Unlikely Romance
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Dara gazed at the white ceiling of Bom’s bedroom. She just had a tiring and stressful day on her first day back, all thanks to Kwonzilla. She has never met such a rude man in her 26 years of existence. “If he dares cross my path again and make me mad I’ll give him a kick that would make the future Kwonzilla’s nothing but a dreadful bedtime story.” She threatened the imaginary Kwon Jiyong as she gave the air a playful kick. “Like this! Take that!” She was laughing and bouncing on her cousin’s bed. Meeting Kwon Jiyong was turning her into a sadist. Dara arched her back and bounced energetically off the bed and unto her feet. She assumed into a fighting position that she has seen countless time on TV and gave the air one last kick that ought to finish Kwonzilla’s dreams of producing little Kwon monsters with a pealing laughter. She wiped the thin veil of sweat on her forehead then heaved her suitcase into the bed, ped it and groaned. She had forgotten that her evil step mother burned all of her decent pajamas and replaced them with this nightgowns made of silk and lace. Even looking at them makes her feel embarrassed. She could have put on a fight for her cotton pajamas but that would just make them suspicious about her supposed to be vacation at the most romantic city in the world – Paris.


She missed the days when she would sleep in her big tee and her brother’s boxers together with her siblings in one bed, the days when her family was still complete. It felt like a distant memory now. Because she perfectly knows that she can’t expect her parents to be together again. And she can’t turn back the time. She missed 10 years of her siblings’ lives. Sanghyun must be the campus heartthrob now. There’s no doubt about it especially because he looked just like her. And baby Dorami’s all grown up now – a little lady. She cleared the growing lump in and proceeded on placing her clothes inside Bom’s empty drawer. After she’d hung up some of her dresses inside Bom’s closet she turned to look back at her suitcase. A small smile appeared on her face.


She did have a companion. She found Tamtam, her purple friend with tiny arms and mismatched eyes, squashed into a corner of her suitcase. She pulled her out and placed a kiss on her face. They’ve been together since the day her mother and siblings left. She found her stashed under her pillow with a note that read – be happy and healthy noona-. Dara had cried into Tamtam’s purple skin, taught her how to crack jokes, taken her on holidays, brought him with her even to college and Tamtam was even there to support her on her first day as the general manager in one of their hotel resorts in Cebu. Tamtam served as the temporary replacement for the siblings she hasn’t seen for more than half her life. She was her only friend. She knew all of her secrets.  Dara kissed Tamtam’s face and deposited her on her pillow.


It was time for bed. Bom had called earlier to inform her that she won’t be back until daybreak. Big Bang (she laughed hysterically at the name and assumed that the members are nerd who wears uncool huge eyeglasses just to see the person in front of them) apparently has an MV shooting tonight. Her baby oink nightgown lay ready on the edge of the bed. She have never worn this type of sleepwear before and she felt extremely shy just by looking at t=it. She placed her arms protectively against her chest and pouted. There was seriously nothing to feel. She’s really flat.




Her heart gave a strong kick of alarm. Someone’s pounding at the door. Dara rushed outside and stared at the door. Who can it be?


“Open the door.” Someone yelled. Her voice was loud, a little breathless and female. The pounding started again.


Dara opened the door cautiously. A girl with long blond hair looked back at her with astonishment. “Who are you?”


“Dara.” She replied then mentally smacked her head. She should be the one asking that! “Who are you?”


“This is Bom unni’s apartment right?”


“Yes. Who are you?” even as Dara was speaking the girl pushed at the door, wanting to enter/ she had such an aura of energy and confidence that Dara stepped back and let her in, hoping that she wasn’t a bad person. The girl strode inside and stopped in the middle of the living room. Her hands were placed in her hipbones that were visible above a pair of low rise jeans. She scanned the room with urgency, lips in a tight dissatisfied line. The her eyes wa

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Chapter 9: wow.. finally an update, yay!!
a lot of thanks, author-nim.. i hope u'll update it regularly^-^
igishi #2
Pls update soon!!
maydelluna #3
Pls update soon!
daramaegon #4
Chapter 7: pls update here soon, thanks;)
ladynikka05 #5
Chapter 7: please, update here too, thanks :)
Update soon
aubreyLazy #7
wahhhh.. i just read this and the last comment was almost a year ago....T_T no hopes in updating this is there??? huhuhuhu
sheylala21 #8
update soon. :)
Unni, I've been waiting for this :)