That Awkward Moment

I Thought It Was You


A/N: load and play this song. ^^


I still can’t believe it.. Jinyoung. Jinyoung hugged me! AWKWARD!!!



“Annyeong Sung Joo!”

“huh? A-annyeong. Jin.young”

“waeyo? Is there something wrong?”

“n-nothing! Hehe!” *cough*

“why are you stuttering? Are you sick?” *touches your forehead*

“andwe Andwe! Haha!”

“then why are you stuttering?”


Think Sung Joo. THINK!

“ah! SECRET! I will not tell you unless you tell me your crush.”

“non sense! -__-“




I can’t do this! I’ll be with him the whole day! I should stop stuttering. Why am I even stuttering because of a hug? That’s what friends do! Right! You’re so right Sung Joo! So you should stop stuttering!








“y-yah Sung Joo~ you’re making me worry. Did I do something wrong?”

“ani! Haha! Because you’re not talking to me that’s why we’re quiet!”

“aw chinja? Haha! Mianhae!”

“haha! It’s okay! It’s not your fault. =DD”

“what do you want to talk about?”

“your crush! Just tell me!”

“andwe! I’ll tell it to you soon.. ^^”

“arasso arasso! Tsk!”

...................................... SUPER AWKWARD!


“uhm.. Sung Joo-ah?”




























“we’re here.. see ya! ANNYEONG!”










A/N: hahaha!! this chapter is so.............. AWKWARD! haha!! sorry! I need to write this chapter.. XDD 

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twgoh_mirotic #1
Chapter 2: omg i really tot its sandeul XD
twgoh_mirotic #2
Chapter 1: wahhh the songs cant be played :( but nice story so far:) (im still reading)~
Chapter 34: Aww Baro oopa
taeminnie4evah #4
JustMeTrish oh chinjja?? GOMAWO~ ^^
JustMeTrish #5
Chapter 4: Wahhhh!!! The story is soooooo coooollllll!!!! XDXDXD yeah I'm totally obsessed with the story. BTW, I'm a new reader! XDXDXD
taeminnie4evah #6
@JDC_1021: aww~ thanks! =DD
this is cute! :)
taeminnie4evah #8
@blinggirlb1a4: haha! let's see~ =DD
PLS.!Make a sequel for baroo! :) lol justice league. avengers. smurfs. gash thyre so noisy !
taeminnie4evah #10
@JihyunKPopLover: yay!~ it worked! haha!! thank you! <33 =)) wait for my next story okie?? ^^