The News

My Dance Steps To Your Heart


“where have you been? I’ve been calling you and you didn’t pick up” Yuri scolded Jenny as she stepped inside the practice room. You were ready to film the dance cover and just waited Jenny to comeback and Gelou and Suzy were out to buy drinks.


Since you guys don’t have to do while waiting, either you practice the dance or sound tripping. Neither of them were on Yuri and Min Hee’s mind, but for you, you want to perspire yourself. And you did.


“sorry,  I have to meet someone” Jenny said, placing her laptop on the table and change her clothes. Since your all girls, it’s normal to change in front of you.


“why are you bringing your laptop always?? Are you hiding something from us?” Yuri said, non stop scolding Jenny. In your case, you even think that they are in a relationship. IN friendly way. Yuri is like the leader in the group, she’s really caring and she treats you like her own sister. Since she’s just an only child in her family. While Jenny was the youngest among you girls. Leader-Maknae relationship alright.


“okay, I can’t hold it any longer.” She said and goes towards you like she’s going to tell a secret. You huddle together and look at each others’ eyes.


“is this somewhat secret?” Min Hee asked, looking more excited.


“okay, this is funny” you confessed, cannot hold the laughter.


“Someone invited us to” she paused and looks at you one by one to get thrilled and impatient.


“to?” Yuri asked, impatiently.


“cover” Jenny speak slowly.


“with them?” Min Hee guessed. Jenny nodded.


“and so?” you stand up straight from the huddle and put your hands on your hips, like your going to scold Jenny.


“but they are not just ordinary people who will just cover with us” Jenny stated.


“so are you telling us that we will cover to someone who is not just ordinary?” Min Hee asked, chuckled at the statement. Jenny nodded again. You were confused at what their talking about.


“Aliens?” you exclaimed, unsure of what you said and chuckled. Jenny opened to say something but closed again and thought about what you said.


“actually, yes” she grinned even more wider.


“so..” Yuri started, rubbing her chin, “are we going to dressed up an an alien and have antennas?” she made horns on her head. “that’s a horn” Min Hee corrected and laugh.


“then their spaceship will land on our rooftops like Santa and present us a brain” you made a ridiculous expression of nonsense to continue the fairytale adventure.


“actually, they will hypnotize you by their charms” Jenny squinted her eyes and made spooky hand gesture.


“aliens have charms?” Min Hee asked.


weird! You thought.


“who knows” Jenny shrugged her shoulders.


“where is this ‘planet’ anyway?” you emphasized the word ‘planet’ and quoted in the air.


She bit her lip, holding her excitement. She even looks more excited than you. “Exoplanet” she said. Your eyebrows cross, you still didn’t get it, or your just slow.




But Min Hee suddenly squealed and Jenny’s face turns more excitedly. You looked at them, curious.


“OMO! Y-you mean?” Min Hee cannot say anymore since she’s too shocked. Jenny get it and just nodded.


While you and Yuri looked at each other, you cannot relate at what their talking about. So you stayed quiet and back out to give them space.


“omo! I got to see Sehun oppa again” Min Hee exclaimed and stare out in space. Your eyes widen.






Where did I hear that?


Then it struck you. “you mean EXO?” you exclaimed. “isn’t this great, I will meet again Sehun oppa and we will be practicing everyday. And if they have time, we’re going to have lunch together. I will wipe his sweat off his face and offer him a bottle of water.” She continued her fantasizing, whiles you hearing her out and spaced out. You don’t know why but you suddenly felt nervous.


“this is not good.” I said. “what’s not good?” the door came open.


You turned around and look at the person who is at the door. Gelou and Suzy came in with the drinks and set them down on the table. You had a worried face plaster in your face, making it obvious that your nervous.


“what’s wrong with you?” Gelou asked you.


“EXO will have a dance cover with us” Min Hee answered for you, sounding obviously excited. Suzy almost drop the drink she’s holding and looked at Min Hee with wide eyes and mouth slightly gaped.


Gelou snapped her fingers at Suzy, who is still shocked of what she said. Then a smile slowly appeared in her face. She suddenly jumped up and down towards Min Hee and they jumped altogether, making the drink she’s holding spill some on the floor. Jenny groaned and scolded Suzy for that.


“you better clean that up Suzy” she said. Suzy ignore her and they twirl together like a bunch of kids won plenty of candies in a lottery. You chuckled at their act as you suddenly forgot what’s happening. You cannot resist their childish acts.


“How? When? And how again?” Suzy asked, still cannot believe. “well, I guess their manager found our cover on Youtube then commented.” She started, “remember that im looking for something in the comment the other day?” she asked, referring to you. You nodded, “well, actually I was looking for his comment then I couldn’t found it and soon he sent me a message to meet him in this place” she paused for awhile and continued again. “and you cannot believe who I met next.” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.






Jenny winked and smirked. Once again, they squealed leaving you dumbfounded. You blow a raspberry and sighed.


“aren’t you excited? We will going to meet EXO again” Min Hee asked you, putting a hand over your shoulder.


You shrugged, “I don’t know.” You said, like a whisper.


“if you’re worrying about spilling your drink on Kai’s clothes, don’t worry. I guess he already forgotten it” she said, patting your back.


“yeah. Or if he is, don’t worry, at least he will pay attention to you. “ Jenny winked.


“anyway, we should learn the steps already, so that when they come here, we’re ready.” Gelou said, sipping in her drink.


“no biggie, EXO will teach us!” Jenny once again said, giggling with the others. “so does it mean, we have a plenty time to spend with them?” Suzy hopes up and Jenny nodded.


It would be a long practice.



hello!!! another update for you guys.. hehe

sorry if its lame.. lol hope the next chapter will be worth for you guys.. but i cannot give a double update today.. its kinda late.. ><

welcome new subbies!! :))


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i may update soon again... im in the mood! ^^ hope to see your comments, it will give me more booster to update fast.. XD


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MaelaKim #1
Chapter 9: Kai maybe? Ahahah oopss..
Chapter 8: I just wish that it will all come true :)
Kai ;3
update sooon.. :)
MaelaKim #8
Small world indeed.. Whaha the atmosphere is heating up.. Update soon!! Next chapter pls...
Maybe it's lame,but I like it anyway :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
love-lo #10
yeyey... update soon ^^