near me!!!" He yelled one last time before he walked off leaving Yoona and the other two standing there in shock.

"But...but we just started to date." Yoona cried.

Jessica and Tiffany ran to her and comforted her. "It's alright Yoona. You can do so much better." Jessica said.

"Yeah, forget about him." Tiffany said.

Yoona stopped crying and looked at Jessica. "It's time for you and Jaejoong to start dating."

Jessica looked shocked. "What do you mean?"

"We need to get Taeyeon out of here. It's time for revenge!" Yoona yelled with an evil smirk.

Tiffany was scared at Yoona's evil face. "Uh....but you already took Donghae away from her. Why would you want to take Jaejoong away?"

Yoona turned to Tiffany. "Because he is meant to be with Jessica, and Taeyeon is the one who caused Donghae to break up with me."

Tiffany shook her head. "No, it was yourself who caused him to break up with you."

"Tiffany stop ruining the moment!" Jessica yelled with a very high pitched voice. "Now what ever Yoona says goes."

Tiffany sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine."

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D