Dream team, recording session, and Wii players.

New Girls' Generation?! [Story Starts]


Eun Ki's POV

"The legend of 10 years! A split second win! Welcome to Dream Team 2: Couple Edition!" the MC cheered. The audience clapped their hands.

"So we have 4 beautiful girls here" he points at us. We bent our heads. "And our 4 athletes here!" he points to 4 boys, or should I say men (because of their athletic bodies O/////O) beside us. The audience cheered 'kyaaa' here and 'kyaaa' there. 2 of the boys... Isn't that Minho and Taemin?

"Let's just start the game, should we?" the MC asked and offered us a jar filled with 4 crumbled papers. He offered another jar for the men too. We take one each. So did the men.

"Now, open your paper! Open open open~" the MC said. I opened my paper.




"Who got number 1?" the MC asked. I raised my hand. Taemin raised his hand too.

"Okay, Park Eun Ki with Lee Taemin!" the MC cheered while the audience clapped. Taemin and I moved to another side, not far away from them.

"Who got number 2?" the MC asked. Hye Sung raised her hand. Minho raised his hand.

"Jung Hye Sung with Choi Minho!" the MC cheered. Hye Sung and Minho walked to us.

"I'm so nervous, unnie" Hye Sung whispered.

"Because your partner is so handsome?" I teased. Hye Sung hitted my hand playfully.

"Who got number 3?" the MC asked. This time Jun Min and another man raised their hand.

"Kim Jun Min and Lee Jae Min!" the MC cheered. Jun Min and Jae Min walked to us.

"So... It leaves Lee Sun Ye and Choi Seung Jo!" the MC cheered. We gathered together.

"First couple challenge! Couple bicycling! Remember, the lose ones will pay the snacks!"  the MC yelped as he gestured us to get on to the bicycles. We got on the bicycles.

Me and Taemin got on the first, Hye Sung and Minho second, Jun Min and Jae Min third, Sun Ye and Seung Jo fourth.

“Let’s start the competition!” the MC yelled, then he blew his whistle. We paddled our bicycles fast. Hye Sung and Minho led. They paddled their bicycle fastly and compactly. Jun Min and Jae Min were the second, Taemin and I the third, which left Sun Ye and Seung Jo behind. I saw Jun Min and Jae Min paddled their bicycle faster, trying to caught up on Hye Sung and Minho. But they were unbeatable. Hye Sung and Minho’s face got redder, indicating that they’ve released their maximal power. Those 2 are so competitive...

I paddled my paddle faster. I didn’t want to lose this match, too. Then I looked beside me. Sun Ye and Seung Jo was trying to caught up on me. I paddled faster, then a loud sound was heard. Hye Sung and Minho has won the match. Followed by Jun Min-Jae Min, me-Taemin, and Sun Ye-Seung Jo.

“Whew! That was a tight match!” the MC said. The audience clapped, cheering for Hye Sung and Minho. Hye Sung’s face showed a really happy expression. She’s really happy of winning, hahaha.

“Okay, so Hye Sung and Minho got 100 points,  Jun Min and Jae Min got 75 points, Eun Ki and Taemin got 50 points, Sun Ye and Seung Jo got 25 points!” the MC yelled. Jae Min smiled proudly to Seung Jo. Seung Jo hitted his head playfully. The audience clapped once again, showing their euphoria.

“By the way, some words from the audience?” the MC approached the audience’s seat and offered some audience a microphone. An audience took the microphone.

“Hye Sung and Minho look so good together!” she yelled. Hye Sung surprised, then took a step away from Minho, blushing. In the corner of my eye, I could see Taemin mumbled something furiously.

“Jun Min and Jae Min fighting!”

“Eun Ki and Taemin didn’t look bad each other!”

I’m his noona, how could -______-

“Sun Ye and Seung Jo hwaiting!”

Those were the shoutings they yelled. The MC took back his microphone and walked back to us.

“Those are the comments from the audience! Let’s move to next match, Finding Your Partner!” the MC yelled. The audience clapped. “So, in this match, the men will be blindfolded, so do the women. Your task is, find your partner as fast as you can! If you get wrong partner, then find again your correct partner!” he explained.

“But... isn’t that too easy?” Seung Jo asked.

“Ahahaha, of course that’s too easy. That’s why we put that jumbo trampoline there, with the jumping big bunnies inside” the MC showed us a SUPER DUPER HUGE trampoline with 10- or more- bunny clowns inside.

 with  inside.

Oh my god. Those bunnies seems aggresive.

“Come in, come in all! Blindfold yourself with this”  he handed us a piece of cloth each person. We came into the trampoline and stood awkwardly (it’s just me, I think).

“1,2,3, *priiiit*” the MC blew his whistle. The bunnies began to jump, making me threw here and there.

“Don’t worry, the bunnies won’t hurt you if you fall. They’ll be fired if they do that!” I heard the MC yelled. I stood up and began walking slowly, finding Taemin.


Jun Min’s POV

I hate darkness. I hate darkness. But I have to face it.

I walked and walked until I bumped into someone. I touch those skinny arms.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Hye Sung. You?” she asked.

“Unnie... It’s me Jun Min” I answered. She sighed.

“Keep searching” she said. I obeyed her and began searching again. Aish, the bunnies’ jumping were really wavy. I kept searching and fell several times before I bumped into someone again. This time the arms were big.

“Jun Min. You?” I talked to the point.

“Jae Min” he said. I opened my blindfold quickly and looked at the person in front of me.

“It’s really you! Finally I can escape from this darkness!” I hugged him.

“Yeah, seems like Jun Min and Jae Min reunited already! Who are the next?” the MC yelled. I grabbed Jae Min’s hand and dragged him out from that trampoline hell.


Hye Sung’s POV

I fell, once again. Actually, I felt very weak already. I really wanted to give up. But my competition mind didn’t let me to.

I woke up and bumped into someone. I holded that someone's hand.

"Hye Sung.You?" I asked.

"Taemin" he answered. I released my grip quickly and began searching again.

Aish. Those bunnies never stop jumping!!

I lost my balance and fell. But this time I fell to someone. Fortunately he didn't fell too because of me.

"Minho" he said. I quickly hugged him.

"Finally! Thanks!" was all I yelled while we were walking out from the trampoline.

"Second pairing came out! Hye Sung and Minho!" the MC yelled. The audience clapped.


Sun Ye's POV

Where is Seung Jo? He has a big body, but why can't I find him?!

I ran here and there, hoping to bump into someone. Finally I bumped into someone... furry.

"Sun Ye" I exhaled. "You?"

"Bunny clown. HEHEHE" that someone laughed. I quickly ran away. Bunny clown. -_________________________-

I kept searching while balancing myself in the wave. But the wave kept interrupting my steps. What the hell.

Okay. If they jumped, then I should jump too!

I started jumping, following the bunnies' rhythm. I heard some 'uuu'-ing voices.

"WOW! That's a smart idea from Sun Ye! Now she won't fall anymore for sure!" the MC squealed. I smiled proudly and kept jumping, until I stepped on someone.

"Oh! Sorry!" I stopped jumping and squated, rubbing the trampoline to feel the someone I stepped just now. And I felt him. His hand is big, this is surely Seung Jo!

"Seung Jo!" I squealed happily.

"Sun Ye-ah, is that you?" he asked.

"Yes! Let's go out from here!" I led him to stand and opened his blindfold.


Nobody's POV

"Third pairing is out! Bunnies, stop your jumpings! The fourth pairing, let's go to the next challenge!" the MC yelled, asking Eun Ki and Taemin to get out from the trampoline. And they did.

"So, Jun Min-Jae Min get 100 points, Hye Sung-Minho get 75 points, Sun Ye- Seung Jo get 50 points, and Eun Ki-Taemin get 25 points! Let's move to the last challenge: The Food Match!" the MC squealed, making the audience clapped in euphoria.

"This challenge is the easiest challenge among all! The couples are challenged to eat fast! And the food is... spaghetti!" the MC showed a table with 4 plates of spaghetti. The pairings took their position.

"3,2,1... *priiit*" the MC blew his whistle.


Eun Ki's POV

I started digging in. The spaghetti is delicious. Yum yum ^u^

I glanced at Taemin. He's  looking at Hye Sung and Minho, who's eating their spaghetti furiously. Those 2... are so competitive -_______- I took another bite of the spaghetti and looked at Hye Sung and Minho again.


Taemin avoided them and kept eating the spaghetti.

"WOW! HOW WILL THESE PAIRING ACTS?" the MC squealed, earning some screaming from the audience. Minho smiled and bite the piece of spaghetti so that Hye Sung could eat it. Hye Sung slurped the spaghetti and blushed madly. Then they back to their competition personality. Eating nonstop.

I took a glance at Taemin. He ate the spaghetti furiously.

"First winner, Hye Sung-Minho!" the MC yelled.

They're so fast -_____________-

"Second winner, Eun Ki- Taemin!" the MC said. I got shocked and looked at the plate. EMPTY!

I looked at Taemin. He gave his thumb up to me. I smiled.

"Third winner, Sun Ye- Seung Jo!" the MC squealed. "The fourth winner, Jun Min- Jae Min!" the audience clapped merrily.

So, the winner this episode is Hye Sung- Minho! And the loser, Sun Ye- Seung Jo have to pay the snacks~" the MC sang. We laughed as Seung Jo stomped his feet on the ground furiously.

"To built a society where everyone does his or her and accepts the results as they are! Let's Go Dream Team 2!" the MC yelled. We clapped our hands.




Yun's POV

I adjusted the microphone's distance to my mouth.

"Unnie, I'm nervous" Dong Jae mumbled. I patted her head.

"Just sing with your heart" I said.

"Hey, look there" Mia pointed at the people behind the glass. He stuck out 3, 2, 1 of his fingers, indicating he's doing a countdown. Immediately after he showed his last finger, we began to sing what's written on the paper in our hands.

(CA/N: Lyrics originally made by me XD Sorry if it -___-)



Losing you


(Mia) Dear life
Why the reality is so cruel

(Yun) I knew I shouldn't complain you
But this pain is too deep

(Dong Jae) Please tell me this is just a dream
And wake me up, I beg you

(Hyun Mi) This is not a dream
I really lost you


Chorus [All] :
Losing you
Is the worst thing in my life
I still can't receive the fact that you're gone
Please tell me this is just a dream, please wake me up


(Dong Jae) Life why are you so cruel
Why did you take him from me

(Hyun Mi) I need him
Please give him back to me

(Yun) Please tell me this is just a dream
And wake me up, I beg you

(Mia) This is not a dream
I really lost you


Back to chorus



(Yun) No, don't go [(Dong Jae) Don't go]
(Mia) Just stay with me and hug me tight [(Hyun Mi) Hug me tight]
(Dong Jae) Stay by my side [(Mia) By my side]
(Hyun Mi) We'll face the world together [(Yun) Together]

[All] I love you, oh
*overtune 2 sharps: from D# to F*

Back to chorus

[All] Please tell me this is just a dream, please wake me up...


The man behind the glass clapped satisfiedly. We panted and looked each other proudly.


Dong Jae's POV

I shoved another scoop of my shaved ice into my mouth.

"The song is great, right, unnie?" I asked Hyun Mi unnie. She nodded.

"Do we really need to eat shaved ice at night?" Mia unnie asked. I nodded spiritedly.

"This is the way we celebrate!" Yun unnie smiled.

"I'm curious about Hye Sung and the others who went to Dream Team. And I'm curious about Raena unnie, she must be felt lonely because we left her in the house" Hyun Mi unnie said.

"She's with manager unnie, so I think she wouldn't feel lonely" I said.

"Aaah, I'm tired. Let's go home!" Mia unnie yelled.


Raena's POV

"Unnie! You lost again, hahahaha!" I said as I swung my Wii controller. Manager unnie didn't want to lost, she swung her Wii controller furiously to return the ball from me. We're playing tennis, if you ask.

"This is my super attaaaaaackkkkkk!" manager unnie yelled. She swung her Wii controller swiftly as her finishing touch. And I couldn't resist that hit from her. I fell to the couch.

"I'm tired, unnie. Where are the others?" I asked. Manager unnie sat beside me.

"If you're tired, go to sleep. I guess the others are still celebrating their victory" she said.

"Yeah, we're the wasted ones" I said.

"Forever alone" manager unnie yelped. We laughed together.

"We're home!" a couple of voices heard from the front door. Manager unnie and I came to the front door and found Hye Sung, Jun Min, Eun Ki unnie, and Sun Ye untying their shoes. Hye Sung brought a plastic bag.

"Is that food?" I asked, pointing to the plastic bag. They laughed.

"We're not here for almost a day and the thing you ask when we're back is that? Hahaha, you're cruel unnie!" Jun Min said while clutching her stomach.

"These are jajangmyeon. We bought it for you unnies" Hye Sung handed me the plastic bag.

"Aww, thanks!" I took the plastic bag from her and ready to sprint to the dining room when I heard another 'We're home!' sound. I look back and found Yun unnie, Mia, Dong Jae, and Hyun Mi. Hyun Mi brought a plastic bag.

"Is that food?" I asked again, pointing to the plastic bag. All of us laughed.

"Yes, my lovely unnie. These are shaved ice, we bought them for you and manager unnie!" Dong Jae explained.

I smiled and took the plastic bag from Hyun Mi.

I'm going to have a feast, for sure ^w^


Keroro keroro co-author here~

Sorry for not updating for a long time... I busy with my own fics, hehehe ^^

So... do you like this chapter? Sorry if this chapter is too focused to the Dream Team one >.<

I'll try to update soon and better! See you >.^

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@NewGirlsGeneration guys, I updated. Check chapter 25, okay?


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Chapter 27: Is it Hwang Jung Jin?
Chapter 27: I hope Hye sung will be fine and everything will be clear. :((
Chapter 27: Poor Haesung! :(((
Chapter 20: OMGGGG ! I've not dropping any comments for years .. am i ? hihi ~ sorry, i'm on hiatus for a while anyway, I love the update and need to catch up a bit and .. i'm in a scandal ?! Whoaaaa ! great ! kekeekek ! I really can't wait for the next update and the M part, you troll me XD .
Chapter 27: as for the M rating, i think it's because of language~
Chapter 27: HWANG JUNGJIN!

anyways... DAEJOON!! *super kick his face*
Hyesung. *huggles*
good of them to stalk!!

Jonghyun... lol
yay for TaeTiSun!! lol
but i'm curious what wil lhappen afterward.

chapter is okay~ no biggie. =]
lol... the adventure times photos...
i've never been into it. XD
but i always see the previews.
and omg.. poor Hyesung!! *huggles*
and Mia~ pretty dress...
but i hope things get cleared up though!! :O
and i haven't watched Fashion King or heard of it.
so i don't know. sorry.
but glad you updated!!
and omg, i hope your fingers and bruises heal.
that boy deserves it for mocking yoru family name, as that is rude. >O
Woah.. Hye sung Unnie.. Don't cry..
Omg. I was thinking of giving up on waiting for the updates.. Lol
aww it's okay~
school is important and is really a drag.
but good luck with school!!
i'm still waiting patiently as ever. :D