Passing Notes

Don't Say Goodbye

<< Hyemi >>

I massaged my temples as I sat on my bed. I let out a sniffle and looked outside. Summer was approaching, but the wind was still biting cold sometimes. i walked over to the window, still massaging my temples.

What Yoseob just did to me.

It all came running back into my mind, placing a small smile on my lips. Heat creeped up my cheek, as i kept smiling as if I just won the lottery.

Yoseob, what on earth did you do to me?

<< Yoseob >>

I sat on my working desk, resting my head on the table. I could feel blood rush up to my cheek as I let out a soft chuckle. I then tilted my head to the picture set on my desk. Jieun.

I then let out a small whimper as I thought of Hyemi. Maybe I should do something to make up for it. I then took the framed picture of me and Jieun on the daisy field and lay it on the table, photo side downwards.

I then tap my fingers on the desk, thinking of what can make Hyemi smile once more. But I just can't, my mind was still blurry and all from earlier, the first time I saw her, for her.

I took her cold hands in mine and pulled her closer. She jerked her hand away from me and walked faster. I didn't meant to hurt her last night. And I didn't want to do it now, but I have no choice.

I yanked her wrist ad pulled her into my embrace.

Our faces were only a bare inch away. I could feel her hot breath on my lips, and I know she could feel the same.

"W- what? Should I remind you that I'm not Jieun? I might look like her but I'm not her. So I think it's better if you step away before you do anything we--" she kept babling on and on, rambling like no tomorrow.

So I stopped her.

I couldn't just force my hand on can I? That's called assault.

So I kissed her.

Just like that.

My mind wander back to making up for my mistake. I still couldn't believe I kissed her for real. Last night, I kissed her, broke the kiss and saw Jieun. This time, I parted the kiss, surprised that she kissed me back.

And I saw her.


Her doe eyes, round and wide, blinking. she had double-eyelids, unlike Jieun who had single eyelids. Her eye colour was of a different tinge of hazel as well. Hyemi's nose bridge was higher as well, and her skin was a little more sallow than Jieun.

But the kiss she gave me was incomparable.

It was gentle, and soft. It wasn't full of lust, it was full of love. Her lips were soft and not to mention glossy. It was sweet and intoxicating, and it tasted like fresh strawberries. I know I proubably sound like a e ert on the loose.

But at least I got my point through.

<< Hyemi >>

"Yoseob Oppa, I'm honestly sorry for what happened back there. I didn't mean to kiss you back since well, I think that kiss was supposed to be for Jieun," I rambled to the video camera in front of me.

My gaze lowered as I shuffled my feet.

"Am I mistaken? I hope I am, honestly," I whispered softly, loud enough for the camera to capture it.

"But well, point is. Jieun is Jieun, Hyemi is Hyemi. And I probably will break down if I have to say this to you directly," I then said louder.

"But don't hurt me, please. I think I- well, umm--" I hesitated.

Should I tell him?

"I THINK I LIKE YOU!" I yelled, damn lucky the room was soundproof. Okay damn that was loud, but hey whatever. At least I tried telling him, even through video camera.

I then scuttled over to the camera and pressed stop. I turned the camera off and jumped on my bed, grabbing a post it from my bedside table. I then took out a pen and started writing.

Dear Yang Yoseob,
watch the video will you? and I think it'd be best if you would reply me not in person.
maybe through a video? or a voice note?
not in person, i don't want to see you yet.
Sincerely Yoon Hyemi.

I smiled then, satisfied at my amazing penmanship. Oh, and it was written in purple ink, my favorite colour. I pouted and examined the post it once more.

Satisfied, I stick it to the video camera and darter off my room, I slammed the camera on Yoseob's dask and scurried back to my room.

<< Yoseob >>

I giggled as I watch the video. Her flushed face and her little nervous gestures, massaging her temple, biting her lip, tugging the hem of her shirt. All of it was recorded in one video camera.

I stuck the post it she gave on my calendar and smiled at it.

Maybe it was time for me to move on after all.

I then took my blue pen and took another post it.

Dear Yoon Hyemi
You didn't have to make it obvious that you like me.
I mean, I didn't.
Sincerely, Yang Yoseob

I smiled, satisfied at the note. I hope I got my point across. With fingers crossed, I walk over to her room with the post it in hand and stuck it on her door. I gave the door a few good knocks before throwing myself at the couch.

Hyemi popped her head out the door and shy away when I gave her a warm glance. She snatch the post it and went back inside.

I smiled at her cute actions, how she couldn't even meet my gaze for more than a microsecond, like it would kill her. Dayum, am I that handsome and irresistible? (a/n hell yes yoseob hell yes)

After a minute or so, Hyemi come running out and approached me. I thought she was finally going to talk. But no. She smacked a post it right on my forehead and gave a loud giggle.

She then just vanished away. I took the post it off my forehead.

Dear Yang YoJERKSeob
You don't like me. It's Jieun you like.
( PS : please tell me that's wrong )
Sincereley, Yoon Hyemi

I stirred in my seat a little at what she wrote. Even if the post it had hearts drawn on the edges, and smiley face and all, the note was serious.

It was what she wanted to say all along.

I shook my head. No Hyemi, I liked you, no, loved you, not Jieun. Jieun disappeared, gone, away, long lost. She's a memory. I was always taught to treasure and cherish what I have, and to move on.

Hyemi, I think I just finally gotten to realize that well, I loved you.

Not because you look like Jieun, or your laugh mesmerized me, or your smile was like hers, or your gigles were like bell chimes.

But just because you're you.

I hurried over and knocked on the door. She opened it instantly. "Delivery to Ms.Yoon Hyemi," I said in a low tone, she chuckled a little, her eyes shaping two crescent moons. "Where's my delivery?" she asked, expecting a post it.

I hed her wrist and gave a light peck on her cheek. "There, your delivery," I giggled at her reaction. "Pabo!" she yelled, covering her flushed face.

"And no Hyemi. I don't love you for Jieun. I love you for you, and don't you forget that," I told her casually as I walked away.

Well, actually my heart was beating extremely fast.

( a/n : hello well so an update after centuries! and well this is just a filler chapter, just a transition, like where yoseob finally learned to move on. i know it's all so fluffy and cheesy, so bear with me, just do. keke~ enjoy the fluff while it's still there! )

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hamekhain #1
Chapter 1: Who are you
You seem to know me well for like areally long time
I just became a member of asianfanfics on jan 2 2016
So please who are you
Chapter 1: great story : ) hope you'll update soon!
kitktykatty #3
Chapter 6: Great story so far~! I just watched the MV today and I cried at the end ;_; Please update soon~! I hope that if this story has the ending of the MV in it, Yoseob suffers greatly for giving her back to them -_-
I loved the MV.
And...errr...I don't know how to tell you, but just to let you know I didn't plagiarized this fic, because it seems I got the same idea just yesterday, when I watched it, and had no idea you wrote one like that as well, way before me.
Please don't think I plagiarized your story.
Chapter 6: pweeese update :D
Mistlea #6
nice story ^^ but it makes me sad to know that he's gonna turn into a jerk later....
AccentedEnglish #7
Aww those post its were so cute! x3 haha they're both so cheesy
Pastel_ #8
super duper cute!!! update soon!
Pastel_ #9
I know I comment alot but it's so good! :) hope you don't get annoyed of me. haha. update soon thank you!!