Author's Note

May fate be with us next life....

Well, theres the end of the fic. D:

Explanations as to the fic:

TItle: may fate be with us next life  is meant to say that jaejoong and sumin could not be together in this life, therefore, hopefully fate will be with them in their next life together. :)

Jaejoong: Jaejoong really loved SuMin right from the start. But Jaejoong is in a gang and he did not want anything to happen to SuMin. He knew he should not have even confessed to her in the first place. But he couldn't help it. He really liked SuMin. Jaejoong also knew that danger was coming ahead and so he rather lie to SuMin about 'using her' than to let her know the truth.

DBSK: The rest of the DBSK members did not know about this, hence the fact that Jaejoong sent them off on a 'mission' in Japan. Jaejoong really loved his team members and rather die himself than have all of the members die. I also only mentioned Yunho and then 'the rest of the DBSK members' because I did not want to make the story longer, as this is supposed to be a short fic.

Yumi & Yunho: As for Yumi. I didn't put much info about her because I did not want to get off topic and make this become an even longer fic. In the beginning of the fic, it shows that she really liked Yunho. And the truth is that after Jaejoong and SuMin got together, Yunho started liking Yumi too. I also tried to show that Yunho liked Yumi such as "Yunho looked back, eyes filled with guilt." (but I most likely failed.) As of why Yunho did not confess. Yunho, like Jaejoong, knows his position. And that is of a gang member. Who knows what will happen to them the next day? And that is why he can not confess to Yumi.

SuMin: As for why SuMin committed suicide. I know I left off a lot of those lovey dovey scenes, but over the five months of their relationship, SuMin really loved Jaejoong. He was her first love and when he broke it off with her, she really couldn't grasp the fact and was in a lot of pain. She couldn't stand the fact that Jaejoong had 'used her' and committed suicide.

MinAh: MinAh was just another character I made up as the excuse jaejoong used to break up with SuMin. There is nothing between MinAh and Jaejoong.

Fan Girls: for the fans, I made them instantly like SuMin and Jaejoong as a couple because I did not want to start side stories about fans hating on SuMin. I wanted to concentrate more on the main points of the fic.

Rings: Lastly, I know I never spoke about the rings throughout the fic except for when the main characters died. You guys probably figured it out already and realized its a couple ring. Both Jaejoong and SuMin hung onto it even when they died, showing they really love each other.
Too bad fate was in their way....


blah. i probably rushed a bit too much on the story, because i realized i was making the fic longer and longer. well feel free to comment about what you think about this story. also please tell me if you noticed any typos. @_@

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LoveYou12345678 #1
fate is always playing huhuhuhu
Yes! Please write a sequel for this!
weedpeach #3
haha i'll see about it ^^
nana_lve_fanfic #4
can you write a sequel for this??like what's gonna happen in the net life???please~~
weedpeach #5
yeppp :/<br />
thanks for readingg ^^
awww what a bitter ending to a beautiful romance... =/<br />
if only fate was kinder....
weedpeach #7
aw thanks :D
it made me cry too<br />
<br />
Yeah well, I guess they met again in heaven.
weedpeach #9
thanks! :D <br />
i wasn't expecting to get any comments D:<br />
and maybe! i'll make it into a longer fanfic when i have time :D