
Hunhan's Baby


            It’s been about four years since EXO disbanded. EXO had a great run in the Kpop industry. They certainly made history and changed the world of Kpop. But since EXO disbanded after 5 years (for a very interesting reason), the members have moved on with their lives, while still maintaining a close relationship with the other members. They would visit each other and their spouses, relax at coffee shops, go shopping (Tao never did stop loving Gucci), or write songs together, for new rookie groups. Life was going great for the EXO members.

            And if you’re wondering what happened to Luhan and Sehun, and if they were real… best believe it! Hunhan was most definitely real and they’re living a peaceful life together in Korea. Hunhan was a cute friendship that later grew into a passionate romance. But of course they still had their “young love” moments. When Sehun would beg Luhan for a bubble tea or when Luhan asked Sehun to play Candyland with him. Surprisingly, Luhan loved this game. Sehun never knew why, though. Why does Luhan like a game for preschoolers?…… It was just another Luhan mystery. Like how it’s been five years and Luhan still looks the same. Scientists should be conducting research on this! How is he 27….but looks like he’s 16??!


It was a bright morning in Seoul, South Korea. The sun was shining, traffic was rising, people were awakening, stores were opening, and Luhan was getting ready to head out.

Everyday, Luhan woke up at 7am, just to go get bubble tea for Sehun. Luhan’s alarm clock rarely ever worked, but he trained his body to get up early….just for Sehun and his bubble tea addiction. 

He washed his flawless face, brushed his perfect teeth, and searched the closet for something to wear. He glances at the box marked, memories, and smiled.  Luhan still kept his old EXO shirts, EXO merchandise, and even gifts from fans. 

Luhan threw on an old shirt with the EXO logo, dark skinny jeans, and laced up his Gucci boots. Birthday present from Tao of course.                                                                          

When EXO disbanded, Tao went on to buy all the Gucci his good heart desired. After all, he was one of the richest members in EXO. From producing songs, to designing clothes, to directing Wushu action movies, and much more.  Tao was definitely successful.


Luhan gently pushed back the hair that fell on his dongsaeng’s sleeping face. He then put his hand to Sehun’s chest and felt his calming heartbeat, it was something Luhan loved doing, but he never knew just why.

The older male walked out the bedroom and quietly down the stairs, careful not to wake up Sehun.

He and Sehun had a beautiful loft in the ritzy side of Seoul. Both of them made a great amount of money. It was mostly from producing and writing songs. That, and their new boy group. They were just a rookie group, but nevertheless, they sure brought in a whole lot of cash. But of course, Luhan and Sehun made sure to pay their boys well. They knew what it was like being in an idol group.


The bubble tea shop was short walking distance from the couple’s expensive loft, so Luhan was back home in a few minutes.

He set the mouthwatering and delicious looking drink on the kitchen’s granite counter. Luhan prepared his cup of coffee and took out his high-tech version of an iPad, (that was popular about 5 years ago. Now there were much better gadgets.) that was placed in a wall compartment. They had this cool feature in their house that was basically their whole life’s control pad.  You could do so much with this gadget! Plan schedules, cook food, search the internet, listen to music, close doors, turn on lights, and so much more, all by their command.

Luhan was looking over his and Sehun’s schedules, when he felt someone wrap their warm arms around his waist. Luhan smiled and said, “Oh you’re up already.”  

Sehun rested his head on Luhan's shoulder and said, "I have a surprise for you."

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Kuro_Bara #1
Ahhhh i love this fic but are you on hiatus or something !?!? please update soon :))
baekyeols #2
Taoris!! Make it happen ;u;
Oh my god! I saw your story requesting for a poster on cream puff graphics (lol sorry for being a creeper) and I went 'damn i need to read this fic' and oh god this is so damn perfect aaaaaaaa ;W;
Waaah! New subber and I absolutely ADORE this fic! Well... except for that tiny little detail named Eunhee XD! I liked when you had the background music for the first two chappies. It really set the mood and helped the progression and feel of the story! And I also like the plot! So awesome!!! Update soon!
me too... waiting for TaoRis~!!!
Ommmgg BAEK-YEOLS BABEEHH XD I WANNAA SEEE lol c; update soooon ^u^
me wanting TaoRis TT~~TT
gosh she's pretty tho.. too bad her heart not.. smh

they have a son
/cries happy tears
hate this eunhee chick. im glad luhan does to.. honestly i hope lulu breaked them up and gets tao back into the picture how could kris even leave tao. damn... but hey.. im here for the hunhan and baekyeol with the possible chance of me wanting taoris.. >.> please update soon.