
You Give Me A Heartbreak

Heeyoung's POV

I stumbled clumsily in front of my class. This is embarassing. Everyone stared at me and I blushed. With my head down, I walked to my desk at the back of the class. I covered my red face with my bangs, hopefully it can hide my face. I felt a sting on my knee. It must be from the clumsy fall. I heaved a sigh. 
"Heeyoung-sshi*?" I lifted up my head to the direction of the voice. Oh, it's Luhan.
"N-ne...*?" I stuttered a bit. I never thought he would ever notice me.
"I think this is yours," he handed me a red-cover notebook. I glanced on my desk and noticed that my notebook is not there. "You dropped it when you.. umm.. fell earlier." 
"Ohhh... ne," I took my notebook from his hand and bowed my head. "Kamsahamnida*, Luhan-sshi." 
He smiled sweetly. "It's fine." He walked away.
* -sshi = the formal way to address a person you're not close with
* ne = Yes
* Kamsahamnida = thank you
There. I saw him. Kai. The 'kingka' of my school. I always thought that Kingka is for a group of boys who are popular in school, playboys and have crazy fangirls. But Kai is different. He's cold and barely talks to people. He only talks to Luhan, his cousin. He doesn't have any girlfriend and he also doesn't seem to have any interest in girls. He doesn't have crazy fangirls, but there are a bunch of girls who confessed to him and ended up being rejected. I admit that I have a little crush on him but I definitely won't confess. Nu uh! 
He grabbed a drink and walked out of the cafeteria. I don't know where he went but I'm sure it's away from the crowd. 
I sighed and picked up my chopstick. I opened my lunchbox and started eating. 
The class dismissed. I closed my eyes for awhile. Hmm, tonight, I got homeworks to do. Oh, and I still need to find a partner for my assignment. I blinked and looked around. The class is emptying. I cleared my desk and shoved the books in my bag. I made my way out of the class but stopped when I heard someone calling me.
"Heeyoung-sshi, wait up!" I turned around and found Luhan catching up to me.
"Ummm....?" I gave him a questioning look and he gave me a small smile. 
"Sorry, I just wanna ask if I can be your partner for our assignment? Well, I just wondering... Maybe..?" he scratched the back of his head. 
Whoa~ why would Luhan wants me for his partner in the assignment? Is this some kind of joke? I mean, we just talked once and.. and..
"Hello? Heeyoung-shhi?" he waved his hand in front of my face to catch my attention. 
"Oh, sorry. I spaced out. Umm, yeah. Why not? I'm searching for a partner too." I smiled a bit and he grinned.
"Really? Wow, thank you! I'll see you tomorrow then!" he beamed. "Bye!" he waved and walked away. I'm speechless at the moment. 
I watched Luhan's back until it disappeared in a corner. 
I never thought that Luhan would be my partner for the assignment. Well, I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. 
I quickly walked downstairs as I realized that I'm already late. I passed the music room and heard someone playing a guitar. I stoped for awhile and decided to peek. I opened the door silently and peeked inside. Omo*, it's Kai! 
He's strumming a guitar with his eyes closing. I instantly forgot about going home and just stared at him. He's playing a beautiful song that I didn't recognize. At first , I thought he's going to sing but he just continue to strum. 
I was to absorbed in staring at him, I didn't realized the song has ended. Without realizing, his eyes met mine. I froze. We froze. He looked away and put the guitar away. I finally came to my concious and blushed really hard.
Wahh! I'm so stupid! I should've just mind my own business! 
While I was mentally scolding myself, I didn't noticed that Kai already in front of me. Colours drained off my face. I blinked and gulped.
"What are you doing here?" he spoke. Oh my, he is speaking to me! But I can't find my voice to reply. I'm speechless and just stood there blinking at him. He raised his eyebrows.
"Umm..." I cleared my throat. "I'm... ummm... just passing... just passing by!" I replied while looking at the ground. I can feel his cold stare penetrating me.
"Oh, okay." he simply answered and walked away.
Author's note:
Hello, reader
Thank you for reading~!
I hope this chapter turn out well. I'm just randomingly typing the ideas that coming out. I'm sorry if my grammar . English is not my first language. n.n
Anyway, drop a comment and tell me what you think. If this story get some positive feedbacks, I'll continue. If not, I'll delete it.
This is just some random story. ^^
Anyway, thanks again! Comments and subscriptions are loved. ♥
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nieyck #1
please update untill 20 chapter hi3.....its very interesting n im dying read this story..^^
omg,update soon XOOO
Holy mother of God. He probably thinks she's stalking him now, lol.
Jimin_Sungjong #4
I'm dying in here
please update soon
p.s. don't call me loveexokai-sshi, try calling me DamBi :)
Jimin_Sungjong #5
Well, I'm liking it
you should check out my fic too. Kai and SuHo are in it.
I'd apreciate it
Lol Kai's cold aura is creepy >_< Good thing Luhan's so cute in here. Haha. :)) Thanks for the update~~!
I'm subscribing too! xD Update soon please >.< I love it ~
yayy I'm subscribing! what will happen next? omo. please update soon~^^
Interesting ^^ can you update it soon? I love it ^^