That Girl

Hunhan's Baby


“Wait…wife?” asked Luhan. “Why is he bringing her? She’ll just ruin everything again.”

Sehun gave Luhan a look. “Oh don’t be like that. She’s Kris’ wife and you should be happy for him. She isn’t all that bad. Remember that sweater she bought you?”

“I hate that sweater.” Luhan sighed. “And what an idiotic thing to do – It was the middle of summer!”

“You’re overreacting, Luhan. And what happened to you saying you’d always support Kris?”

“Yes, I did say that…but it was before… when Kris and Tao were together.” The older male sluggishly moved to the big red chair in the corner of the library. “I refuse to go.”  

“What are you? A five year old boy? Sitting there with your arms crossed, pouting, refusing to go somewhere,” says Sehun. He goes and sits on the arm of the chair Luhan is sitting on. “We can’t change the past now, can we?”

“We could’ve.”  You can hear the regret that fills Luhan’s voice. Sehun caresses the older male’s arm and tries to bring tranquility back to Luhan. “No. We couldn’t have.”

“Yes, we could’ve!” Luhan shoots back. He jumps from his chair and paces around the dark, hardwood floor. Sehun doesn’t know what to say. “No, Luhan. We were in America when Kris met Eunhee in Korea. He never told us he –”

“Left Tao for that idiot girl,” Luhan interrupted. Sehun sighed, “I wasn’t going to say that.”

“You were thinking it, though.” The older male couldn’t even look at Sehun right now. “Don’t be so mean, Luhan.”

Upon hearing this, Luhan stopped pacing the floors and froze. He stood there thinking – thinking about Kris and Tao, and the beautiful relationship they had. “You know it too, Sehun. Don’t be so oblivious.” Luhan continued walking around the room, he had absolutely no peace. I hate her guts, he thought. Although he was thinking it, he didn’t dare say it aloud. Sehun walked towards him and put his hands on his shoulders. “Luhan,” he began, but before he could get the rest of the words out, Luhan interrupted, “How can I relax, Sehunnie? One of my closest friends made a mistake and I could’ve changed that.”

“Luhan, you can’t change anything!” Sehun said harshly. He brought his voice back down, “What I mean is… it’s all in the past, and there’s no way we can fix things now.” Luhan pushed Sehun hands off. “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe you, either.” He backed away slightly from Sehun. “Tao and Kris were an amazing couple. I even shipped Taoris!”

A smile formed on Sehun’s face when he thought about this. “Yeah, I did too. Some good stuff right there.”  Luhan nodded in agreement.

Sehun shook off the thought. “But we can’t do anything now. Kris is married and has three kids. You think he’s just going to leave everything for Tao?”

“He might. We just need to remind him of what he had before – with Tao.” Sehun sighed and gave Luhan a look. He knew Kris wasn’t going to leave his wife and children. “You make it sound so easy.”  

“Maybe it is,” says Luhan. The younger male paused and thought about Luhan’s words. He cannot be serious, right? Sehun thought. “Let’s just go already. We’re late.”

“But I don’t want to see Eunhee – that girl – I can’t even say her name,” Luhan whined.

“Just smile, then. Act nice.”

“I cannot promise you that.” Luhan started for the door. As he was about to leave the room, he said, “But deep down inside…you know Kris should be with Tao.” Before Sehun could add anything, Luhan was gone. The atmosphere was awkward – filled with so much regret. 

Sehun stood there, in the library, with a blank expression, trying to gather everything that had just happened. He had come to a conclusion.

It was true. Sehun knew it was 100% true. He knew Tao and Kris should be together.

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Kuro_Bara #1
Ahhhh i love this fic but are you on hiatus or something !?!? please update soon :))
baekyeols #2
Taoris!! Make it happen ;u;
Oh my god! I saw your story requesting for a poster on cream puff graphics (lol sorry for being a creeper) and I went 'damn i need to read this fic' and oh god this is so damn perfect aaaaaaaa ;W;
Waaah! New subber and I absolutely ADORE this fic! Well... except for that tiny little detail named Eunhee XD! I liked when you had the background music for the first two chappies. It really set the mood and helped the progression and feel of the story! And I also like the plot! So awesome!!! Update soon!
me too... waiting for TaoRis~!!!
Ommmgg BAEK-YEOLS BABEEHH XD I WANNAA SEEE lol c; update soooon ^u^
me wanting TaoRis TT~~TT
gosh she's pretty tho.. too bad her heart not.. smh

they have a son
/cries happy tears
hate this eunhee chick. im glad luhan does to.. honestly i hope lulu breaked them up and gets tao back into the picture how could kris even leave tao. damn... but hey.. im here for the hunhan and baekyeol with the possible chance of me wanting taoris.. >.> please update soon.