
The Marriage Recipe
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Ingredient #5;


Bang Yong Gook flinched for the umpteenth time that day, this time by the slamming sound coming from the kitchen. The first time was the door; the second one was the newspaper being slammed onto the coffee table and so on. He shook his head, everything was being slammed today. His wife was obviously in a bad mood that day and he had no clue on why. He did ask, once, but she hissed and growled at him in response. Thence, he dared not speak a word anymore; settling with the only logical reason, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed perhaps.


“God damn it! Stupid jar won’t open!” He heard her cursing from the kitchen. He placed the newspaper he was reading on the table and looked back over his shoulder.


“Baby, are you alright there?” He asked, standing up though hesitating whether to check up on her or not. He didn’t want the jar being thrown at him, of course.


“Does it look like I’m okay, Bang Yong Gook?!” She snapped. He flinched—again.


Now Bang Yong Gook may seem like a tough man to all the fan girls out there, he was, he really was. But he was definitely, not fond of the angry side of his wife. He took a few hesitant steps towards the kitchen and peeked in as he stopped under the frame of the kitchen entrance. There she was, struggling to open a jar of peanut butter, slices of bread sprawled in a plate beside her.


“Need help?” He offered. She stopped, turning to face him, her eyes shooting daggers at him with that one fiery stare of hers. “B-baby?” He called out.


“You should’ve offered earlier. Where have you been, Bang Yong Gook?! Too busy to help your own wife, I see.” She ranted, slamming the jar onto the counter and crossed her arms.


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Chapter 10: It's finish~ DX
Fierce rapper of B. A. P~ keukeukeu~
Thank you for the story~ *bow*
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction~ *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 9: Yah, Yongguk oppa, you're a rapper also a dancer. You have strong feet, don't you? This is funny~ XD
Chapter 8: Pregnant! Woooww~~Hoooww~!!!
Another Bang Yong Guk fanfiction??? *running like lightning*
Chapter 7: Poor her DX
It's normal for men to forget such thing but for women, anniversary is important thing. I'm proud she could understand *hug*
Chapter 6: LOL
Poor Yongguk oppa, his mother is funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Yeah~! Just like I wanted to say since the second chapter!! Patience husband!! Wooo~~Hooooww~~~!!!! *\(^0^)/*
His wife is so~ During her period, she is getting worse~
Chapter 4: Matoki!! XDD
Chapter 3: Yongguk oppa~~~ >/////<
Should I give a comment~ That's my feeling. Just smiling in front of my laptop *babo cheorom*
Chapter 2: Should I give a comment? No?
It's just cute~ His character is cute~ And he is really kind
Chapter 1: KYAAAHH~~!!! SO SWEEEEETTT~~~!!!! >///////< *CAPSLOCK ERROR* *SHUTDOWN*
My heart just... Aaahh~~ Couldn't hold this sweetness!! >/////<