
The Marriage Recipe
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Ingredient #3;


It was another Sunday of going grocery shopping together. It had turned into their routine now, to shop together; whenever he was around that is since this famous husband of hers was an idol that travelled a lot for showcases or concerts. She tapped her chin as she browsed through the racks of food supplies as they walked along the aisle.


“Hm. Do you think we should get that brand,” She pointed her forefinger to the left side of the rack. “Or should we get that one?” She asked, turning to face him.


“I think they’re practically the same. Just get one so we can get out of here.” He answered, simply as he looked around impatiently.


“It’s not the same!” She argued. “They’re from different companies, yeobo.” She reasoned out, slipping her hand out of his grasp and folded her arms.




“Forget it! I’ll just decide on my own.” She yelled, annoyed as she walked closer to the rack. Yong Gook sighed, lightly shaking his head as he trailed behind her.


She pouted as the packet she was trying to take a good look at was far too high up the rack for her to reach. For a woman with a tad bit of pride, she didn’t want to seek her husband for help; no, not after she just yelled at him. She tip-toed and extended her hands up high, trying to get a hold of the packet but her efforts were of no avail.


“Let me help.” Yong Gook offered, noticing his wife’s struggles.


“No!” She snapped, stubbornly.


Yong Gook sighed and decided to just watch over her; just in case she trips or anything. He knew better than to argue with her, he knew how stubborn she was and he was definitely in no mood to get into an argument. Nope, not when he could see a man staring at his wife. Speaking of which, he scanned around again wondering if the man was still there.


.He cursed under his breath when he spotted the man, still standing there not too far away from them. He was looking at the toiletries section, looking through things but his eyes occasio

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Chapter 10: It's finish~ DX
Fierce rapper of B. A. P~ keukeukeu~
Thank you for the story~ *bow*
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction~ *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 9: Yah, Yongguk oppa, you're a rapper also a dancer. You have strong feet, don't you? This is funny~ XD
Chapter 8: Pregnant! Woooww~~Hoooww~!!!
Another Bang Yong Guk fanfiction??? *running like lightning*
Chapter 7: Poor her DX
It's normal for men to forget such thing but for women, anniversary is important thing. I'm proud she could understand *hug*
Chapter 6: LOL
Poor Yongguk oppa, his mother is funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Yeah~! Just like I wanted to say since the second chapter!! Patience husband!! Wooo~~Hooooww~~~!!!! *\(^0^)/*
His wife is so~ During her period, she is getting worse~
Chapter 4: Matoki!! XDD
Chapter 3: Yongguk oppa~~~ >/////<
Should I give a comment~ That's my feeling. Just smiling in front of my laptop *babo cheorom*
Chapter 2: Should I give a comment? No?
It's just cute~ His character is cute~ And he is really kind
Chapter 1: KYAAAHH~~!!! SO SWEEEEETTT~~~!!!! >///////< *CAPSLOCK ERROR* *SHUTDOWN*
My heart just... Aaahh~~ Couldn't hold this sweetness!! >/////<