Not Jieun

Don't Say Goodbye

<< Yoseob >>

"Yeobosayo?" I answered the phone call, messing up my hair as I walk out of the kitchen, heading for Hyemi's room, obviously trying to apologize.

Stupid Yoseob.

I heard a muffled laughter over the phone, two muffled laughter to be exact. "Who's this?" I asked as I knock on Hyemi's door. Once, and no answer. Twice, no answer as well. "Who's this?" I asked again over the phone as I kept knocking on Hyemi's door.

"Why did you save her?" the voice over the phone. I scrunched my eyebrows together, hearing the unfamiliar voice. "Who's this?" I asked once more, wondering who this creep could be.

"I need her back, the girl you've been taking care of. I need her back," a different voice retorte, the voice was deep. heavy and rough. The girl I've been taking care of? Is this creep talking about Hyemi?

"Yes, the girl you've took in a couple of months back. Hyemi, we need her back. You don't even have rights over her," the two rough male voices coooed in sync. I shuddered. Could this be?

Could this be Hyemi's father and boyfriend?

At the thought of having Hyemi sent back to them, living her life like she used to. Ah, I just couldn't even bear the thought of having her in pain, screaming and probably getting scarred.

I hurriedly slammed the red button of my cell phone, cutting the call.


<< Hyemi >>

I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, locking it. I threw myself and landed on the bed. I snatched one of the pillows on top of the bed and hugged it, lying tummy down.

When will Yoseob start forgetting about Jieun?

I buried my face into the pillow as I let tears run down my cheek, wetting the pillow. I let all the sobs escape my lips. never again hiding them. It huerts. Yoseb did save me from my father's beating, but he can't save me from heartbreaks can he?

Especially not when he's the one breaking my heart, that is.

I then heard a knock on the door. I lifted my face from the pillow, face already like a mess. The knocks then became constant. A knock, then another, then another. I didn't care.

I lifted myself from the bed once the knocking stopped. I then walked over to the little cabinet that I've never opened before. It has been a while since  stayed in this room, but Yoseob never allowed me to open this cabinet.

Now I know why.

I opened one of the drawers of the small cabinet. There was a box there, a small one. I opened the box and saw it. Pictures of Yoseob and a girl in an album. One photo showed them using their high school uniform, the young Yoseob's arm around the girl's shoulder.

I gasped at how much resemblance I have to that girl. The only difference would be that her eyes are of a lighter shade of hazel, and her hair was short, in that picture. I then flipped the album to the next page. The girl now had short hair, shoulder-length.

She was smiling at the picture as Yoseob was giving her a hug from the back, kissing her on the cheek. I flipped the album yet again. Another picture, but this one was a picture of the girl only, alone. She wore the purple dress Yoseob gave me to wear on the first day I came.

The girl's hair was already longer than the previous photo. Her back was to the camera, but her head was turned to face the camera, smiling her best smile. She was standing in the middle of a flower field, the sun glowing softly behind her.

Her hazel eyes shimmered beautifully, full of love, her sight fixed at the camera.

"Or maybe the photographer," I whispered to myself as I took the photo out of the album and flipped it.

"Jieun, 30 April 2010. Forever my love," I whispered out the writing behind it. It was definitely Yoseob's neat cursive handwriting. I giggled a little as tears welled up my eyes. "You spelled forever wrongly," I whispered, tracing my fingers over the English word he wrote.

I slammed the album shut and placed it inside the box again. I put it back into the original place and closed the drawer. I returned to my bed, lied tummy down and stare at the photo I stole.

Well no, I think I'll just consider it "borrowing".

I then couldn't hear anything else outside. Yoseob must've bathed and slept I guess. I sighed and looked at the photo. What can I do to make myself different?

Just so that Yoseob won't mistake me as her anymore..

I walked over to the table and stare at the mirror huge mirror in front of me. I glare intently at the girl in front of me, glaring at me back. Get real Hyemi.

I then eyed the scissors sitting there on my table. So tempting. I swear. I grabbed it and fiddled it between my fingers, carefully of course. If I do this, will Yoseob finally see me for me or will he dislike me for not looking like her anymore?

I took in a deep breath.

I'm not called Hyemi if I don't take risks.

<< Yoseob >>

I rubbed my eyes as I open the blinds of my room. I pulled my sweater over my head. Its spring yet it's still freezing. I smile at the warmth of the sweater. This sweater was knitted by Hyemi as a gift for me for Christmas.

I then remembered that we're well, not on good terms.

I grunted and walked out of the door. It was just 7AM, but I have an upcming meeting. I then heard a soft humming from the kitchen, someone's singing. Someone's acually singing. "Hyemi?" I called out.

"Yes? Yoseob? I've made you breakfast. My specialty French Toast for this cold morning~" she sung sweetly and continued humming Gee by SNSD. I widened my eye. She's happy?

Well aside from the fact that she's oblivious to that phone call, I'd just liked to put that aside.

I went into the kitchen and let out a little yelp. There was a girl with short hair washing my pots and pans in my kitchen in my house. "Wh- what?" I muttered, approaching the girl. The girl wore a green t-shirt underneath her white jacket and blue skinny jeans.

"Wae? You don't like it? Maybe i- its because I don't look like Jieun anymore is it?" she said, hesitantly asking the lask question. She dried her hand and walked over to the table and sat next to me.

"A- ani, really it looks pretty," I told her as I pat her head. She has shoulder-length hair now, a bit shorter than that even. Her hair barely touches her shoulder, just slightly brushing.

"Why did you even do that?" I asked.

"Depends. Do you want the answer full of delusions or the one that's the truth?"

"Both, I guess?" I said, not understanding her meaning.

"The answer I should've told you will be that I got bored of my long hair and wanted to try something new,"

"The other answer?" I look at her as we both eat up the toast.

"Give me a reason why I should tell you," she said as she took a small bite.

I swallowed up the sweet toast and took another bite.

"Because I want to know,"

She giggled at my stupid answer. I mean, what can you expect from a guy like me huh? I'm just an innocent, not to mention cute and adorable looking businessman who is childish.

"I just wanted you to stop calling me Jieun," she say as she stood up from the table. "I'm sorry, I'm full. I'll clean up after you go bathe," she whispered, walking pass me.

I gently grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

I stood up from my seat and faced her.

"Hyemi," I whispered.

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hamekhain #1
Chapter 1: Who are you
You seem to know me well for like areally long time
I just became a member of asianfanfics on jan 2 2016
So please who are you
Chapter 1: great story : ) hope you'll update soon!
kitktykatty #3
Chapter 6: Great story so far~! I just watched the MV today and I cried at the end ;_; Please update soon~! I hope that if this story has the ending of the MV in it, Yoseob suffers greatly for giving her back to them -_-
I loved the MV.
And...errr...I don't know how to tell you, but just to let you know I didn't plagiarized this fic, because it seems I got the same idea just yesterday, when I watched it, and had no idea you wrote one like that as well, way before me.
Please don't think I plagiarized your story.
Chapter 6: pweeese update :D
Mistlea #6
nice story ^^ but it makes me sad to know that he's gonna turn into a jerk later....
AccentedEnglish #7
Aww those post its were so cute! x3 haha they're both so cheesy
Pastel_ #8
super duper cute!!! update soon!
Pastel_ #9
I know I comment alot but it's so good! :) hope you don't get annoyed of me. haha. update soon thank you!!