
I Thought It Was You

A/N: play this:







Enjoy! ^^












Your POV



This has been bugging me really. I don’t know what to do. I seriously need help from a girl. Who should I call.... hmmm....... oh! Sourin unnie! =D oh my gosh thank you! I need to call her now




*ring ring* (lame -__-)



“oh unnie!”

“Sung Joo?”

“neh it’s me! Annyeong!”

“oh Sungie! Hello!~ it’s been a long time. Why did you call anyway?”

“uhmm.. unnie~”

“hmm.. you have a problem~”

“unnie!~ help me~ please??”

“ of course I’ll help you! So~ what’s the problem?”

“mm.. would you mind if you come over to my house?”

“hmm.. let me think about it..”

“eeh~ unnie!~”

“hahaha!! Arraso arraso~ but is it okay if I bring someone with me?”


“hahaha! Neh neh~ I should fix myself now.”

“arraso~ just knock on the door okiee?”

“neh~ annyeong~”






Oh by the way, that’s my cousin Sourin unnie. We’re really close and I also treat her as my girl best friend. I’m very confident that Sourin unnie will be a big help for me because she’s really good when it comes to love. I hope after this I’ll be able to pick the right person.














A/N: Sourin unnie to the rescue! =DD hmm.. are you excited for the ending?? by the way. I forgot to tell you that I'll be updating another chapter today because   tomorrow will be the ending of this story~ ='( but don't worry because I'll be having another story after this! ^^ please comment and subscribe~ ^^

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twgoh_mirotic #1
Chapter 2: omg i really tot its sandeul XD
twgoh_mirotic #2
Chapter 1: wahhh the songs cant be played :( but nice story so far:) (im still reading)~
Chapter 34: Aww Baro oopa
taeminnie4evah #4
JustMeTrish oh chinjja?? GOMAWO~ ^^
JustMeTrish #5
Chapter 4: Wahhhh!!! The story is soooooo coooollllll!!!! XDXDXD yeah I'm totally obsessed with the story. BTW, I'm a new reader! XDXDXD
taeminnie4evah #6
@JDC_1021: aww~ thanks! =DD
this is cute! :)
taeminnie4evah #8
@blinggirlb1a4: haha! let's see~ =DD
PLS.!Make a sequel for baroo! :) lol justice league. avengers. smurfs. gash thyre so noisy !
taeminnie4evah #10
@JihyunKPopLover: yay!~ it worked! haha!! thank you! <33 =)) wait for my next story okie?? ^^