
Don't Say Goodbye

<< Yoon Hyemi >>

I watch him run after me, looking at me like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey. I trembled in fear. "N- no," I kept muttering as he walked closer. I backed myself, until my back slammed on the wall. I saw him jugging down the whole bottle of alcohol. He threw the bottle near my feet and I jumped, shocked. The lanky figure kept coming at me, his belt at one hand. I couldn't move, my knees were jelly.

"N- No!" I yelled and my eyes shot open. The white ceiling folded above me. Wait, where am I? I found myself in a bed, covered in warm blanket. I sat up on the soft bed. I noticed that I had a white shirt on, but definitely not mine.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" the door slammed open and a panicked looking boy rushed in. I stare at him. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked, with worry on his face. It took me awhile to register who he was. "A- ani Yoseob-ssi, I'm perfectly fine," I assured him.

He let out a loud, relieved sigh. "Let's have breakfast, kaja! I want to take you shopping for clothes," he told me with a warm smile. He leeaned on the door post like he always did the few times we talked.

"Eh? Shopping?" I asked him, receiving a soft giggle from him. He has a really cute giggle.

"You said you want to look for a job right?"

"Yes," I confidently nodded.

"But your bosses won't be pleased to see you in my clothes, will they?" he asked a rhetorical question.

Come to think of it, right, I don't have any clothes. I shyed away from his look as I blush, embarassed. "Let's just eat breakfast first okay," he said, opening my blanket and taking me by the hand. I dragged along behind him as we head for the dining room.

He lets my hand go and went to the kitchen counters. I sat on one of the dining chairs and watch him bring some plates to the dining table. "I didn't know what you like so I just made you omelette, I hope you like it Hyemi-ah," he gleefully chirped, setting a plate in front of me.

He himself served himself a serving of omelette for him. He gobbled the food up, only stopping to look at me. He then stopped and look at me. I honestly felt uncomfortable with his stare, he was probably waiting for me to eat the omelette.

I took the knife in one hand and the fork in the other. I sliced a small piece of omelette and popped it in my mouth. The omelette was rather emm-- bland?

Yoseob seemed happy that I took my first bite, and thus continued eating. I took another bite and chewed. This one bite is salty.

I scrunched up my face at the extreme saltiness of that particular slice. "Why is it?" Yoseob asked, done with his food. "Its s- salty," I gulped down a huge glass of water before responding.

"M- mianhae, I'm not a really great coo--" he apologized. "Next time, let me cook," I cut in and finished up the omelette in a few large bites. He grinned at me and left. I took the plate in one hand and the cup in another, and headed for the sink. I turned the tap on and washed the dishes.

I heard shuffling feet from here. I turned around and there he was, standing behind me, staring at me. "Wh- what's wrong?" I asked, nervous. He kept his gaze fixed at me, making me rather uncomfortable. I fidget under his stare, not knowing what to do.

Is he staring at all my scars? I pulled down the scrunched up shirt as low as I could, trying to hide all the ugly scars. But he didn't stop looking.

Is there something on my face? I brushed my fingers across my lips, across my cheeks and eyelids. But there was nothing, yet he kept staring.

"Hello? Yoseob-ssi? YAH! Yang Yoseob-ssi?" I called for the boy, coming closer and waving my hand at him. "Ung? A- ah Hyemi-ah mianhae I was err--- daydreaming," he reasoned, shifting his gaze on the ceiling lights. I smiled at his foolishness.

And that's when I notice, I've never even get to stand this close to him. I looked at him, observing him ever so slightly. He had panda eyes. Those dark circles and eyebag under his eyes probably impying that he hadn't had enough sleep recently. He had a nice complexion for a guy, I bet he took care of his skin with overloading skincare products.

Yoseob was a full head taller than me, which I assume, makes him about 175cm tall? That's not really tall for a guy is it? "Anyways, I got you something nice to wear. It belongs to my er-- ex-girlfriend," he started rather cheerfully, and ended with just a faint whisper.

I glance at the dress he had in his hand. It was in a nice shade of violet. "Here you go," he handed me the dress and wentover to the living room. I held the dress out with my hand outstretched in front of me.

It's nothing like I've worn before. I've always wore dress under my knees, sometimes all the way down to my ankle to cover my scars. I sighed. At least this is better than running around all bare and .


"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself. I went over to the mirror and wiped the condensation away from the mirror. I took certain steps back and saw myself in the mirror. The dress flowed down and reached exactly my knee. I twirled around once.

I look at the rather puffy long sleeve of the dress. I swear I feel like Snow White, this is so odd. "At least my scars are covered are they?" I thanked, talking to myself, or my reflection on the mirror.

I took the comb given by Yoseob earlier and combed my hair. I was fighting, like really. Its been awhile since the last time I properly combed my hair, I fought with all the tangles. "OUCH," I yelled, a little too loudly as the comb combed through a tangle.

Now the comb is stuck. I pouted. "What happened?" I could hear Yoseob's voice, full of worry, from the other side of the bathroom door. I liked how he didn't know me yet still cared about me. I smiled at the thought of someone actually genuinely caring for my condition.

"HYEMI? WHAT HAPPENED?" he worriedly bang on te bathroom door. I unlocked the door. He looked at me, up and down then up and down then up. He laughed rather loudly as he clutched his tummy.

<< Yang Yoseob >>

"Oh you're so cute Hyemi~" I laughed, pointing at the comb stuck in the tangles of her hair. "Y- yah!" she cried and hid behind the door, her eyes and nose poking from behind it.

'Come out here~" I called and she came out. "Let me help you with that. Aish~ How old are you? You haven't combed since awhile right? It's so tangled!" I complained as I helped her with the tangles of her hair.

Honestly, I was in awe to see her in that dress. I can't believe that her dress fits Hyemi so perfectly. I smiled as I slowly separate Hyemi's hair and fixed it. "All done!" I told her and asked her to turn around. She shyly turned around and faced me, trying not to make any eye contact though.

I paused and held my breath. How can she look so much like her? The way Hyemi would lean over the sink and wash the dishes, just like her. The way Hyemi's hair was in ahuge tangle of mess, and that I had to be the one to untangle it, exactly like her.

I looked at Hyemi. She gave me a nod and a shy smile. My mind took a travel backwards.


"Chagiya~" I called out, running behind her amongst the flower fields. She giggled. Her giggles were like music to me, a nice harmony that would repeatedly play in my mind, but I won't ever get bored with it. "Come here~" she called to me, turning around.

I ran to her direction as she smiled, twirling around in her flowing violet dress. She smiled at the sky, her hands raised up, trying to reach the clouds.

Her smile.

It was like a warm summer rain. It was like the first snowflake of winter. It was like the golden leaves of autumn. It was like the carmine flowers in the spring. Her smile was everything it takes to make me happy and content.

~~flashback end~~

"-- just since you ask," she ended. "Eh? Pardon me?" I said, finally directing my attention to the present. "I said, I'm 18 years old, just since you ask," she repeated as she blowed her long fringe away from her face.

"One, you need a haircut. Two, you need new shoes. Three, new clothes. Four, makeup. Five, disinfectant. Six, hair accessories. Seven, a bigger comb. That's all on our shopping list then~ Kaja!" I said, scanning her up and down. "Eh?" she questioned.

I took her hand and intertwined my fingers with Hyemi, like how I used to with my girl. "Oh and I'm 22 years old, in case you ask. I run my father's business branch in Korea. But I'm a full-time smiler, I love smiling~ Oh and I definitely love Pororo and all cute things~" I kept babbling all the way to the parking lot, and all the way on our way to the mall.

I thought that Hyemi was a really silent and shy girl, just like how I met "her" for the first time. She was a a good listener as well. i wonder why Hyemi is so much like her?

But again, there's something Hyemi has that she doesn't. There's always something about Hyemi that reminds me of her, and I would compare them both. And Hyemi always turns out to be better.

Upon reaching the mall, I stole a glance at Hyemi, how elated she was, pointing to the building, silently praising them. Every scene that passed by the car window seemed to surprise her. She smiled a lot in the car.

I smiled. Maybe its time that I moved on


dear readers,

yes its  random chapter. but its just part of the introduction.
about how yoseob thought that hyemi was like his ex.

BAD YOSEOB, comparing girls is such a nuh-uh

but anyways, here's my update~
i should be studying biology but here i am updating for you!

so better comment~
and subscribe if you haven't~


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hamekhain #1
Chapter 1: Who are you
You seem to know me well for like areally long time
I just became a member of asianfanfics on jan 2 2016
So please who are you
Chapter 1: great story : ) hope you'll update soon!
kitktykatty #3
Chapter 6: Great story so far~! I just watched the MV today and I cried at the end ;_; Please update soon~! I hope that if this story has the ending of the MV in it, Yoseob suffers greatly for giving her back to them -_-
I loved the MV.
And...errr...I don't know how to tell you, but just to let you know I didn't plagiarized this fic, because it seems I got the same idea just yesterday, when I watched it, and had no idea you wrote one like that as well, way before me.
Please don't think I plagiarized your story.
Chapter 6: pweeese update :D
Mistlea #6
nice story ^^ but it makes me sad to know that he's gonna turn into a jerk later....
AccentedEnglish #7
Aww those post its were so cute! x3 haha they're both so cheesy
Pastel_ #8
super duper cute!!! update soon!
Pastel_ #9
I know I comment alot but it's so good! :) hope you don't get annoyed of me. haha. update soon thank you!!