It's going to be alright.

Unrequited Love.


-end of flashback
"So , are you up to the challenge? " Donghae asked playfully.
" Yah Oppa! Can you just follow me? Please~ If not I won't love you anymore!" Jihyun begged , like a child at a candy store. 
"No , You must have the courage to do so , or else I won't talk to you " Donghae replied with an evident frown on his face.
"Ugh , fine , but you owe me one ," She scoffed.
Jihyun finally walked toward's her close friends , Jaemin & Seorin. 
"Jaemin Unnie , Seorin Unnie , I've something important to tell you."
"What is it?" The both of them curiously asked at the same time.
"...I'm dating Super Junior's Donghae" Jihyun admitted , & then she started crying out loud.
Donghae heard her cries & then immediately went to her side. 
"Darling , it's alright , I'm here , Oppa's here ," He put his arms around Jihyun's shoulders & then finally continued to speak to her friends , who were both extremely shocked.
"Noonas' , it's true. as you can already tell , I truly love her , with all my heart. & we just wanted to tell you two , since you girls are her closest friends , & we trust you not to tell the media about this." 
Seorin decided to speak up.
 "we won't tell , & Donghae , please don't hurt her , she's very fragile as this is her first relationship , don't ever do anything that will cause harm to our sister ," she whispered.
"thank you , so much. & I guess me & Jihyun will get going now , " he replied with a subtle smile.
Jihyun continued to cry & she buried her head into Donghae's warm arms , She was afraid that her friends would judge her as this proud , gold-digging that she clearly wasn't.
"Jihyun-ah , don't cry anymore , we're already in the car , if you continue to be like this , Oppa won't be happy. My heart aches to see you like this , you know? " He said in a gentle tone , afraid of scaring her.
"Oppa , I'm very scared. I don't want to be seen as a person who dates you for your money , & i'm afraid the press will find out , I'm afraid you'll lose your spot as a Super Junior member," Jihyun explained , finally wiping her tears away.
Donghae just sighed & kissed her forehead. 
"everything's going to be alright , I'm sure."
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