First Day of School

I Thought It Was You

A/N: HI!! so this is the first chapter and hope you like it.. but before you read. load this song first and don't play it yet until I say so. OK?! =DD

please subscribe and comment! ^.^ <33 












huuuum~ It's the first day of school in my senior year! I should prepare now. =D

After I had prepared, I got a text message:


"yah! are you already awake?? of course you are! I knew you are excited to meet me =P let's go to school together ok? wait for me! =DD 


aigoo!~ you silly baro.. =DDD



"excited to meet you?? since when? =DD HAHAHA!! kidding! of course I'm excited to meet HIM! =PP ok! I'll wait for you outside. =)"


"psshh.. HIM!?! then don't come with me ever again! hmp!"


"aww.. I'm just kidding~ of course I want to meet my one and only love! ^^"


"hmm.. ok then."


After eating my breakfast I went outside and waited for Baro.

"Sung Joo-ah! ANNYEONG! =))"

"aww! you're such a cutie! ^^"

"I'm not cute! I should be manly!"

"but for me you're cute! =PP"

"tsk! let's just go to school. LEGGO!"





waah!~ there's so many changes! especially the students! they look more mature now! ^^ And here I am still the same. But I like being cute and childish you know! =) Is that Jinyoung?! waah!~ he looked manlier now!  

=""> I can just stare at him forever.. =))

"Annyeong Sung Joo! =D"

omo omo! did jinyoung just talked to me?? Sung Joo! wake up! and greet Jinyoung!

"oh?! a- annyeong Jinyoung-sshi~ =)"

"You look so blooming today huh. =D"

"oh chinja? g-gomawo Jinyoung-sshi~"

"ee!!~ don't be formal to me! we're friends right??"

"we're friends? oh! neh!"

"haha! uhm.. I'll go first? I have to meet my friends.. see you!" *ruffles your hair*


OH.MY.GOSH!! kyaaaaaa!!!!!! I just want to scream!!! he said I Iooked blooming today and that we're friends and he just touched my hair!! OMO!!!! I can't believe this! ="""""">


*panting* "mianhaeyo sung joo-ah~ I just went to the bathroom.. have you waited so long?"

"aniyo! gwenchana! =D ="">"

"huh?? why are you blushing? O.o"


"eeh!~ you should tell me! ppali!~"

"OMO OMO! kyeopta! ^^ I shall tell you later then. =DD let's go!"

"huh?? we have the same class?? O.o"

"aigoo you silly Baro! can't you see it on your paper?? now let's go to our class. =))"

"oh! ok!"



This is the best thing to start my first day in senior highschool. As in the BEST! =)) I will really work hard for this last year. ^.^






A/N: how was it?? =DD good?bad? irritated because there's always an author's note?? XDD leave your comments or suggestions and please subscribe! THANK YOU!! <33 =**


Enjoy the rest of the song. ^^

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twgoh_mirotic #1
Chapter 2: omg i really tot its sandeul XD
twgoh_mirotic #2
Chapter 1: wahhh the songs cant be played :( but nice story so far:) (im still reading)~
Chapter 34: Aww Baro oopa
taeminnie4evah #4
JustMeTrish oh chinjja?? GOMAWO~ ^^
JustMeTrish #5
Chapter 4: Wahhhh!!! The story is soooooo coooollllll!!!! XDXDXD yeah I'm totally obsessed with the story. BTW, I'm a new reader! XDXDXD
taeminnie4evah #6
@JDC_1021: aww~ thanks! =DD
this is cute! :)
taeminnie4evah #8
@blinggirlb1a4: haha! let's see~ =DD
PLS.!Make a sequel for baroo! :) lol justice league. avengers. smurfs. gash thyre so noisy !
taeminnie4evah #10
@JihyunKPopLover: yay!~ it worked! haha!! thank you! <33 =)) wait for my next story okie?? ^^