just your average girl.

Unrequited Love.


Two days finally passed & it was time for Jihyun to move in Super Junior's dorm. She was really nervous because it was her first time staying with guys. 
& since she's Donghae's girlfriend ,  Jihyun is going to stay in his room , on his bed. 
"then where am i going to sleep?!" Donghae asked curiously.
"You're going to sleep on the floor with the mattress , unless you want to sleep with her on the bed , just don't do anything silly," Leeteuk chuckled with a grin , that was really cheeky.
"hyung , why are you becoming like hyukjae , but fine , i'll sleep with her," Donghae replied , blushing.
Jihyun brought over 3 luggages , full of clothes & make-up. Mixed emotions was running through her mind , but after all , she was sure that Super Junior would take care of her whole-heartedly.
Donghae & Siwon helped her with her luggage but the both of them kept whining about how heavy it was. Jihyun just kept giggling to herself & followed them up.
"So....Welcome to our dorm , again! you'll sleep in Donghae's room , with him," Leeteuk said.
"Bwoh?! Like , share a bed? Aren't you afraid something will happen?" She asked , shivering in the cold.
"Yes , just make sure you guys won't do anything wrong , alright?" He replied with a smile.
Jihyun & Donghae then headed to their room & put down the bags. She was already feeling very hungry from the journey from her house to the dorm. Jihyun's stomach grumbled & then she held it tightly.
"Jagi...you're hungry? Do you want me to cook for you noodles? It's alright because I've not had dinner yet , so I might as well cook for the both of us ," Donghae worriedly said. He wanted to make sure that Jihyun was properly taken care of.
"Alright , if you want to , go ahead ," Jihyun replied with a subtle smile that warmed Donghae's heart.
He got out of the room & went to the kitchen to cook. Meanwhile , Jihyun went to look at Donghae's things because she was so bored.
She saw a dashing boy , around 13 years old , in a picture with a middle-aged man that looked like him. "Is it Donghae's dad? Why doesn't Oppa talk about him...."
At that point of time , Donghae walked towards Jihyun & tapped her shoulder. She turned around , shocked & embarassed. 
"Why are you touching my things?" He said angrily.
"I just wanted to see the stuff around here...I didn't mean to , Oppa! I'm really sorry , I didn't mean it ," Jihyun whimpered & got softer & softer.
"Just don't ever touch my things again , araso?!" He shouted.
"I won't ever do it , Oppa" She muttered.
Jihyun was scared , and afraid. Donghae never raised his voice at her...there was nothing to get all angry about , but why was he so worked up? Jihyun didn't dare to do anything after that.
Suddenly , she spotted Eunhyuk who was in the room opposite Donghae's. Jihyun approached him curiously.
"Eunhyuk Oppa ...I just want to ask you something , would you mind?" She asked.
"Go ahead , shoot ," He replied in a monotone voice.
"Erm , I was searching through Donghae Oppa's stuff just now , & he caught me doing so. I was looking at his childhood picture & I was just wanted to know if he still keeps in touch with his dad , because he got all teary when he looked at me."
"Jihyun....his dad passed away when he was 16. that's why he's very sensitive about this matter. Just don't bring it up again to Donghae again , he may seem strong & positive , but on the inside , he's like a little lamb that cannot be hurt. just like you , he's really sensitive & quiet when he's with the members. Just that when he's with you , he acts like a man , because he wants to protect you ," Eunhyuk explained.
"Oh my god. I didn't know ....& now I've hurt him. I'm apologizing to him later , & I won't do it again. Aish , everything I do is wrong , & now i'm feeling very guilty..." Jihyun replied softly , hoping that the others wouldn't hear her.
"go go! Jihyun fighting!" Eunhyuk cheered her on.
Jihyun tip-toed to the kitchen , & saw Donghae cooking with no expression. She s her arms around his waist & laid her chin on his shoulder. 
"Baby , I'm sorry about just now..." She apologized & tears started falling.
Donghae held her warm hands & kissed it. & then he hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier...I love you so much , & I don't want to hurt you. I was just really emotional. I love you , Jihyun," He whispered into her ear.
"I understand , Oppa. I love you , so much." 
Suddenly Eunhyuk came across them & saw the two of them kissing passionately. He smiled & then walked off.
Soon , it was already night. The members were all getting ready for bed & so was Jihyun. It was a really long day & not to forget , a very eventful one.
"Light's out!" Ryeowook yelled to the other members , & then he switched off the lights.
All of them headed to their respective rooms while Jihyun & Donghae went into their's.
She decided to change into her pj's while Donghae took off his shirt & changed into a wife-beater.
"Jihyun , you have a really nice body ," he mumbled.
"Ah you cheeky boy! don't peep at me , I'll be done in awhile ," Jihyun replied in a cute tone.
"but you're my girlfriend , aren't I allowed to see? keke nah i'm just joking ," Donghae said while texting.
"no , you aren't! i'm not ready for it yet , but it's alright heh," she turned around & then hopped into the bed.
She grabbed her diary & began writing on it , like she always does every night. suddenly , Donghae snatched it from her & began reading it out loud from the start.
"July 4th , 2010 :  I met this really cute guy named Lee Donghae , turns out he's a member of Super Junior! He kept staring at me in class , wonder what's he up to." 
"Yah ...I was staring at you because I thought you were cute , I'm not a creeper!" Donghae snapped at the already blushing Jihyun , who was evidently embarassed by what she wrote.
"July 6th , 2010 : That Donghae guy asked me out for a date! gah I don't know what to wear...& I'm starting to fall in love with him. he's really sweet & he always texts me cute stuff hehe" 
"ok , oppa you can't read further , this is really embarassing , give it back!" Jihyun whined.
"Nope , I'm going to continue reading ," He insisted.
"August 20th , 2010 : Me & Donghae Oppa are finally going out! I'm really happy , but he hasn't kissed or hugged me yet , we've only held hands at the most , gah , but i'm glad we're finally dating :) " 
"Ah...So I see you're deprived of my kisses & hugs eh? keke come here you ," Donghae said , tackling Jihyun.
"AAAAAAAAAAAH! Oppa~ Stop it , we're being too rowdy here!" She yelled.
"But it's our room now , we can do anything we want ," he replied.
Donghae cupped her face & then kissed her softly , Jihyun kissed back & then Donghae took off his wife-beater.
"How'd you like those abs , baby?" He smirked suggestively & then Jihyun replied ,"Oh , I like those very much Oppa , but I think we'll just go back to sleep."
She got off the bed & then turned off the lights , but she suddenly stumbled & fell. 
"Ouch! ah , I tripped over the plugs , " She cursed loudly.
"Are you alright? Gah stop making me worry anymore , let's go to sleep," Donghae helped her up & then carried her to the bed. 
He tickled her while she was adjusting herself to a position she felt comfortable sleeping in.
"Ah Oppa , I'm trying to sleep here! Goodnight , I love you ," Jihyun yawned & then she caressed Donghae's nose.
"I love you too," He replied , giving her a kiss on the cheek.
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