Against the clock


She had one foot out the door, about to exit his life forever. She was fed up with the push and pull of their relationship; he couldn’t change so she was left with no other choice. Myungsoo saw her storm away from him and open the door, her words echoing through his head,
“Once I walk out that door, don’t expect me to come back. I’m gone for good.” 
There was so much Myungsoo wanted to say but there was so little time before she was completely gone from his life. The only thing he could think about at that moment was, “Where did I go wrong?” he quickly asked her before she was gone.
HyunAe turned around swiftly with a bitter smile on her face as tears trickled down her rosy cheeks, “I’ll let you figure that out on your own.” Her hand was already against the door handle.
“WAIT!” Myungsoo shouted in despair, “Don’t do this, don’t leave!” His breath was shaking and his heart felt like it was about to stop.
HyunAe sniffed back her tears, “Give me one good reason why I should stay.” 
Myungsoo’s eyes widened, he was never a man of many words and he always preferred to be that way. He thought that talking without a purpose was just empty words and never wasted his time with it. He looked around the white studio trying to find an answer written along the walls. There was something he wanted to tell her but the words never dared to come out. He was losing her, right in front of his very eyes. 
“You cant answer right? How about this, I’ll give you exactly one hour to think over where it all went wrong. When you finally figure it out, meet me at that place with your reason for why I should stay.” HyunAe then headed out the door, leaving Myungsoo in utter bewilderment. He punched the wall to release his frustration, cursing himself for not being able to say what he wanted to say, what he NEEDED to say to her. He sat down on the black couch and began his journey through the memories of himself and HyunAe.

It all started a year ago, their meeting was, without a doubt, conflicting. A carefree Hyunae was walking down the halls of Star High as she passed by, fellow students and teachers alike would stop what they were doing and greet her with bright smiles on their faces.

“Good morning, Hyunae! Do you need help carrying all those books? They sure look heavy!” One student offered

“No thank you, but have a nice day!” Hyunae replied courteously with a smile on her face.

However she would soon regret not taking up that student’s offer when the ice cold kingka was making his entrance through the hallway with his friends. People began scurrying to the sides, pressed against the walls as they made way for the handsome kingka and company to pass. Unfortunately for Hyunae, she was caught right in the middle of the stampede of students with four text books in hand. She was trying her best to keep the books balanced as students bumped into her left and right until finally, one large push caused her books to fall to the ground, and with horrible timing too. Once the books hit the ground, a silence echoed with the gasps from other students. To poor Hyunae’s dismay, her books didn’t exactly land on the floor, but on Myungsoo’s foot. A menacing scowl escaped his lips as he retreated his foot from the disheveled pile of books.

“Whose books are these?” Myungsoo asked crossly while pointing down at the books.

All eyes landed on Hyunae; following their stares, Myungsoo turned towards her with an intimidating stare. “You. Are these your books?”

Hyunae held her head high against all odds, “Yes, these books are mine and I am terribly sorry that-“

“I don’t want to hear your explanation, its just a yes or no question. It’s not like you can justify yourself anyhow. You’re probably just one of my fan girls looking to get my attention but let me tell you something, its not going to work. So take your filthy books and sly acts and disappear from my sight. Girls like you disgust me.” Myungsoo then kicked her books towards her and walked away.

“Who the hell do you think you are? I didn’t do that to get your attention and I definitely am NOT a fan girl of yours. You better shut your mouth before I have it shut for you.” Hyunae rebutted.

More gasps filled up the hallway as Myungsoo stopped walking and turned around, “What did you say?”

Hyunae scoffed, “You know damn well what I said, don’t make me repeat myself.”

Myungsoo was about to reply to her but then the bell suddenly rang, “This isn’t over yet, girl.” He simply replied as he walked away with his head held high and his friends right behind him.

After that, the arguing between the two got worse with time. Every day they would argue over something new and got to the point where Hyunae physically assaulted Myungsoo when he stuck a toad in her locker, earn both of them a trip to the principle’s office that they would never forget.


“I have had enough with your behavior! In case you have forgotten, this is a school and all matters must be handled cordially! You two have been running around this school causing nothing but a ruckus and utter embarrassment. I have had teachers come up to me complaining about how your silly arguments are disrupting classes, and causing mayhem. Do you think this kind of behavior is excusable? ANSWER ME!” Principle Gyu scolded

“No, Principle Gyu” Both Myungsoo and Hyunae replied

“Now, you do realize a punishment is at hand. For the next six weeks, you two will be working with the janitors both after school and lunch break. If I hear any one of you fighting or complaining, I’ll make those six weeks until summer vacation. Do I make myself clear?” Principle Gyu questioned

Fearing more punishment, Hyunae and Myungsoo agreed to the principle’s punishment and left the office.

“Don’t take this as a chance to try to become closer to me, I already said I hated you once, and it’s already set in stone.” Myungsoo stated as he walked ahead of Hyunae to their class.

“I should have punched him harder or even kicked him in his privates.” Hyunae mumbled to herself as she followed behind him. 


Since it's late here, I am going to finish writing and post the rest of the one shot tomorrow or possibly the day after. Hope you like it so far although it's not exactly as great as I want it to be yet but have no fear, the next update will be all you hoped for! oh and by the way, this one-shot is based on "Tic Toc" by INFINITE

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Glad that Myungsoo could fix this!! Thank you Infinite for helping this couple out!! ^^
emi_martini #2
@SHINeeandSNSDjjang when I started writing this one-shot I had full intention of making it a story but then I realized that the story was not supposed to contain by request and changed the whole thing. Apparently I forgot to change the the rating. Thanks for reminding me though!
-xminhye #3
Ahhh~ u make me fall deeper in love with myungsoo nowww :DD he isn't that icy afterall♥ heheheh~ thanks so muchh!!! He's just so.. unpredictable >< this guyy♡ ahhhh, thanks once again! :D
SHINeeandSNSDjjang #4
why is this rated?
update soon (?)