Long Time No See

Hunhan's Baby


Luhan and Sehun sat in the car – thinking about everything that had just happened in the library. It took a little while before Luhan could put the car keys in and start the engine. They never bring up the Kris and Tao situation, so it was extremely awkward for them right now.

“You know, we’re going to be really late. Kris and – and Eunhee are going to be angry with us.” Sehun said timidly. He stuttered when he had to say Kris’ wife’s name – a name he knew Luhan hated hearing. Luhan briefly looked at Sehun, before locking eyes on the road. “I don’t really care if they’re mad at us.”

Sehun paused a moment before saying something next, careful not to upset Luhan even more. “But – but – never mind.” He looked down at his hands, placed on his lap. He fiddled with the seat belt tightly wrapped around his waist.

“What were you going to say?” Luhan asked.

“I don’t want to upset you.”

“You can say it,” Luhan encouraged.

“It’s about Eunhee.”

“You keep that mouth shut,” Luhan said rapidly.

Sehun chuckled quietly. He thought Luhan looked cute right now, even though Luhan was 100% serious. The older male noticed this and playfully smirked at Sehun. “You’re amused by my hatred towards that girl?”

Sehun laughed. “Not at all!”

“Don’t believe it! Just like I don’t believe you when you say you’ve stopped watching Korean dramas,” Luhan playfully teased. The younger male immediately responded, “I did!”

“Oh yeah? Then why did I see all those reminders on the TV?”

“That TV is defective! Darn television!”

Luhan laughed and smiled at Sehun. I know you’re still addicted to dramas, he thought.

The car ride went from being depressing to a bit bright. But that didn’t last long.



Luhan drove into the parking lot and took about 3 minutes to find a good parking spot. Sehun looked at the big sign on the front of the building and sighed deeply. He knew what was coming – Eunhee. And to make things worse, Luhan was with him. If it had been Sehun alone, nothing would’ve happened and Eunhee would have been the innocent, sweet girl people think she is – but not when Luhan is there. When he’s anywhere Eunhee is – immediate trouble. Luhan was bad at keeping quiet when Lee Eunhee was in the same room.

The two stepped out of their fuel efficient car and stood in the parking lot. The wind picked up and they felt a chill go up their spines. It was either the wind or the fact that they were about to meet Eunhee’s evil eyes again.

“Are you ready?” Sehun asked, still standing next to Luhan.


Sehun grabbed Luhan’s hand and kissed it. “You can do it.”

“I can’t.”

“We’ll be okay,” Sehun reassured and gently let go of Luhan’s hand.

The two walked inside the grand mall and took an escalator to the 2nd floor. This is where the café was located, where they were supposed to meet Mr. and Mrs. Wu.

Before stepping into the café, Sehun placed his right hand on Luhan’s back. “Just smile, honey.”

Kris immediately got up from his chair and happily greeted the couple. “Ahhh! Long time no see! How are you guys?”

Sehun pulled a chair for Luhan and then for himself. “We’re good. How are you guys?” Sehun said. It was clear Luhan didn’t want to even look at Kris and Eunhee, so Sehun did the talking. 

“We’re doing well. How’s the company?” Kris asked.

Sehun went on about their new rookie group and other things about their lives. They were enjoying each other’s company right now. Luhan and Eunhee on the other hand…

Eunhee glared at Luhan and he squirmed in his chair. She may look beautiful, sweet, and innocent, but is evil down inside. Her looks help enshroud her bad heart. The long, dark, shiny hair. The glowing, milky skin. The perfect body. The bright white smile. Everything about her was gorgeous.

But the more you get to know her, the more her angelic disguise comes off. And her cruel personality is revealed.

“How are you, Luhan?” Eunhee asked with a wicked tone. Luhan just bit his tongue and swallowed hard, keeping his eyes on Eunhee’s. “Fine,” he said gruffly. Eunhee titled her head back a little. “You don’t sound happy to see me. Something wrong?” She said with a cute but villainous tone.  She knew the reason Luhan was angry with her, but she enjoyed torturing him.

“Why should I be happy to see you?” Luhan replied, slouching in his chair, eyes fixed on the table top.

“Awww you don’t want to see me? That makes me sad,” Eunhee said with a pout.


Eunhee dropped the pout and pursed her lips tightly. Luhan replied soft enough for her to hear, but not Kris and Sehun. The café was very loud. People conversing, utensils clanking, coffee being made, and music playing in the background. Kris and Sehun were too into their conversation to hear Eunhee and Luhan’s.

“How are you and Sehun?” she said, lips still pursed together.


Before Eunhee could say anything else, Kris interrupted. “So Luhan, I heard Baekhyun and Chanyeol are coming to visit soon. They just finished their tour and really want to see you and Sehun. Taehyun wants to meet you, too.”

Luhan and Sehun looked at each other for a moment, and then looked back at Kris. “Who’s Taehyun?” Sehun asked.

“Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s son.”  


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Kuro_Bara #1
Ahhhh i love this fic but are you on hiatus or something !?!? please update soon :))
baekyeols #2
Taoris!! Make it happen ;u;
Oh my god! I saw your story requesting for a poster on cream puff graphics (lol sorry for being a creeper) and I went 'damn i need to read this fic' and oh god this is so damn perfect aaaaaaaa ;W;
Waaah! New subber and I absolutely ADORE this fic! Well... except for that tiny little detail named Eunhee XD! I liked when you had the background music for the first two chappies. It really set the mood and helped the progression and feel of the story! And I also like the plot! So awesome!!! Update soon!
me too... waiting for TaoRis~!!!
Ommmgg BAEK-YEOLS BABEEHH XD I WANNAA SEEE lol c; update soooon ^u^
me wanting TaoRis TT~~TT
gosh she's pretty tho.. too bad her heart not.. smh

they have a son
/cries happy tears
hate this eunhee chick. im glad luhan does to.. honestly i hope lulu breaked them up and gets tao back into the picture how could kris even leave tao. damn... but hey.. im here for the hunhan and baekyeol with the possible chance of me wanting taoris.. >.> please update soon.