What happened to the Both of Them?

Don't Say Goodbye

<< Yoseob >>

..~5 months later~..

"Hyemi-ah, I'm home~" I called out, walking into the house. "You're back so early?" a girl's voice replied back, coming from the kitchen I suppose. I loosen the necktie on my neck and placed my suitcase on the couch.

"Yah, don't you have work today?" I asked Hyemi, who was concntrating on her cooking. "Nope, the restaurant's undergoing renovation right? Starting yesterday up to next week, didn't I already tell you that?" she explained, turning her head to me. I just nodded and went next to the petite figure.

"What's for dinner tonight?" I asked her, smelling the delicious-looking soup inside the pot she's boiling. "Kimchi Soup. I was too lazy to actually go for errands so I just cooked whatever is in the fridge," she told me. She then raised her hand and pushed strands of her long hair behind her ear, revealing her face and neck.

"It smells good doesn't it? I'm really hungry~' she sung, stirring the broth. I watched her smile satisfyingly at the pot of soup. Her smile was refreshing like the scent of a summer sea breeze. Her eyes were like 2 crescent moon, shining the night, shooing the darkness away.

"J- jieun," I whispered. She looked at me with a blank expression I rarely see. "Hyemi," she said, pulling my handi nto her small ones. "Yoon Hyemi," she repeated. She flashed another dissapointed smile and turned the stove off. "I want to take a bath, do you mind setting up for dinner? I'l be quick, since its already 7.30," she said, back faceing me, heading out the kitchen.

<< Hyemi >>

With head hung low, I dragged myself out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. I slammed the bathroom door shut and leaned against it, my back touching the door.

Who am I joking? I'm just a girl that Yoseob found and tended. He's here for me just because I look like Jieun, whoever that may be. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror, looking at the tears starting to form in my eyes.

Yoseob. When will you start seeing me for me?

I took some tissue and dab my eyes with the tissue. Pabo Hyemi. Who are you to fall for Yoseob? You're a nobody to him. He sees you as a caretaker of this house, and as a Jieun-lookalike. Stop being so delusional.

Done dabbing my tears, I threw the tissues into the rubbish bin and went to take a short bath.

15 minutes later, I came out with a towel on my head. I wore an oversized shirt and short pants. I rubbed my damp hair and head to the kitchen. I took a seat on one of the seats and looked at Yoseob, leaning against the refrigerator.

I looked down to adjust my seat a little and looked up to see him sticking his head into the refrigerator. "YAH! What are you doing eh?" I yell, approaching him. He plopped his head out and gave me a stupid cheeky smile.

The same cheeky smile that made me fall hard for him.

"You were to pretty, I could feel my face getting heated up! So I decided to snuck it in and cool it off~" he teased, giving me two peace sign and grinning. I giggled at his foolishness and lightly smack his arm. I was actually getting flustered over his words.

"Let's eat~" I said before chowing down the food. "Ah~ Your cooking is always the best!" Yoseob praised me and pat me on the head. I nodded lghtly and hung my head down, just so he won't see how flustered I am at his action.

We ate and talked like we always did the past 5 months. After dinner, we played a game of scissors-paper-stone to determine who washes the dishes, like we have always did.

Everything was the same. Except for my ever-changing heart.

How could I even fall for Yoseob? When I know that I don't even stand a single chance?

"Hyemi-ya, you forgot this one," Yoseob called out as he walked towards me with a pair of chopstick in hand. "Ah~ mianhae, bring it here please," I asked him. He went and stand next to me, and placed the chopstick in the sink. I faced him, smiled and thanked him. Just the polite thing to do, you know?

<< Yoseob >>

"Ah~ mianhae, bring it here please," she said, not even looking at me. I walked over and took a place next to her. I laid the chopstick in the sink, under the running water. "Gomawoyo~ Yoseob oppa~" she whispered softly, every word said gently and meaningfully.

She gave me her usual bright smile.

That bright smile I've always loved better than Jieun.

Why on earth am I comparing her to Jieun again? Jieun is just your past Yoseob, get over it. Learn to accept that you're now only with Hyemi, not Jieun.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at a pouting Hyemi. "Wae? You space out so often Yoseobie~ Maybe you sould sleep earlier from now on," she adviced, continuing her dishwashing.


My arms slowly encircled her small waist. She turned to face me. "Wh- what, Y- yoseobie," she hesitated. I carressed her polished face. She fidgeted and wriggled at my touch. I leaned in and brush my lips over her cheek.

I lingered a little longer. I traced kisses down her cheek, to her defined jawline. My kisses went down to her chin. She was whining and all, and struggled to go off, but I just didn't listen.

I lifted my head up a little. i could feel her cheeks getting warm, like mine. I could feel her warm exhalation lingering around my face, I knew she could feel mine just the same.

It was about time.

My lips finally landed on hers. Softly brushing, just very merely. One little touch and I could feel sparks fly across the room, blasting into a burst of colours around us. It seemed like we were encased into one perfect snow globe, captured in a picture-perfect moment that I could treasure and cherish for the rest of my life.

And something just had to stop it.

The girl I just kissed pulled away and hid her face when we both heard my cell phoned loudly ringing. "J--" "Don't. Its not Jieun, it- its Hyemi, as much as you won't like it," the girl pulled out a finger, gently landing on my soft lips.


She pushed my arm away and literally ran into her room, hastily locking the door. What did I just do? Pabo!

I scratch my head as I took the cell phone from my pocket.

"Yeobosayo?" I answered.


dear readers,

finally updated~
its just a time transition sort of thing.
i mean what happened between them and their feelings after 5 long months!


it is a bit fast-paced. and its going to even get more and more and moreee exciting~
and thank you for subbing~ i swear i thought that no one would sub this
so kamsahaeyo~ I LOVE ALL YOU GUISE
:* muacks! kiss you~

comment are always loved though!
and new subscribers wil always be welcomed!



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hamekhain #1
Chapter 1: Who are you
You seem to know me well for like areally long time
I just became a member of asianfanfics on jan 2 2016
So please who are you
Chapter 1: great story : ) hope you'll update soon!
kitktykatty #3
Chapter 6: Great story so far~! I just watched the MV today and I cried at the end ;_; Please update soon~! I hope that if this story has the ending of the MV in it, Yoseob suffers greatly for giving her back to them -_-
I loved the MV.
And...errr...I don't know how to tell you, but just to let you know I didn't plagiarized this fic, because it seems I got the same idea just yesterday, when I watched it, and had no idea you wrote one like that as well, way before me.
Please don't think I plagiarized your story.
Chapter 6: pweeese update :D
Mistlea #6
nice story ^^ but it makes me sad to know that he's gonna turn into a jerk later....
AccentedEnglish #7
Aww those post its were so cute! x3 haha they're both so cheesy
Pastel_ #8
super duper cute!!! update soon!
Pastel_ #9
I know I comment alot but it's so good! :) hope you don't get annoyed of me. haha. update soon thank you!!