In the cafe

My Dance Steps To Your Heart


They decided of what to do. EXO will be dancing first, then to the second verse it will be your turn. You don’t mind at all, since their one who dances it. Plus the atmosphere will be great if their one who will be first.


The music started and the room gone wild. When Kai started to sing already, the noise was even worse than before. Dongjoon did some light effects that suit the song and it turns out perfect. You and the others were nervous while waiting your turn. It’s the first time you will duet with them and you haven’t practice it. You guys don’t even know when or how to enter.


It’s the second verse of the song already and you guys prepare to enter at the back. The boys went out of the stage and watch you guys for the second time to dance. You had a nervous smile plaster on your face. Its really obvious cause you always bite your lips. You somehow forgot the steps, and you didn’t know why. But you put your best shot in the dance.


I need you and you want me jiguran I byeoreseo oh oh
Kkumeul ingtae haneun nal urin dasi ireona


It’s the bridge part already and it’s the time when you have to make circle. The boys entered and made a circle at the left and you guys at the right. It is like your dancing in your own group and the way it looks on the audience, it like comparing to who is better.


You kept glancing at the right, you were dead nervous. You thought at that time your moves were wrong so you have to look at them if it’s right. That is in your mind, you really cannot explain your thought.


Its in the rap part of Chanyeol already and as if the boys read their own mind, collaborate with you and dance as one. It somehow did great but it cannot avoid bumping into each other.


Its funny because you remembered that Jenny really like this part, and she really love to imitate Chanyeol. So she did really copy him and you can really see Chanyeol just hide his smile.


At the same time, you don’t know if you’re going to do it with Kai. [a/n don’t be green XD] It really makes you nervous since Kai is known as the dance machine of the group. But time fly so fast, you didn’t have a second thought but joined him and do the moves.


You put your best smile to that part. You just need to have fun. Dancing is just your freedom. You put all your emotions to dance because it is the only way you could take it out.


End of song, the crowd howled and clap and gave them a standing ovation. They totally love the performance they've seen and they want more, shouting 'ENCORE!'. The other offered their hands to hold to take a bow. You were surprised as Min Jae beside you hold your hand and surprised and unexpected, Kai was beside you also. So it means you have to hold his hand. You don’t know what to do so you have to hold his hand so that it will finish already.


You guys bowed and clap along. You looked at Min Jae side and bowed to the members. Then you turn around and gasped when Kai was in front of you, looking at you. By the looks of him, he kind a waiting for you to bow at him. He smiled first and you smiled back and bowed before going out of the stage.


Dongjoon gave each and everyone of you a high five, but for you there was a hug. Kai suddenly felt pain and he somehow frowned, turning the smile upside down. He shook his head of what he is thinking right now.


What wrong with me? What’s this feeling?


He covered his face with his hands like he did something embarrassing.  He realized at what he is thinking earlier and need a mental slap coming from him. Sehun called him as he dozed off again from space and drag him to their table again.


"omo!! We just had our first duet?!" Gelou exclaimed as they sat down in the table. "yeah i know, i wasn’t expecting that but it went well" Baekhyun said. "indeed!" Mr. Lee came again to the table, showing a camera with him.


"i recorded your performance tonight and might as well worship the dancing skills both group did" he gave the camera to Yuri and played it.


Its time to go and the female guests surrounds EXO to have their autograph. Its really crowded at your table and you guys just giggle because of their fangirl acts. The boys became embarrassed in front of you guys. They covered their faces with their hands and laugh covering their mouth. They bowed at their fans and thank them.


“now breathe in and breathe out” Jenny teased them and they laugh.


“I was so surprised.” Sehun said, hand place on his chest, showed that he is surprised. “I never except even at parties we are popular” Beakhyun said. “expect the unexpected” Gelou said.


They went down to the lobby and bid their goodbye. “so, we will meet again tomorrow?” Jenny asked. Suho nodded, “yeah, I guess. We will start practicing tomorrow.”


"hey! I have to go now, see you tomorrow!" Gelou said, giving them a peck on the cheek while giving the boys a bow. "hyung, is manager coming?" Sehun asked Suho. "yeah! He's coming, maybe just traffic" he replied.


They were sitting in the lobby and tried to connect to the wifi for them not to be bored. Yuri and Suzy left together leaving Min Hee, Jenny and you behind with EXO. “hey, i will leave you guys here, my dad needs me" Jenny said, giving both of you a hug.


She waved at the boys and went inside the elevator to go upstairs. You and Min Hee were now alone with them. They are making themselves busy with their phones and some just talking to each other.


"hey, aren’t we going home already? It’s already late" you whispered to Min Hee. "Since when do you have problems going home late?"  Min Hee said, not looking once at your direction as she is looking at Sehun dreamily. "Starting this day come" you blurted.


You look around the lobby to find some entertainment. You really haven’t scan around the lobby since you immediately go to the practice room. Then you felt someone staring at you. You turn to your right and saw Kai staring at you. He immediately looks away and stare at his phone.


What is he looking at? Is there something on my face?


You brushed your hand to your face, acting like your frustrated or something so that he wouldn’t notice it. You keep on acting and pretended to yawn and shook your head.




You sigh. “hey! Wanna come to the shop?” Min Hee nudge you. You looked at her and think about it first. Then nodded, “yeah sure! Right now?” you asked. “why? You wanna stay here longer?” she smirked and glancing at the boys. You hit her shoulder lightly and laugh. ”no!”


“hmm… “ Min Hee stood up and face them. “we’re going now, we have to go somewhere” she said, playing with her hands.


“that early?” Suho teased and chuckled.


“this is still early to you?” you look at your watch with wide eyes, teasingly. The others laugh silently. “im just kidding.” Suho smiled.


“where to?” Baekhyun can’t help it to asked.


“hmm..” you look at Min Hee, “to Min Hee’s café shop” you answered.


“you have a café?” D.O asked with an innocent face, eyes wide.


“ah neh!” Min Hee blushed, rubbed her neck.


“is it the café that we first met?” Sehun asked. Min Hee immediately hold your hand. You look at her, biting your lower lip as you saw her reaction. If you two are alone right now, she will burst anytime.


“neh, you remembered?” you replied, sensing that Min Hee cannot speak right now.


“of course!” it was now Kai who said it. “That’s the time when you spilled your drink to my clothes” he smirked. You glared at him, but acted as if you were joking but now you feel you want to strangle him in front of his friends.


Why are you bringing that up? its so embarrassing.


“sorry about that” you moved your lips down to the side. “I didn’t mean it that way” Kai shook his head and look at you, lowering your head. He smirked.


“ooh.. I want to go for a coffee right now…” Chanyeol said, sitting up straight. Everyone agreed. “by any chance, can we go to your shop and have a coffee?” he asked.


Min Hee was surprised. She will definitely give a big discount for them. Its like her dream come true for once in a lifetime.


“is your manager okay with it?” she asked, hiding all her excitement.


“we will just tell him that we are in your shop. that wouldn’t be a problem” Suho said, standing up. “kaja?” he asked.


“ah! Neh!” Min Hee said, grabbing your wrist and went out first. The boys cheered as they went out.


>>Fast Forward<<


“so, how’s the coffee?” Min Hee asked them, as they sip the coffee they wanted very pleasing. Based on their facial expression, they cannot describe the taste.



They were surrounded by girls again, giggling and cameras flashing outside the window. Even though it’s late, people packed the café because of them. And Min Hee is thankful for that but pissed because its too noisy and they needed privacy too.


“unnie!” Min Hee exclaimed as she saw her sister in the counter. “Min Hee-ah! Min Jae! Why are you still here?” Minzy suddenly said, earning wide eyes from Min Hee, immediately gestured behind her that there is someone with her.


“I thought your going to fetch us in the building” Min Hee blinked a few times at her to get what she mean and Minzy get it and go with it.


“you didn’t receive my message I sent you? That I can’t come because im working” she replied. Min Hee smiled at her and hugs her sister.


“Minzy unnie” you said, greeting her. “Min Jae-ah” Minzy smiled and looked up to the boys.


“wait, are you two the ones who-“ Minzy started but cut by you saying “yeah, they are.” Minzy looked at you and smiled cheekily. Minzy understand and shook the thought off.


“they are here to order unnie” Min Hee said.


“neh! We are here to order your coffee” Baekhyun said, giving his best smile. “Kai and Sehun bragged about it when they bought the other day.” Suho added. “kamsamnida!” Minzy bowed. “please order here. Just choose what you want in the menu. I will just treat you guys” Minzy said, lead them in the counter. Min Hee was shocked, along with you and the boys.


“is she serious?” you leaned in and whisper to Min Hee. She just shrugged and smiled. “just let the time pass, its not always she will treat us” (please correct me if im wrong in my grammar.. XD)


“please!” she said to the boys and lead them to the counter, trying to recover themselves. Min Hee came forward to her and lean in the counter. “thank you unnie. You’re the BEST!” she said.


Minzy rolled her eyes. “yeah yeah! I will just take this from your allowance anyway.” she ‘mehrong’ at her.


“unnie!!” Min Hee whined.


“Ask them what they want or I will take it back and humiliate you in front of them. They brought more customers tonight” she pinched her sister’s nose.


Uhh! Their so sweet!


“guys, what do you want to order?” she asked them. You just watched them, leaning on the counter.


“hey! Is she really going to treat us?” Baekhyun whiserped to Min Hee. Min Hee just can’t stop from blushing and bit her lower lip to avoid to scream. Baekhun is just so close.


“yeah! Just go with it. She sometimes treat us, and this is the chance..” she explained. “what do you want to order?” she reapeted.


“hmm.. what they order last time.” D.O said, unsure pointing to Sehun and Kai. “yeah, we’ll just take that” Chanyeol smiled.


Min Hee’s expression, hearing Chanyeol’s voice---à O_o


“hmm.. okay! All of you?” they nodded. “coming right up” She said like a waitress.


She leaned in at you and whispered. “hey, do me a favor and take them to their table.” Min Hee said, noticed that they are standing. You looked at her. “do I look like a waitress to you?” you whispered back, with a shock expression.


“please!! Haha.. you even help us here and now that there are idols in the shop you will ot help me.?” She pouted.


Pouting again.


You rolled our eyes. “not that again!” you whined, but it didn’t work. She pouted even harder. (is that even possible?)


“fine! but only for today.” She jumped for joy and headed to help her sister in making their order. She just want to give them the best service they ever want.


You took a deep breath and walk towards them. “hmm.. let’s take a seat?” you asked them and lead towards the table available. You guessed the customer already prepare it for them because the seats here are only in fours, now its six.


You scratched your head. “hmm.. I guess they prepared it already!” you shyly said and gesture them to seat.


“thank you. What about you guys?” Suho asked.


Is he asking me to sit with them? I-I mean us??


“no need.” You chuckled nervously while waving your hands in front of them.

Their orders are here and they immediately dug in. As explain in their expression, they like it VERY MUCH.


“hmm!! This is so good!” D.O said, as he took another sip of his coffee. “kamsamnida!” Min Hee bowed.


“yeah, I will come by here someday.” Chanyeol said.


“by any chance, after our rehearsals and schedules, we will visit here and order this.” Suho said.


“please, don’t expect another treat here again” you whispered to Min Hee and she nudge you.


“and this time, we will pay you” Baekhyun said, as if he heard it. Your eyes went wild and you got nervous maybe he really heard it.


Min Hee gave you a warning eyes to never do it again. You mouthed ‘Sorry’ and peaced signed.


“we see we brought customers here” Kai said, looking around and saw people getting in and out of the shop.


“yeah, thanks to you guys!” Min Hee said.


“we must come by here so that customers will increase every minute” Sehun said, and everyone laugh.


“please do so” Min Hee whisper to you and you chuckled. She is red as tomato by thinking Sehun will come by here and order their coffee.


Suho received a text message and it was from their Manager. “manager is already outside waiting for us.” He informed them and Min Hee’s smile slowly dropped.


“that early?!” she returned Suho’s joke.


“nice one!” he said.


“wait up!” Minzy shouted and gave them a cup of coffee, “for your manager. For waiting to you guys.” She said.


“oh? Kamsamnida!” Baekhyun bowed and take the coffee. “he will love this and maybe treat us because of your coffee” he said.


“bye!” Min Hee waved at them and watched them going out at their door, fans are blocking their way out. Good thing their manager is there, opening the van’s door for them.


They saw Baekhyun gave the coffee to their manager, he was shocked and look back at them, bowed and smiled and went to the driver’s seat.


“thank you unnie!!” Min Hee hug her sister.


“yeah, I will charge it from your allowance anyway” she said.


“what?!” she exclaimed, earning customers staring at her.


“im just kidding. I thank them also for bringing customers. By this time, people are not this crowded, but because of them its full.” She smiled.


“yeah! They better come by here everyday.” Min Hee said.


“don’t expect me to treat them again okay” Minzy rub her sister’s head and her hair was a mess.


“that’s what I said to her earlier” you said, earned a high five from Minzy.


“they are the ones said that they will pay for their next visit okay.” Min Hee reasoned.


“okay okay! Now help me cleaned their messes up.




many years had pass and i finally update...

sorry for the wait my dear subbies... school is so busy and hard..

i don't know when to update or not at all...

anyway, this chapter is boring.. please bare with me.. >< thank you!


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i may update soon again... im in the mood! ^^ hope to see your comments, it will give me more booster to update fast.. XD


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MaelaKim #1
Chapter 9: Kai maybe? Ahahah oopss..
Chapter 8: I just wish that it will all come true :)
Kai ;3
update sooon.. :)
MaelaKim #8
Small world indeed.. Whaha the atmosphere is heating up.. Update soon!! Next chapter pls...
Maybe it's lame,but I like it anyway :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
love-lo #10
yeyey... update soon ^^