
The Marriage Recipe
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Ingredient #8;


She shook her head disapprovingly as she stared into the reflection in front of her – this won’t do, this won’t do – she mumbled over and over before proceeding in touching here and there all over her face. She couldn’t even imagine how it was even possible for her face to appear puffy and pale like this; she didn’t look good at all, of course. She huffed in exasperation and turned the tap on. She watched the water run for a while before splashing them into her face in hope to freshen up and also return the glow she used to have.


She lifted her face back up and glanced around the bathroom to search for a towel. She squint her eyes; the heliotrope walls, the ones her husband had painted of her favorite color suddenly made her nauseous. She held onto the brim of the sink for support as she leaned back. It was undeniable that she was feeling rather unwell on that particular day – more like she felt like , yes, that’s the right adjective as of right now. With a groan, she then lazily dragged her feet out and stepped into their bedroom.


Yongguk could be seen in a tangled mess under the duvet with the pillows scattered all over his body and on the floor. Some would wonder how they live with so many pillows in their room but pillows, lots and lots of pillows, are one of their mutual understandings in bed – aside from the love making sessions, of course. Other than that, they are never on the same page when they are in bed. Yongguk would hog more than half of the

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Chapter 10: It's finish~ DX
Fierce rapper of B. A. P~ keukeukeu~
Thank you for the story~ *bow*
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction~ *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 9: Yah, Yongguk oppa, you're a rapper also a dancer. You have strong feet, don't you? This is funny~ XD
Chapter 8: Pregnant! Woooww~~Hoooww~!!!
Another Bang Yong Guk fanfiction??? *running like lightning*
Chapter 7: Poor her DX
It's normal for men to forget such thing but for women, anniversary is important thing. I'm proud she could understand *hug*
Chapter 6: LOL
Poor Yongguk oppa, his mother is funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Yeah~! Just like I wanted to say since the second chapter!! Patience husband!! Wooo~~Hooooww~~~!!!! *\(^0^)/*
His wife is so~ During her period, she is getting worse~
Chapter 4: Matoki!! XDD
Chapter 3: Yongguk oppa~~~ >/////<
Should I give a comment~ That's my feeling. Just smiling in front of my laptop *babo cheorom*
Chapter 2: Should I give a comment? No?
It's just cute~ His character is cute~ And he is really kind
Chapter 1: KYAAAHH~~!!! SO SWEEEEETTT~~~!!!! >///////< *CAPSLOCK ERROR* *SHUTDOWN*
My heart just... Aaahh~~ Couldn't hold this sweetness!! >/////<