Chapter 8

IU multi-tasking between school life and idol life




IU walking along the corridor hearing lots of congratulatory words.

“Jieun-sshi, congrats for receiving all-kill in k-charts.”

“Nae~ kamsahmida.” Jieun replied cheerfully. “

“Today will be a great day!” IU thought to herself.

I went to the garden and meet up with the rest.

“Wah, Jieun killed all k-charts.” Suzy said excitedly.

“Yeah, we should throw a party.” Krystal said. They got excited just by thinking about it.

Then, each of them got a text from Rin.


Get over here now. S.O.S meeting!! –Rin


“Do we have too?” Suzy whined.

“Are you sure you want me to answer that?” asked Jiyeon.

“Forget it.” Suzy said and left the field.


(Practice Room)

“Wow. What happened to this place?” questioned Suzy seeing the practice room in a mess.

“Rin, what happened?” Krystal asked RIn who is cleaning the place.

“We’ve been robbed. Our instruments are gone. The only thing left is the guitar.” Rin said in a moodless tone.

“We can’t do anything with only guitar. Only Rin can play the guitar. “ said Krystal.

“We’ll find back our instruments. It should be around the school since the school gate only opens before and after school. And since the drum set is heavy, there’s no way they could leap over the gate.” Jieun suggested. No idea why but they felt a small hope in Jieun’s voice.

“Okay. We’ll split in teams. Suzy, Krystal tackles right side of the building. Jiyeon and I tackle the left side. While Jieun, you clean this place up. I already cleaned most of it.” Rin said. All nods and moved into action.


Rin’s POV

I gave orders to the others splitting them into teams to find our instruments. After I stepped out far from the practice room, I set my hand phone alarm to ring at 3P.M.

“Unnie, nowadays you always been setting your phone alarm. Is there anything?” Jiyeon asked.

“To prevent Jieun being late to her schedules because of club activities.” I answered.

“Ah~ So that’s why you always check her schedule every week and noted it into your phone calendar.”  Jiyeon said. I smiled in response. So we went searching everywhere for our instruments.



Seeing the clock It’s nearly 3PM.

“guess I’ll be late again. “ I thought to myself and continued to clean up the place.


*a message received*

Frm: Rin

If you’re done, you may go now. We’ll handle the rest when we get back there. It’s ok. You can leave.

Frm: Jieun

Eum.. nae… I’ll leave after I clean the last area.

Frm: Rin

No need to. Krystal will do it later. You’re free to go. I’m serious. Are you going against your leader now? >;(

Frm: Jieun

No. I’m not. Arasseo. See you all tomorrow then.


So I called manager-oppa to pick me up. And went to the fansign event in time.

“Speaking of which recently RIn always released me in time for any schedules.”

“Possible……. She knew?”

“Aish.. Impossible. She won’t know. She doesn’t seem like she knew.”

These thoughts running in my mind.


Rin’s POV

Jiyeon and I went searching. Suddenly my phone rings. It’s alarm.

It says “Release Jieun from club.”

So I started texting her.

Frm: Rin

If you’re done, you may go now. We’ll handle the rest when we get back there. It’s ok. You can leave.

Frm: Jieun

Eum.. nae… I’ll leave after I clean the last area.

(She really that diligent? If she don’t leave now, she’ll be late. It’s an hour trip from here to her fansign location.How to make her leave? Hah! I hav an idea.  *smirks*) (RIN)

Frm: Rin

No need to. Krystal will do it later. You’re free to go. I’m serious. Are you going against your leader now? >:(

(The angry face at the end I didn’t mean it at all. I wasn’t angry but guess that’s the only way she’ll go.) (RIN)

Frm: Jieun

No. I’m not. Arasseo. See you all tomorrow then.

(HAH! Success!!) (RIN)

“Unnie. Why are you so happy?”  Jiyeon asked while linking my arm

“My plan success. Atleast now Jieun won’t be late to her schedules anymore.” I answered proudly.

“Wah, daebak. You really did it.” Jiyeon said excitedly.

We went to Jiyeon’s class and heard some students complaining.

“Ah, Ice Mage. Our cupboard are missing.” One of the student said.

“Cupboard… missing?? Seriously?” Jiyeon asked curiously. The fanboys nearly fainted coz of the sudden cuteness. I shook my head like “there-we-go-again” look. I bent down and check on the place where the cupboard is originally located. This is definitely a mystery.

“Unnie, find anything?”  I snapped back to reality when I heard Jiyeon’s voice.

“Nope.” I said to Jiyeon.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get back your cupboard…” I said to the students.

“……and our instruments.” I muttered softly so that no one could here.

“Instruments? Ice Mage lost instruments?” one of the student ask.

“Yeah. But don’t worry, we’ll get it back. Soon…. I hope.” I said. Assuring them.

We left the class and check on other classes as well. I got a feeling that other class has complains as well.

“Ah~ The computers in the computer labs are gone.”

“The books in the library are gone”

“The goal post in the field are gone. Great how are we gonna play soccer now?!”

As we passed by, these were the complains we heard.

“Ah, unnie!! Jiyeonnie!!” Suzy and Krystal ran towards us.

“Have you heard?” Suzy asked.

“Seems like important things somewhere or someone goes missing. First was our instrument,  where we need for performances….”Krystal continued.

“Then is my class’s cupboard which my classmates always hide their belongings in there.” Jiyeon added.

“And now the goal post that soccer players loved and books in library that geeks usually loved.”  I said.

“Oh and even the computers in the labs are gone.” Jiyeon said.

“WHAT?!!” Krystal and Suzy asked in shocked.

“this is definitely a mystery. We will find back all the missing things.” Jiyeon said determinedly.



“Ah!! My head is about to explode thinking about the case!!!” Krystal yelled frustratedly.

“You’re thinking out of nothing of course your head will explode.” Suzy teased.

“So you have any good idea, smart brain?” Krystal teased back in english.

“Yah, don’t use English on me!!”  Suzy fight back.

“Will you two CUT IT OFF!!!” Rin exploded. Suzy and Krystal kept quiet.

“I wish Jieun is here. Maybe she’ll know what to do.” Krystal said while take out her phone. Rin snatched it away.


“Why do you wanna bother her with this matter in the middle of her fanmeeting?” Rin asked.

“Wow, did I heard right? Rin unnie is concerned about Jieun?” Suzy asked.

Rin had an evil smirk on her face.

“Y-yah.. u-unnie. D-don’t.” Suzy stuttered moving backwards when RIn getting nearer to her like a cat targeted its prey. Rin then pounced on Suzy and tickled her

“Puahahaha.. unnie~~ stop stop… please~ HAHAHAHA~~” Suzy said between laughed. Rin didn’t listen and continued to tickle Suzy.

“Yah, Soojung –ah.. A lil help here?” Suzy asking for help while trying to avoid from RIn;’s attack. Krystal joined in the fun by attacking Rin. Jiyeon joined in too.  Rin had them both under her by using wrestling trick and tickled them.

“Ok ok.. I surrender.” Krystal said. Rin switched to her other target, Jiyeon and Suzy.

They landed on the grass tiredly looking at the sky.

“Unnie, it’s been a long time since you had fun like this.” Jiyeon said.

“Yeah. It’s been long since I ever felt relaxed.” Rin said with a smile on her face feeling relaxed. Accompanied by the blue sky, green grass and her besties-cousins-sisters-members.


*text received*

“It’s from Jieun.” Jiyeon said and read the text.

Frm: Jieun

Is everything ok. Found the instruments yet?

“Unnie, should I tell her about the case?” Jiyeon asked Rin before replying.

“Nah. Don’t make her worry. Just say the instruments are not the only thing lost in school. And ask her to finish up her schedules. We’ll tell her everything tomorrow.” Answered Rin. Jiyeon nodded and replied.

Frm: Jiyeon

Nope. We just realised that our instruments are not the only thing stolen. We’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Don’t worry.  Leave it to us. You just focus on your fanmeeting. :)



I'm thinking of making one seperate chapter as IU's birthday tribute.... hmm.. we'll see how it goes nae... :)

Then again, comments are loved.

Peach are LOVED.. xD


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I like it!! Aww but too bad it ended(?) TT_TT Anyways, is Chapter 27 the start of the sequel?
I like it!! Aww but too bad it ended(?) TT_TT Anyways, is Chapter 27 the start of the sequel?
Wow! I didn't expect the story to be like this... BUT it's the first time I read this kind of fanfic. Nvm, I like it. More Rin&Jieun moments please!
Update soon! Im enjoying the story will there be any love story among the girls or any other characters? Or just friendahip. It will be nice if there is a love story at one point:)