
My Dance Steps To Your Heart


“okay! Thank you” Jenny thanked Chanyeol, as he volunteers himself to play the music to them, as she goes to her place. The boys seated on the floor in front of them, leaning on the mirror as they fixed their places and get ready. Except for one.


“aww! This is awkward” Min Jae said with a slight laugh.


Who wouldn’t? You’re infront of an idol…



The others chuckled with her and try to be serious. You didn’t know that Suho already clicked the red button and recorded how you acted.


Caught in act!


Jenny signaled Chanyeol and he immediately started the music. You kept on looking in your reflection, afraid to look at them which are in front of you. Your biting your lips, afraid also to have mistakes. You guys also lip-sync the lyrics, to feel more the music as if you guys sang it.


The song ended and they did the signature pose. Since they lack of members to dance, they did well till the end. Jenny suddenly rolled on the floor because of embarrassment. The boys applaud for them and congratulate them. Even thought the steps is not that hard, but still it was tired to dance.


You bowed and thanked them for staying and filmed you guys for your cover. They were about to leave but then the door suddenly open.

“appa!” Jenny exclaimed and run to hug Mr. Lee. You bowed to show respect even the EXO boys.


“so you have visitors?” Mr. Lee said, smiling at them.


“annyeonghaseyo!” they chorused and greeted with smile. Mr. Lee smiled in return.


“what are you doing here appa?” Jenny asked, putting an arm around his shoulder. Father-Daughter relationship.


“can’t I visit my own daughter in my own building?” Mr. Lee chuckled and you all laugh.


”appa!” she rolled her eyes.


“are you done practicing?” he asked, looking at EXO. You all nodded. “hmm.. you see there’s a party just this floor and it was my childhood friend’s daughter debut” he said. “he’s inviting me to have dinner” he looked at you. “are you guys free to join me?” he smiled.


You guys were shocked. Not that you guys haven’t invited of Mr. Lee but he was also referring to EXO to join. They were also shocked that they are invited.


“Us, Sir?” Suho pointed themselves. Mr. Lee nodded.


“hmm.. we don’t know” Suho said.


“oh com’on. Don’t say no for an answer. (is this correct?:P)” he said, anticipating  their answers. “might tell your manager or driver to come too” he offered.


“our manager is not here” D.O said, “he just drive us here”


“well, that is not a problem. Just tell your manager that dinner is serve” he smiled.


They looked at each other, eyeing themselves if they will go or not. They cannot say no since they are here already and dinner will not hurt them.


“arraso!” Suho exclaimed. “we will go!” Baekhyun exclaimed. Chanyeol clapped and others laugh.


“that’s what im talking about. Pack your things now then.” He clap his hand and you immediately pack your bags.



At the party, everyone was looking at you guys. Maybe thinking that why aren’t they in proper attire for the party. You wore a shirt that has a little bit of perspire and your hair is not that properly tied. The others are too.

While the EXO boys are dress in blue jeans and a shirt too. But it wasn’t obvious that they gone for a run because they were freshly look. Like not your guys. As expected, the girls a little bit recognize them and began to squeal.

Mr. Lee lead you to the table and encountered with his childhood friend, Mr. Kang. "Mr. Kang, this is Jenny, my one and only daughter" Jenny came forward and bowed to Mr. Kang. "Anneonghaseyo!!" she greeted.

Mr. Kang bowed and smiled. "so your the daughter that Mr. Lee always brag about that's good to dance?" Jenny blushed as Mr. Kang complimented her.

He looked at the others and smiled. "and they must be your members in the group? Your twelve?" he asked.

"aniyo, we are just six, and were all girls" Jenny corrected.

"so who is these handsome boys?" he asked and the boys turn to blushed. "oh, hmm.. they are just here to visit us.." Jenny explained.

EXO bowed to Mr. Kang and he returned the bow. "maybe next time we will know there will be a relationship going on here" Mr. Kang eyed them and they nervously laugh.

"oh Mr. Kang, your so funny. They are just kids" Mr. Lee tightened his grip unto Mr. Kang's shoulder playfully. "its possible Mr. Lee.." Mr. Kang winked at the nearest girl in front of him, which is you.

You bit you lip and lowered your head. "i guess we have the chance to see you girls dance tonight? Aye??" Mr. Kang said and the girls were surprised about what he said.

"well lets see about that later on, the guest can request any song that would entertain them" Mr. Lee said, like promoting them.


"certainly, please don’t be shy. Your invited here" Mr. Kang said, motioned them to seat down. Mr. Lee along with Mr. Kang went to another table.


“$100 per song of any request” you snorted out and everyone laugh. Min Hee lightly punch you in the arm.


“yeah! We are not that easy” Min Hee said. “but hey, is he serious?” she asked.


"yeah he's serious. You see him laugh but he's serious with his words." Jenny said with a nod.


"well, request is a request. We can’t say no to dance. We will have a showcase tonight then." Yuri smiled cheekily. "what surprised me is that he mentioned relationship." Gelou shook her head because of the unbelievable idea. Everyone nodded.


The program is starting and everyone was in their places and quieted down. You looked at both sides and bit your lip. You somehow cannot be still, you feel uncomfortable.

(sitting arrangement)


Then you caught Kai looking at your direction. He immediately look away and look at the front. You look at him, examining his face. He cannot be still like you; maybe he can feel that you’re looking at him. He glance at you again and you jerk because he landed at your eyes. Its your turn to look away. Kai smirked at you.


"hmm.. Lets go, let’s get our food" Jenny broke the silence and stood up first.


They grab food that they like and went back to their table. You was still choosing, stayed and looks at the food on the table. Then suddenly someone put bread to your plate. You followed the hand and it landed to a handsome guy.


You recognized the guy and he smiled. “mesmerized by my looks? I know im handsome!” he said, letting you to go back at your senses. "Dongjoon oppa?!" you exclaimed and hugs him in one hand. "ha! Late reaction are you?” he said, you lightly hit his arm.


"what are you doing here?" you asked. “Im trying to get food here. What else?” Dongjoon joked and put bread to his plate as well.


“yeah right!” You chuckled. “you always have a lame excuse, do you know that oppa?”


"im recording the party and also THE DJ tonight" he said, pointing himself proudly. “yeah, same as your name” You rolled your eyes. He chuckled.


"how about you? Are you friends with the celebrant?" he asked, choosing his food. "no, we are just invited with Mr. Lee" she said. "They’re here?" he asked, surprised. She nodded "yeah, we just finish recording our dance cover by the way."


“Great to hear that.” He exclaimed, “you should have called me to record it” he pouted. “don’t pout, your not cute!” you said and pinch his nose. He teased you that he’s going to bite your finger and you retreat it back. After choosing your food, you led Dongjoon to your table to meet your friends.


Kai was seated already and so were the other members. Their table was surrounded with girls squealing and they cannot just eat with their food with them around. Jenny and the others were already seated but he noticed that you are not yet in the table.


Then Kai saw you with someone in the food station, chatting. He saw that you were surprised to see him. You hug him and laugh with him. In fact, Kai somehow lost his appetite to eat. He mentally slapped himself as of what he is thinking right now.


Why do i even care??


You and Dongjoon reach the table. "guys, look at who I got here" you said and they look up at you except one who is already looking at you.








The girls exclaimed and Jenny who is nearest gave Dongjoon a high five. "what are you doing here?" Min Hee asked; stop eating to talk to her friend.


“i own this place, don’t you remember?" he teased and they laugh, leaving the boys dumbfounded and just go with the flow of the atmosphere.


"yah?! You forgot something?" Jenny lightly punched Dongjoon's arm and laugh. "im just kidding. Im THE DJ tonight and in charge of the recording of the party" he said.

"oooh!! Same as your name” Yuri said. “that’s what I said earlier too!” you said and high five Yuri. “you know it!” she replied back.


“so, your rocking the house tonight?" Suzy said.


"no.. You guys will rock the house tonight" he corrected and they laugh. A minute of silence passed and Dongjoon noticed they have company. He cough and you look at him and he motioned to EXO.


"ah!.. Wait! Sorry.. We are carried away. Dongjoon oppa, they are EXO.. They are our special guest to our next cover dance of their song" You said, introducing them to Dongjoon.


EXO bowed and some waved at him. "oh i heard you guys! You guys pre-debut with the song History and debuted with the title song Mama. Am i right?" Dongjoon said and Suho nodded and some answered with 'yup' and 'yeah'.


"wow!" Dongjoon exclaimed with a big sigh. "i never expect you guys to be this handsome like this" he teased, as some is finding what he meant and notice he is motioning himself and they all laugh.


"im just kidding!" he waved it off. "anyway. Please enjoy!" he is talking to EXO, "these girls will company you and im sure you guys will have fun tonight. Just trust THE DJ!" he pointed to himself proudly as his chest out.


"get the hell out of here!!" Jenny lightly pushed Dongjoon away. "okay!! I will announce you guys later" Dongjoon bid goodbye and head off to his table on the other side.


Min Jae sat down and eat their food and enjoy what’s happening in the party. Later on someone texted Suho and read what’s on the text. He suddenly smile and looked up at s, curious of why he is smiling.


“Manger said that we can stay for more tonight” he said to all and the girls smiled as they will stay for awhile and can watch their performance later.


Kai stealing glances from you, realized at what he is doing. He shook his head and tried to concentrate in the front. But how could he, you ARE in front of him.


He doesn’t know what to do and he is bored looking in front because of you, so he kept biting his lips and try to look into the space. Anywhere but not to you.


“hey, are you okay?” Sehun his buddy asked him. He nodded. “You’re like that whole 5 minutes. What’s the matter?” he asked. Kai looked at him weirdly of how he knows how long he is being like this.


He just shrugged, doesn’t want to talk about it and do what he’s doing awhile ago. And an announcement caught his attention.


“and now! Let’s give it up for a group cover. Any requests??”


They all looked up at Dongjoon who is in his spot on the stage, motioning to you guys to come up here. You looked at your friends and they were nervous, unable to breathe.


“may we call on our special guests for tonight that will do the showcase.” He announces. You stood up from the table and everyone followed. The EXO members gives around of applause, much giving the support you guys needed tonight.


“let’s ask the birthday girl then for a special request” they gave a microphone to the birthday girl.


“uhmm… I don’t know if you guys know this dance but I want to request History by EXO” she said. The boys were surprised to hear that. You were also surprised. “ooh! I hear a challenge. Because I saw EXO right over there!” Dongjoon pointed to their table. “does anyone want a dance off tonight?” he asked and everyone howled for the excitement.


EXO was surprised that they don’t know what to do. They are not prepared at all. 



updated!! hope i didn't wait you long.. eheh

i MIGHT update later.. so ^^


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i may update soon again... im in the mood! ^^ hope to see your comments, it will give me more booster to update fast.. XD


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MaelaKim #1
Chapter 9: Kai maybe? Ahahah oopss..
Chapter 8: I just wish that it will all come true :)
Kai ;3
update sooon.. :)
MaelaKim #8
Small world indeed.. Whaha the atmosphere is heating up.. Update soon!! Next chapter pls...
Maybe it's lame,but I like it anyway :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
love-lo #10
yeyey... update soon ^^