Small World

My Dance Steps To Your Heart



It’s their Goodbye stage already and they are so tired. They thank all the fans who supported them and bought their album. Also to the staffs and their cordi noonas for the participation throughout the months they work with them.


They then went to (name a place) for their fansigning event. Even though they were tired, they cannot avoid seeing their fans, supporting them, which give them more strength. After the fansigning, they went straight to their dorm to rest. They were about to go to their rooms but their manager called them to the living room.


“okay boys, since you finished promoting your Mini album, (correct me if im wrong ^^) there will be some activities you’ll be attending.” Manager started.


“one activity will be that cover your having, you remember that” Manager added. They nodded.


“yeah, so when is it Manager?” Suho hyung said.


“I sent Jenny a message if you can come anytime and she said yes and you can meet them in this address” he gave Chanyeol a piece of paper of their address.


“so if you want to go there sometime, contact her or give them a surprise” Manager chuckle.


A surprise alright!


“then by next week, you have a fansigning again. Then by the afternoon, you can again visit them. Once they got the moves, we can record it and upload it on our channel” Manager look at them. “so are we clear now?” they nodded. Since they were tired, they want to end it now.


“okay, that’s all for now” he clasped his hands and went out. The room went silent for a bit then a sigh was heard.


“well, we don’t have anything to do right here, let’s go to them and discuss” Suho said, having no double thought and say what’s on his mind. To visit them.


“yeah, so that we can start and end early” Baekhyun said.


“okay! Let me change first” Chanyeol said, going inside his room and change. Others did too.


They got out of the van in front of the building and look around. People recognize them and immediately get their camera and took pictures. They waved at them and some accepted to take a picture, that’s all they can do to them anyway.


They step inside the building and went to the elevator and waited. Their room is in the 3rd floor and they didn’t expect that there will be many people in the floor.


“So many people in the floor. Did she tell everybody that we will visit today?” Sehun said.


“No, she didn’t know that we will come today. We’re going to surprised them, right?” Suho hyung said.


They didn’t mind the people and just went to look for the room. The building is so big. Its not expanding vertically but horizontally not like their building. They are heading to the last part of the building and as they reached for it, they heard music. It’s The Boys of SNSD.


Maybe this is the room.


Suho knock several times but no one is answering or opens the door. He knock again but same result. “they cannot hear us because of the music” Baekhyun chuckled and doing hand gestures of the dance.


Fan boy disease.


“I will just take a peek” Suho knock for the last time hoping someone will open the door but no luck. Once Suho hyung open the door, the music became louder and as expected Baekhyun dance along.


Heundeulliji malgo geudaen jaril jikyeo
Wollae jeonjaeng gateun salmeul saneun inganingeol
Neoneun wae

Yeah fly high

Beolsseo wae

You fly high

Pogihae? Oh, neon meoreotjana


Kai took a peek inside in the slightest glimpse of the door opening and his eyes caught someone.


Its her! He thought. Suho then immediately closes the door.


“they are practicing” Suho said, still holding the knob.


“ooh, so let’s just wait for them to finish then” Sehun said.


But then, the door suddenly opens and reveals Jenny smiling at us. “annyeonghaseyo!” she greeted and open the door wider for them to come in. They are fixing their selves, some looking at their reflection and some awaited to see who’s at the door.


“Annyeonghaseyo, did we di-disturbing someth-thing?” Suho stuttered nervously. They gasped at who it was.


“aniyo! We just started anyway” Jenny said, stepping backwards towards her friends.


“what brings you here?” Jenny asked, biting her lower lip.


“hmm. We are just here to discuss to you guys what’s going to happen during the practice” Suho explained and they nodded.


You at the back is hiding from Kai. You are still scared to face him. You keep lowering your head to hide your face at the back of your friends’ heads.


“okay then. Hmm.. by the way” Jenny looked at her friends. “These are my friends who are covering with me” she introduced you guys. She signaled you guys to introduce, starting with herself.


“annyeong! Suzy imnida!” Suzy introduce, almost covering her eyes with her bangs. (the girl in pink in the picture)


“Gelou imnida!” she saluted with a smile. (Second to the left)


“Yuri here!” she bowed and smiled. (Second to the right)


“Annyeonghaseyo Min Hee imnida!” she bit her lip and took glances at Sehun thinking that he’s looking at her way. And she was caught off guard and immediately look away. She closed her eyes because of embarrassment. (the girl with eye glasses, but in the story, she’s not wearing glasses XD)


Last but not the least, “Annyeong! Min Jae imnida!” you shyly bowed and tug a hair behind your ear. You cannot look straight at anyone’s eye but someone caught you looking at you. You followed the gaze it landed to Kai.


He was looking at you with those eyes who found his prey. You blinked as your eyes met him and immediately look back at the others.


“annyeonghaseyo! Jenny imnida!” she introduces herself again, giving her sweetest smile to them. (girl in the left picture)


“we know you already” Baekhyun said, chuckled. Jenny blushed as they know her already and pretended that she’s flattered makes everyone laugh.


“please, take a sit” she said.

 (I don’t know, but I feel like I have to picture it out.. hehe XD)


As they were discussing, Sehun can’t stop looking at you. As if he’s investigating you that you’re a criminal. He elbowed Kai and whispered.


“is that Min Jae girl look familiar or what?” Kai shook his head, not believing that Sehun has a short memory gap. Kai looked at his friend and smirked.


“she’s the one who spilled her drink on my clothes last time. Remember?” he said. Sehun’s mouth went ‘O’ and he remembered. He looked at you and chuckled, “what a small world” Sehun mutterd. Kai smirked and look at you, playing with your hands.


At the same time, Min Hee cannot stop looking at her bias Sehun, who’s looking at their direction. “hey! Is Sehun looking here or what?” she whispered to you, her voice with excitement.


You cannot look at their direction because your nervous so you just said, “I don’t know” not looking once at Min Hee.


“yah! What’s your problem?” Min Hee asked.


“isn’t it obvious? Im nervous okay?” you said, as you shiver with no reason, playing with your hands.


“what are you nervous about?” Min Hee said. “Look, Kai is looking at your direction” she nudge you and you took a glance at him and indeed he was looking at you. You immediately look away and continue to play with your hands, not wanting to look at them again.


“hmm.. okay, this week, we are free” Suho said, looking at s if he was right. They nodded. “when do you guys want to start?”


“the sooner the better!” D.O said, giving the fact that if they will start soon, they will know fast(?).


“hmm.. we’re recording our dance cover of The Boys today. I guess tomorrow schedule is free.” Suzy said, looking at her friends agreeing.


“ahh! So your recording before we enter” Suho said, looking sorry. They nodded with a smile. “its okay, we made a mistake anyway” Gelou said, waving her hand in front of them to stop apologizing.


“why don’t we stay for awhile and watch you guys dance.” Kai suggest and they immediately agreed. You were surprised that THE Kai said it. The girl cannot hide their excitement at the same time was nervous. Who wouldn’t nervous that idols watch you dance.


“yeah! We don’t have anything to do in the dorm anyway” Chanyeol’s deep voice mesmerizes them. They got surprised that they heard his voice in person.


“oh!” that’s all they could say. They laugh nervously and covered their faces with their hands. “ottoke?!” you exclaimed, as you ran your hands down to your face making a weird face.


“hmm.. okay then. I mean, are you sure? You don’t have any appointments to attend. Like a meeting, dinner with friends.” Jenny said, finding some reasons for them to leave.


“name all excuses but we’re staying and watch you guys” Suho said, giving them his angelic smile which can melt anyone and just agree to it. They nodded and went to their places.


“did you put it in a video mode?” Gelou suddenly asked you and immediately laugh as the others did too. “yeah, I did! I double check it” you said, then laugh again, squatting on the floor, covering your face. You laugh so loud that the EXO members look at you and chuckled.


“here, let me take it” Suho offered to be the camera man. Yuri gave the camera to Suho and thank him.


“Video mode!” Suho exclaimed, assuring that it is in video mode.


“because earlier, Min Jae here” Suzy put an arm on your shoulder, “placed the camera. We are in place and the music was about to start, just then it flashes” she started to laugh, enable to continue as the happening earlier came to her mind.


“yeah! Yeah!” you said, trying to cover Suzy’s mouth and all of you laugh.



okay! another update for you guys!! yeah!! hehe

sorry if it take you long... lol tomorrow, we have an immersion. so i cannot update again... -_-

i have to wake up early tomorrow because the bus will leave before 7am.. im a heavy sleeper btw..

i didn't reread this chapter because i was in a hurry to sleep and because i felt an earthquake here.. O_o so scary... its about 3-5 seconds earthqauke... at first i thought it was just my heart, but it was real... ><

hope you enjoy this...


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i may update soon again... im in the mood! ^^ hope to see your comments, it will give me more booster to update fast.. XD


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MaelaKim #1
Chapter 9: Kai maybe? Ahahah oopss..
Chapter 8: I just wish that it will all come true :)
Kai ;3
update sooon.. :)
MaelaKim #8
Small world indeed.. Whaha the atmosphere is heating up.. Update soon!! Next chapter pls...
Maybe it's lame,but I like it anyway :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
love-lo #10
yeyey... update soon ^^