Against the clock


When school was over that day, they were immediately greeted by the face of Mr. Lau, the school janitor. His grease stained shirt and disheveled hair rendered him messy and disorganized, leaving quite the impression on both Myungsoo and Hyunae, taking mental notes to never end up in the principles office again.

“Ok so your first task is to clean the cafeteria, make sure you scrub thoroughly under the tables and the chairs because the kids of your generation decided to become squirrels and stash their gum under them.” Mr. Lau said jokingly with a giggle but then held a straight face, “Seriously, scrub well, I will be examining when you finish. Until then, get to work!” with that, the old geezer made a run for it.

---present, Myungsoo’s POV---

We were conflicted from the start, to pinpoint precisely where we went wrong would take days, not just one hour. I looked at the clock on the wall, each tick threatening to end my hour. I decided to go outside and wander the streets in an attempt to jog my memory faster. I cant believe I was so stupid to do all the things that I did. Never once have I cheated on her, I felt beyond satisfied having Hyunae by my side but I guess the fact that I cant show her, or tell her exactly how I feel was probably what really sealed the coffin of our decaying relationship, granted if you even want to call what we had a relationship. I didn’t even ask her to be my girlfriend, it just happened.

I was sitting down in the music room strumming my guitar when suddenly a loud thud followed by an “ow” surprised me.

“Who is there?!” I asked uneasily as I held my guitar in a defensive jedi-knight light saber position. The music room was known to be haunted so naturally I was a bit spooked.

“Don’t get your in a twist, Debra, it’s just me.” An all too familiar voice grumbled

A grunt escaped my lips. “How many times to have to tell you my name is MYUNGSOO, KIM MYUNG-SOO! Not Debra, or Sophie, or-or twinkle toes!”  I shouted as Hyunae’s delicate figure emerged from behind the bookcase scratching the back of her head and yawning.

“What the hell are you doing here, Bella ballerina?” she questioned as she stretched her limbs.

I gave her my most piercing glare as I clicked my tongue, “I think whatever I do here is my business, what are you doing here?” I questioned as I made room for her to sit beside me.

After weeks of arguing and working together we were able to find a middle ground and were slowly starting to build a friendship, we were more like frenemies though. We got along but we still kind of hated each other.

“I was taking a nap but then some horrible sounds were coming from this side of the room so I woke up. P.S. The horrible thing that I heard was you and your stupid guitar.” She pouted cutely.

Never in my entire existence would I ever admit this to anyone but I actually found her to be adorable after hanging around with her but I always kept my guard up. We were just casually chatting which was quite unusual for me since I don’t really talk much unless it’s with my crew. We were joking about how Mr. Lau would always mysteriously disappear when we start cleaning and then randomly reappear when we were done. One thing led to another and then we suddenly landed on an awkward topic.

“I don’t get it.” Hyunae suddenly said and I looked at her questioningly

“What don’t you get?” I asked.

She rested her head against the wall, “Why are you the so-called ice prince if you are this decent?”

I was left dumbfounded for a moment, how come she doesn’t see me as an ice prince? Am I becoming too nice or is she crossing over to the dark side? “Umm… I ahh… I don’t really know. People just misunderstand me I guess.” I casually shrugged my shoulders and leaned back on the wall, turning my face towards Hyunae only to realize how close we physically are to one another. I could clearly see the little mole on her upper lip. I tried hard not to notice her lips but they were so plump and pink. Somehow, her lips began to grow larger and larger and without me knowing, I kissed her. Yes, I kissed her. After that, we just sort of became a thing. No words were ever really spoken about what kind of relationship we had; all that we knew was that we HAD one. The rest after that went downhill.


While Myungsoo was taking his stroll down memory lane, he didn’t care to notice that there were six figures following closely behind in disguise.

“Psst, Sungyeol, would you mind crouching down a bit. I cant see over your large, owl-like head!” Sungjong whispered aggressively at Sungyeol as they hid in an alley watching Myungsoo cross the street.

“Shh don’t blow our cover! Hyunae will practically stone us to death if this doesn’t work out properly!” Sungyeol semi shouted and earned a slap in the back of the head from Sungjong.

“Now who is on the verge of blowing our cover!” Sungjong retorted as he snatched the walkie- talkie from Sungyeol’s hands with a “Hmp” sound.

*beep**beep* “The prince is moving. He seems to be heading towards the school.” *beep**beep*

*beep*”Roger that, I’ve got a visual. Dance Machine out.*beep*


With all the drama that was surrounding Hyunae and Myungsoo, Infinite decided to play cupid for the star-crossed pair. They all tried to warn Myungsoo that if he didn’t put any effort into his relationship, then it would all end in regret on his behalf for not saying what he needed to say. You see, Hyunae and Myungsoo have been in a relationship for about a year now, but never throughout those 365 days have any of them heard him say that he loved Hyunae or even dare to show it except for the occasional hand holding and kiss. All of Infinite –except for Myungsoo, of course- knew that Hyunae was getting tired, and was losing all hope. They noticed how fragile she became during the relationship; they noticed how her eyes lost their usual shine and how depressed she became. None of the Infinite members liked seeing her like this, they wanted to help her live again; they wanted to give her back the hope and happiness she deserved, so they all devised a plan. Operation Tic toc.

Of course, in order for this plan to work, they needed to let Hyunae in on it. And when she found out, it was like fireworks exploding in her eyes. She was willing to do anything to get Myungsoo to act like a REAL boyfriend, so she gladly agreed.

Inside the school, Hoya was waiting in the hallway with a bouquet of a dozen red roses in hand with Dongwoo by his side,

“Where the hell is Myungsoo? I thought Sungjong said he was by the school already!” Dongwoo whined as he was feeling anxious to see how the big event will go.

“I’m sure he will be here soon, just relax.” Hoya simply replied.

Just then the main entrance door opened hastily with a figure running down the hallway towards Dongwoo and Hoya.

“Hoya? Dongwoo? What are you guys doing here? Why are you holding flowers?” Myungsoo asked as he tried to catch his breath.

The two looked at each other then back at Myungsoo, “Here, you’re gonna need this.” Hoya stated as he handed the bouquet of roses to Myungsoo without answering any of his questions. “Go.”

Without another word, Myungsoo ran down the corridor and made a right heading towards the stairs to the music room with only five minutes to spare. The time was running out faster than he wanted it to, he galloped up the steps taking them three at a time and stumbling every once in a while until he reached the second floor entrance. The music room was all the way on the other side of the long hallway, being the last classroom to the left. He looked at the clock one last time and saw only three minutes remained from his hour. Myungsoo bolted towards the room as fast as he could, his legs were burning from the vigorous running, and his hair was a complete mess but none of that mattered to him now, as the last sweat drops melt the ice prince’s heart.

“Hyunae!” He shouted as he was mere steps away from the door.

“Hyunae!” He shouted again as he twisted the door knob and entered the classroom.

Hyunae was sitting against the wall where they first kissed. Tears welled in her eyes as she saw him enter the room panting. Looking into his eyes, she can see that there were tears ready to be shed. He took three long strides towards her and got on his knees.

“Park Hyunae, please don’t leave me.” Myunsoo pleaded with a shaky voice.

Hyunae tried her best to be strong as she looked at the kneeling man before her, “I told you I would if you gave me one good reason to.”

Myungsoo looked deeply into her eyes as he crawled beside her to take her hand, this was it. The moment of truth, he was able to beat the clock, but would he be able to beat his icy ways?

“Park Hyunae, I don’t want you to leave me because I…I love you. And losing you would be like losing a dream or losing air. I would die if-“

Before he could say another word, Hyunae’s lips crashed against his in a passionate kiss, savoring the moment when the man she fell in love with, loved her back. Tasting the words on his tongue, Hyunae lingered in the kiss, making sure that every moment counted as they lived in the moment. Then all of a sudden a flash of light blinded the lovers.

“Awe this is the sweetest moment ever! I am so glad that I got to witness it front and center!” Woohyun cheered as he continued to take pictures on his camera from behind the bookshelf.

“Yah! Woohyun, what did I tell you about spoiling a moment! I knew I couldn’t trust you to come patrol the situation with me!” Sunggyu then emerged right beside him.

Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows, “You two were here the whole time?!”

Sunggyu and Woohyun exchanged uneasy glances and smiled innocently at Myungsoo, “Umm…yes.”

Starting to put two and two together, he did notice two strange people following him to the school, and Hoya and Dongwoo were waiting inside the school with the flowers, and now Sunggyu and Woohyun were snapping photos.

“Wait a minute…did you all plan this?!” Myungsoo asked in complete shock. “Hyunae, were you in on this too?!”

Hyunae nodded her head as she snatched the roses from his hand, “Yep, and you better believe that if you don’t love me the right way then I’ll leave you for sure.” She stated in a matter of fact tone.

Myungsoo tensed, but then smirked as he leaned in closer to her, completely forgetting the presence of Sunggyu and Woohyun. “Don’t you ever say you will leave me again, or else I’ll make sure to have you forever in a more permanent way.” He then kissed her lips, taking out all of his frustration, anxiety, and surprise on Hyunae’s poor lips.

As their lips parted, Myungsoo rested his forehead against hers, looking into her deep chocolate eyes.“I promise I’ll love you right this time.”

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Glad that Myungsoo could fix this!! Thank you Infinite for helping this couple out!! ^^
emi_martini #2
@SHINeeandSNSDjjang when I started writing this one-shot I had full intention of making it a story but then I realized that the story was not supposed to contain by request and changed the whole thing. Apparently I forgot to change the the rating. Thanks for reminding me though!
-xminhye #3
Ahhh~ u make me fall deeper in love with myungsoo nowww :DD he isn't that icy afterall♥ heheheh~ thanks so muchh!!! He's just so.. unpredictable >< this guyy♡ ahhhh, thanks once again! :D
SHINeeandSNSDjjang #4
why is this rated?
update soon (?)