
You Give Me A Heartbreak

I held onto my school bag's strap and chased after him. 

"Wait! Kai-sshi!" I don't even know why I'm chasing him! Oh my, have I gone nuts?

"What?" he spun around suddenly and I bumped into him. I fell on my . Ouch. 

I creased my forehead and winced in pain.  I felt something hover over me and I looked up. Kai held his hand out. 

I grabbed it and tried to stand up. He pulled me straight up. 

"T-thank you..." I mumbled. I bet there's gonna be a bruise. 

"Are you done?" he asked coldly. 

"Umm... I... Well..." I mumbled incoherently. 

"If you're going to confess, then no thanks." he gave me another cold glance and walked away. 

Wait, what? No! I'm not confessing! 

"H-hey!" I shouted but he's gone. 

Aigoo, this is embarassing. Now he thought that I'm just another girl who's confessing. 

But... Apart from that, I can feel the rejection. It strucked me. So this is how it felt being rejected.  It... Hurts. Even though I didn't confess, but that alone is enough to leave a crack in my heart. 

A tears escaped my eyes. 


I decided to skip class and went up to the rooftop.  I took out my notebook a.k.a my diary and scribbled. 

Dear diary,

I skipped class today. I don't feel like studying. I'm sitting on the rooftop right now. I think I'll sit here til school ends.  I can go home but I just got to school so what's the point of going back, right?

I stopped writing when I heard footsteps approaching. 

I can't get caught! 

I hid behind a large box and waited. That person stopped and sighed. I'm very sure that's not a teacher so I peeked. 

This can't be happening.  It's Kai.  What is he doing here? 

He dropped his school bag on the floor and sat down. He took out a mp3 player and stuffed the earphones in his ears. He closed his eyes while leaning back on the wall. 

I guess he decided to skip class too. 

I sat behind the box and just stared at my diary. I don't know what to do. I can't get out of here. He'll notice me. I don't want him to notice me after what happened. 

I heard humming. He's humming! To that Kai's song-I mean his song!

I leaned back and listened to it.  Soon, I fell asleep. 


Sunlight hurt my eyes. I woke up and covered my eyes. 

Ugh, why is it so bright?  I let my eyes adjust to the brightness and looked around. 

Oh, right. I'm at the rooftop.  I glanced at my watch. It's break time. I slept for 2 hours. 

I stood up and straightened my uniform. I packed my things and get ready to leave.  While on my way, I saw a person sleeping with his face covered with a vest. 

Oh, right. Kai is here too. 

The wind blew hard and the vest flew away. I ran to catch it. 


I walked back to Kai's place and saw him sleeping peacefully. I gazed his face. From his forehead, his closed eyes, his nose, and his plump lips. 

I wonder what is it like if he smile with that lips. 

Kai stirred in his sleep and I panicked. His eyes  fluttered open.  I froze.


Author's note:

Hello, reader~

Just a short update. I promise the next chapter will be lengthy.

Thanks for subscribing! :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm starting to doubt my ideas actually. :/ Well, if you like it, feel free to leave some comments ^^


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nieyck #1
please update untill 20 chapter hi3.....its very interesting n im dying read this story..^^
omg,update soon XOOO
Holy mother of God. He probably thinks she's stalking him now, lol.
Jimin_Sungjong #4
I'm dying in here
please update soon
p.s. don't call me loveexokai-sshi, try calling me DamBi :)
Jimin_Sungjong #5
Well, I'm liking it
you should check out my fic too. Kai and SuHo are in it.
I'd apreciate it
Lol Kai's cold aura is creepy >_< Good thing Luhan's so cute in here. Haha. :)) Thanks for the update~~!
I'm subscribing too! xD Update soon please >.< I love it ~
yayy I'm subscribing! what will happen next? omo. please update soon~^^
Interesting ^^ can you update it soon? I love it ^^